Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of CollectionsTests to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: CollectionsTests-mt.313
Author: mt
Time: 5 July 2019, 4:55:01.111089 pm
UUID: a8af1eda-b723-2940-8838-912b24df886a
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-pre.312
Adds tests for Collections-mt.839.
=============== Diff against CollectionsTests-pre.312 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: StringTest>>testFindFeatures (in category 'tests - tokenizing') -----
+ testFindFeatures
+ {
+ "input . expected features"
+ 'camelCase' . #('camel' 'Case').
+ 'UPPERCase' . #('UPPER' 'Case').
+ 'MyModel55' . #('My' 'Model' '55').
+ '5 <= 4' . #('5' '<=' '4').
+ '[state := 2]' . #('[' 'state' ':=' '2' ']').
+ } pairsDo: [:input :features |
+ | output |
+ output := features readStream.
+ input findFeatureIndicesDo: [:start :end |
+ self
+ assert: output next
+ equals: (input copyFrom: start to: end)]].!