The Trunk: CollectionsTests-mt.337.mcz

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The Trunk: CollectionsTests-mt.337.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of CollectionsTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: CollectionsTests-mt.337
Author: mt
Time: 20 April 2020, 10:15:02.740894 am
UUID: 53856441-2b5a-6842-9bba-a931ac2fb9b9
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.336

Refine test for <img> tag to consider scaling. So, this test should pass in Demo/HiDPI mode and in regular mode. -- I suppose that the structure of this test could be improved. :-)

=============== Diff against CollectionsTests-mt.336 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HtmlReadWriterTest>>test16ImgTag (in category 'tests') -----
  <timeout: 10>
  | imgUrl imgExpression formFromUrl formFromExpression |
  imgUrl := ''.
  imgExpression := 'Form dotOfSize: 12@12 color: Color green'.
  self ensureSecureInternetConnection.
  formFromUrl := (Smalltalk classNamed: 'WebClient') ifNotNil: [:client |
  Form fromBinaryStream: (client httpGet: imgUrl) content asByteArray readStream].
  formFromExpression := Compiler evaluate: imgExpression.
+ RealEstateAgent scaleFactor = 1.0 ifFalse: [
+ formFromUrl := formFromUrl scaledToSize: (formFromUrl extent * RealEstateAgent scaleFactor).
+ formFromExpression := formFromExpression scaledToSize: (formFromExpression extent * RealEstateAgent scaleFactor)].
  'Hello <img src="{1}"> World' format: { imgUrl }.
  ('Hello {1} World' format: { Character startOfHeader }) asText
  addAttribute: formFromUrl asTextAnchor from: 7 to: 7;
  addAttribute: (TextColor color: Color transparent) from: 7 to: 7.
  'Hello <img src="code://{1}"> World' format: { imgExpression }.
  ('Hello {1} World' format: { Character startOfHeader }) asText
  addAttribute: formFromExpression asTextAnchor from: 7 to: 7;
  addAttribute: (TextColor color: Color transparent) from: 7 to: 7.
  } pairsDo: [:expectedHtml :expectedText |
  self convertHtml: expectedHtml.
  self assert: expectedText string equals: text string.
  expectedText runs with: text runs do: [:expectedAttributes :actualAttributes |
  expectedAttributes with: actualAttributes do: [:expectedAttribute :actualAttribute |
  self assert: (expectedAttribute = actualAttribute or: [
  ((expectedAttribute respondsTo: #anchoredMorph)
  and: [actualAttribute respondsTo: #anchoredMorph])
  and: [(expectedAttribute anchoredMorph "aForm" unhibernate; bits)
  = (actualAttribute anchoredMorph "aForm" unhibernate; bits)]  ]) ]]].!