Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of CollectionsTests to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: CollectionsTests-nice.331
Author: nice
Time: 6 January 2020, 4:59:24.650788 pm
UUID: c70bd67a-8408-084d-97f1-df44c0d372ae
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.330
More testFindSelector cases
This covers some case of literal arguments (literal array and Character)
=============== Diff against CollectionsTests-mt.330 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: StringTest>>testFindSelector (in category 'tests - finding') -----
#negated 'negated' "Simplest case."
#negated '#negated' "Ignore leading #"
#negated ' negated' "Ignore leading whitespace"
nil 'shouldnotexist42' "Do not intern new symbols."
nil '' "No empty symbols."
#copy 'self copy' "Ignore leading receiver."
#copyWithout: 'self copyWithout: 42' "Ignore leading receiver."
#negated 'self copy negated' "Choose last selector if several."
#drawOn: 'drawOn:'
nil 'drawOn' "Do not add colons."
#drawOn: 'drawOn: aCanvas' "Ignore argument"
#at:put: 'at: 42 put: nil' "Ignore arguments"
#at:put: 'at: #drawOn: put: 42' "Ignore colons in arguments."
#at:put: 'at:42 put:43' "Scarce whitepsace"
+ #at:put: 'at: ''key:'' put: nil' "Ignore : inside String literal"
+ #at:put: 'at: #(foo bar baz:) put:43' "handle literal array"
+ #at:put: 'at: $( put:$: asInteger' "Ignore : in Character literal"
#ifTrue: 'ifTrue: [self open]'
#ifTrue:ifFalse: 'ifTrue: [] ifFalse: [self close]'
#ifNotEmpty: 'ifNotEmpty: [:all | all sum]'
#+ '+'
#+ '1 +'
nil '+ 2'
nil '1 + 2'
) pairsDo: [:selector :string |
self assert: selector equals: string findSelector].!