Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of CollectionsTests to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: CollectionsTests-topa.237
Author: topa
Time: 7 April 2015, 2:47:22.322 pm
UUID: 94d6ec6a-25dd-4b46-bf3d-a46427de7aef
Ancestors: CollectionsTests-ul.236
HackFix: choose a font that actually can be found
via a text font reference.. *sigh*
=============== Diff against CollectionsTests-ul.236 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextAttributesScanningTest>>testTextFontReferenceTTC (in category 'testing') -----
"n.b. A TextFontReference specifies font height only, which is not sufficient
to identify a unique TTCFont. Here we test only that the font height of the
selected font matches the TextFontReference specification."
"(self selector: #testTextFontReferenceTTC) debug"
"Test TextFontReference with a TTCFont"
| font att att3 stream fontReferenceString |
+ font := TTCFont someInstance textStyle fonts first.
- font := TTCFont someInstance.
att := TextFontReference toFont: font.
stream := self streamWithAttribute: att.
fontReferenceString := self testScanAttribute: att fromStream: stream encodedWithCharacter: $F decodedWithBlock: [:strm | strm upToEnd].
self assert: font familyName, '#', font height equals: fontReferenceString.
stream reset.
att3 := TextAttribute newFrom: stream.
"test font height only, see comment above"
self assert: att font height equals: att3 font height.
"we really want an exact match, which probably requires different implentation of TextFontReference"
self assert: att equals: att3.