Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of CommandLine to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: CommandLine-mt.8
Author: mt
Time: 13 August 2016, 9:18:30.702008 am
UUID: 995054da-cd48-aa4c-8c25-9fe62cf683eb
Ancestors: CommandLine-mt.7
Preference help text updates. Thanks Tim R.!
=============== Diff against CommandLine-mt.7 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: CommandLineToolSet class>>saveSnapshotOnError (in category 'preferences') -----
<preference: 'Save snapshot of image on failure'
category: 'debug'
+ description: 'If true, saves a snapshot of the failing image to the current directory under the name Debug-{current image name}'
- description: 'If true, saves a snapshot of the failing image to the current directory.'
type: #Boolean>
^ SaveSnapshotOnError ifNil: [SaveSnapshotOnError := false].!