Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Compiler to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Compiler-eem.165.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Compiler-eem.165 Author: eem Time: 17 August 2010, 2:29:01.49 pm UUID: f895af78-0bd4-4e18-94ba-0c69837d298e Ancestors: Compiler-eem.164 Stage two cleanup of the old parse node sizers & emitters Also: Streamline Compiler>>#compile:in:classified:notifying:ifFail: . requestor: send is unnecessary. Fix comment typo inScanner>>scanAllTokenPositionsInto: =============== Diff against Compiler-eem.164 =============== Item was changed: ParseNode subclass: #MessageNode instanceVariableNames: 'receiver selector precedence special arguments sizes equalNode caseErrorNode' + classVariableNames: 'MacroEmitters MacroPrinters MacroSelectors MacroSizers MacroTransformers StdTypers ThenFlag' - classVariableNames: 'MacroEmitters MacroPrinters MacroSelectors MacroSizers MacroTransformers NewStyleMacroEmitters NewStyleMacroSizers StdTypers ThenFlag' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Compiler-ParseNodes'! !MessageNode commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! I represent a receiver and its message. Precedence codes: 1 unary 2 binary 3 keyword 4 other If special>0, I compile special code in-line instead of sending messages with literal methods as remotely copied contexts.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MethodNode>>printWithClosureAnalysisOn: (in category 'printing') ----- printWithClosureAnalysisOn: aStream + self ensureClosureAnalysisDone. - precedence = 1 ifTrue: [(self selector includesSubString: '()/') ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: (self selector copyUpTo: $)). arguments do: [:arg| aStream nextPutAll: arg key] separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ', ']. aStream nextPut: $)] ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: self selector]] "no node for method selector" ifFalse: [self selector keywords with: arguments do: [:kwd :arg | aStream nextPutAll: kwd; space. arg printDefinitionForClosureAnalysisOn: aStream. aStream space]]. comment == nil ifFalse: [aStream crtab: 1. self printCommentOn: aStream indent: 1]. temporaries size > 0 ifTrue: [aStream crtab: 1; nextPut: $|. temporaries do: [:temp | aStream space. temp printDefinitionForClosureAnalysisOn: aStream]. aStream space; nextPut: $|]. primitive > 0 ifTrue: [(primitive between: 255 and: 519) ifFalse: "Dont decompile quick prims e.g, ^ self or ^instVar" [aStream crtab: 1. self printPrimitiveOn: aStream]]. self printPropertiesOn: aStream. self printPragmasOn: aStream. aStream crtab: 1. block printWithClosureAnalysisStatementsOn: aStream indent: 0! Item was changed: ParseNode subclass: #MethodNode instanceVariableNames: 'selectorOrFalse precedence arguments block primitive encoder temporaries properties sourceText locationCounter localsPool' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Compiler-ParseNodes'! + !MethodNode commentStamp: 'eem 8/15/2010 10:49' prior: 0! + I am the root of the parse tree.. + + Instance Variables + arguments: <SequenceableCollection> + block: <BlockNode> + encoder: <BytecodeEncoder> + localsPool: <IdentitySet> + locationCounter: <Integer> + precedence: <Integer> + primitive: <Integer> + properties: <AdditionalMethodState|nil> + selectorOrFalse: <Object> + sourceText: <String|Text> + temporaries: <SequenceableCollection> + + arguments + - the collection of parsed or decompiled method arguments + + block + - the BlockNode holding the method's statements + + encoder + - the object that comprises the copiler's scope table, literal pool and back-end bytecode generator + + localsPool + - a set used to determine the set of copied values for each block in the method + + locationCounter + - an integer used to mark block scopes for the purposes of the closure transformation. See BlockNode>>#analyseArguments:temporaries:rootNode: + + precedence + - the precedence of the method's selector (see Symbol>>precedence) + + primitive + - if non-zero this is the integer code of the method's primitive + + properties + - the object used to accumulate method properties (a.k.a. pragmas) + + selectorOrFalse + - the method's selector or false if this is a doit + + sourceText + - the source test from which the method was compiled + + temporaries + - the collection of parsed or decompiled method temporaries + ! - !MethodNode commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! - I am the root of the parse tree.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageNode>>emitCodeForEffect:encoder: (in category 'code generation') ----- emitCodeForEffect: stack encoder: encoder "For #ifTrue:ifFalse: and #whileTrue: / #whileFalse: style messages, the pc is set to the jump instruction, so that mustBeBoolean exceptions can be shown correctly." special > 0 ifTrue: [pc := 0. + self perform: (MacroEmitters at: special) with: stack with: encoder with: false] - self perform: (NewStyleMacroEmitters at: special) with: stack with: encoder with: false] ifFalse: [super emitCodeForEffect: stack encoder: encoder]! Item was changed: ParseNodeVisitor subclass: #VariableScopeFinder instanceVariableNames: 'theVariable' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Compiler-Support'! + !VariableScopeFinder commentStamp: 'eem 8/14/2010 19:45' prior: 0! + A VariableScopeFinder is used to find the minimum enclosing scope of a variable in a method. This is used when auto-declaring temporaries to find the smallest enclosing block in which to declare the temp. - !VariableScopeFinder commentStamp: 'eem 8/12/2010 16:17' prior: 0! - A VariableScopeFinder is used to find the minimum enclosing scope of a variable oin a method. This is used when auto-declaring temporaries to find the smallest enclosing block in which to decare the temp. Instance Variables theVariable: <VariableNode> theVariable - the varable whose scope is to be determined ! Item was changed: ----- Method: DecompilerConstructorForClosures>>codeMethod:block:tempVars:primitive:class: (in category 'constructor') ----- codeMethod: selector block: block tempVars: vars primitive: primitive class: class | blockNode selectorNode visibleTemps invisibleTemps arguments temporaries | selectorNode := self codeSelector: selector code: nil. tempVars := vars. visibleTemps := OrderedCollection new. invisibleTemps := OrderedCollection new. tempVars do: [:t| ((t isIndirectTempVector or: [t scope >= 0]) ifTrue: [visibleTemps] ifFalse: [invisibleTemps]) addLast: t]. arguments := visibleTemps copyFrom: 1 to: nArgs. temporaries := visibleTemps copyFrom: nArgs + 1 to: visibleTemps size. block arguments: arguments; temporaries: temporaries. + blockNode := MethodNode new - blockNode := BytecodeAgnosticMethodNode new selector: selectorNode arguments: arguments precedence: selector precedence temporaries: temporaries block: block encoder: (EncoderForV3PlusClosures new initScopeAndLiteralTables temps: visibleTemps, invisibleTemps literals: literalValues class: class) primitive: primitive properties: method properties copy. blockNode properties method: blockNode. ^blockNode! Item was changed: ----- Method: MethodNode>>properties (in category 'code generation') ----- properties + ^properties! - ^ properties! Item was changed: ----- Method: MethodNode>>generate: (in category 'code generation') ----- generate: trailer + "The receiver is the root of a parse tree. Answer a CompiledMethod. + The argument, trailer, is arbitrary but is typically either the reference + to the source code that is stored with every CompiledMethod, or an + encoding of the method's temporary names." - "The receiver is the root of a parse tree. Answer a CompiledMethod. The - argument, trailer, is the references to the source code that is stored with - every CompiledMethod." + | primErrNode blkSize nLits literals stack method | + self generate: trailer ifQuick: + [:m | + m literalAt: 2 put: encoder associationForClass; + properties: properties. + ^m]. - | literals blkSize method nArgs nLits primErrNode stack strm | - self generate: trailer ifQuick: - [:m | - literals := encoder allLiterals. - (nLits := literals size) > 255 ifTrue: - [^self error: 'Too many literals referenced']. - 1 to: nLits do: [:lit | m literalAt: lit put: (literals at: lit)]. - m properties: properties. - ^m]. primErrNode := self primitiveErrorVariableName ifNotNil: [encoder fixTemp: self primitiveErrorVariableName]. + encoder supportsClosureOpcodes ifTrue: + [self ensureClosureAnalysisDone. + encoder rootNode: self. "this is for BlockNode>>sizeCodeForClosureValue:"]. + blkSize := (block sizeCodeForEvaluatedValue: encoder) + + (primErrNode + ifNil: [0] + ifNotNil: [primErrNode sizeCodeForStore: encoder "The VM relies on storeIntoTemp: (129)"]). + method := CompiledMethod - nArgs := arguments size. - blkSize := (block sizeForEvaluatedValue: encoder) - + (primErrNode ifNil: [0] ifNotNil: [2 "We force store-long (129)"]). - (nLits := (literals := encoder allLiterals) size) > 255 ifTrue: - [^self error: 'Too many literals referenced']. - method := CompiledMethod "Dummy to allocate right size" newBytes: blkSize trailerBytes: trailer + nArgs: arguments size + nTemps: (encoder supportsClosureOpcodes + ifTrue: [| locals | + locals := arguments, + temporaries, + (primErrNode + ifNil: [#()] + ifNotNil: [{primErrNode}]). + encoder + noteBlockExtent: block blockExtent + hasLocals: locals. + locals size] + ifFalse: [encoder maxTemp]) - nArgs: nArgs - nTemps: encoder maxTemp nStack: 0 + nLits: (nLits := (literals := encoder allLiterals) size) - nLits: nLits primitive: primitive. + nLits > 255 ifTrue: + [^self error: 'Too many literals referenced']. + 1 to: nLits do: [:lit | method literalAt: lit put: (literals at: lit)]. + encoder streamToMethod: method. - strm := ReadWriteStream with: method. - strm position: method initialPC - 1. stack := ParseStack new init. + primErrNode ifNotNil: [primErrNode emitCodeForStore: stack encoder: encoder]. + stack position: method numTemps. + block emitCodeForEvaluatedValue: stack encoder: encoder. + stack position ~= (method numTemps + 1) ifTrue: - primErrNode ifNotNil: [primErrNode emitStore: stack on: strm]. - block emitForEvaluatedValue: stack on: strm. - stack position ~= 1 ifTrue: [^self error: 'Compiler stack discrepancy']. + encoder methodStreamPosition ~= (method size - trailer size) ifTrue: - strm position ~= (method size - trailer size) ifTrue: [^self error: 'Compiler code size discrepancy']. + method needsFrameSize: stack size - method numTemps. - method needsFrameSize: stack size. - 1 to: nLits do: [:lit | method literalAt: lit put: (literals at: lit)]. method properties: properties. ^method! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageNode>>sizeCodeForEffect: (in category 'code generation') ----- sizeCodeForEffect: encoder special > 0 + ifTrue: [^self perform: (MacroSizers at: special) with: encoder with: false]. - ifTrue: [^self perform: (NewStyleMacroSizers at: special) with: encoder with: false]. ^super sizeCodeForEffect: encoder! Item was changed: ----- Method: Compiler>>compile:in:classified:notifying:ifFail: (in category 'public access') ----- compile: textOrStream in: aClass classified: aCategory notifying: aRequestor ifFail: failBlock "Answer a MethodNode for the argument, textOrStream. If the MethodNode can not be created, notify the argument, aRequestor; if aRequestor is nil, evaluate failBlock instead. The MethodNode is the root of a parse tree. It can be told to generate a CompiledMethod to be installed in the method dictionary of the argument, aClass." + - - | methodNode | self from: textOrStream class: aClass classified: aCategory context: nil notifying: aRequestor. + ^self + translate: sourceStream + noPattern: false + ifFail: failBlock - methodNode := self translate: sourceStream noPattern: false ifFail: failBlock. - methodNode encoder requestor: requestor. - ^methodNode. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageNode class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') ----- initialize "MessageNode initialize" MacroSelectors := #( ifTrue: ifFalse: ifTrue:ifFalse: ifFalse:ifTrue: and: or: whileFalse: whileTrue: whileFalse whileTrue to:do: to:by:do: caseOf: caseOf:otherwise: ifNil: ifNotNil: ifNil:ifNotNil: ifNotNil:ifNil:). MacroTransformers := #( transformIfTrue: transformIfFalse: transformIfTrueIfFalse: transformIfFalseIfTrue: transformAnd: transformOr: transformWhile: transformWhile: transformWhile: transformWhile: transformToDo: transformToDo: transformCase: transformCase: transformIfNil: transformIfNil: transformIfNilIfNotNil: transformIfNotNilIfNil:). + MacroEmitters := - MacroEmitters := NewStyleMacroEmitters := #( emitCodeForIf:encoder:value: emitCodeForIf:encoder:value: emitCodeForIf:encoder:value: emitCodeForIf:encoder:value: emitCodeForIf:encoder:value: emitCodeForIf:encoder:value: emitCodeForWhile:encoder:value: emitCodeForWhile:encoder:value: emitCodeForWhile:encoder:value: emitCodeForWhile:encoder:value: emitCodeForToDo:encoder:value: emitCodeForToDo:encoder:value: emitCodeForCase:encoder:value: emitCodeForCase:encoder:value: emitCodeForIfNil:encoder:value: emitCodeForIfNil:encoder:value: emitCodeForIf:encoder:value: emitCodeForIf:encoder:value:). + MacroSizers := - MacroSizers := NewStyleMacroSizers := #( sizeCodeForIf:value: sizeCodeForIf:value: sizeCodeForIf:value: sizeCodeForIf:value: sizeCodeForIf:value: sizeCodeForIf:value: sizeCodeForWhile:value: sizeCodeForWhile:value: sizeCodeForWhile:value: sizeCodeForWhile:value: sizeCodeForToDo:value: sizeCodeForToDo:value: sizeCodeForCase:value: sizeCodeForCase:value: sizeCodeForIfNil:value: sizeCodeForIfNil:value: sizeCodeForIf:value: sizeCodeForIf:value:). MacroPrinters := #( printIfOn:indent: printIfOn:indent: printIfOn:indent: printIfOn:indent: printIfOn:indent: printIfOn:indent: printWhileOn:indent: printWhileOn:indent: printWhileOn:indent: printWhileOn:indent: printToDoOn:indent: printToDoOn:indent: printCaseOn:indent: printCaseOn:indent: printIfNil:indent: printIfNil:indent: printIfNilNotNil:indent: printIfNilNotNil:indent:)! Item was changed: ----- Method: Scanner>>scanAllTokenPositionsInto: (in category 'expression types') ----- scanAllTokenPositionsInto: aBlock "Evaluate aBlock with the start and end positions of all separate non-white-space tokens, including comments." | lastMark | lastMark := 1. [currentComment notNil ifTrue: [currentComment do: [:cmnt| | idx | idx := source originalContents indexOfSubCollection: cmnt startingAt: lastMark. (idx > 0 and: [idx < mark]) ifTrue: [aBlock value: idx - 1 value: (lastMark := idx + cmnt size)]]. currentComment := nil]. mark notNil ifTrue: [(token == #- and: [(self typeTableAt: hereChar) = #xDigit]) ifTrue: [| savedMark | savedMark := mark. self scanToken. token := token negated. mark := savedMark]. "Compensate for the fact that the parser uses two character lookahead. Normally we must + remove the extra two characters. But this mustn't happen for the last token at the end of stream." - remove the extra two chaacters. But this mustn't happen for the last token at the end of stream." aBlock value: mark value: (source atEnd ifTrue: [tokenType := #doIt. "to cause an immediate ^self" source position] ifFalse: [source position - 2])]. (tokenType = #rightParenthesis or: [tokenType == #doIt]) ifTrue: [^self]. tokenType = #leftParenthesis ifTrue: [self scanToken; scanAllTokenPositionsInto: aBlock] ifFalse: [(tokenType = #word or: [tokenType = #keyword or: [tokenType = #colon]]) ifTrue: [self scanLitWord. token = #true ifTrue: [token := true]. token = #false ifTrue: [token := false]. token = #nil ifTrue: [token := nil]] ifFalse: [(token == #- and: [(self typeTableAt: hereChar) = #xDigit]) ifTrue: [self scanToken. token := token negated]]]. self scanToken. true] whileTrue! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageNode>>sizeCodeForValue: (in category 'code generation') ----- sizeCodeForValue: encoder | total | special > 0 + ifTrue: [^self perform: (MacroSizers at: special) with: encoder with: true]. - ifTrue: [^self perform: (NewStyleMacroSizers at: special) with: encoder with: true]. receiver == NodeSuper ifTrue: [selector := selector copy "only necess for splOops"]. total := selector sizeCode: encoder args: arguments size super: receiver == NodeSuper. receiver == nil ifFalse: [total := total + (receiver sizeCodeForValue: encoder)]. sizes := arguments collect: [:arg | | argSize | argSize := arg sizeCodeForValue: encoder. total := total + argSize. argSize]. ^total! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageNode>>emitCodeForValue:encoder: (in category 'code generation') ----- emitCodeForValue: stack encoder: encoder "For #ifTrue:ifFalse: and #whileTrue: / #whileFalse: style messages, the pc is set to the jump instruction, so that mustBeBoolean exceptions can be shown correctly." special > 0 ifTrue: [pc := 0. + self perform: (MacroEmitters at: special) with: stack with: encoder with: true] - self perform: (NewStyleMacroEmitters at: special) with: stack with: encoder with: true] ifFalse: [receiver ~~ nil ifTrue: [receiver emitCodeForValue: stack encoder: encoder]. arguments do: [:argument | argument emitCodeForValue: stack encoder: encoder]. pc := encoder methodStreamPosition + 1. "debug pc is first byte of the send, i.e. the next byte". selector emitCode: stack args: arguments size encoder: encoder super: receiver == NodeSuper]! |
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