Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Compiler to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Compiler-mt.410 Author: mt Time: 4 September 2019, 5:03:52.834738 pm UUID: 7ff9d1f8-5f7a-4077-b11b-ede80ada7d13 Ancestors: Compiler-TraitTest.409 Fixes ifNil:ifNotNil: decompilation. Please review. - Only decompile ifNil:ifNotNil: if temps are not closured across nested blocks. This is the same behavior as #to:(by:)do:, which does not restore #to:(by:)do: if the 'var' or 'limit' are in an outer (outer?) scope. Only relevant if programmers type the optimized source code themselves. - Note that I created a new method in DecompilerConstructor to pass 'tempReadCounts'. #to:(by:)do: is reconstructed in Decompiler, which already has access to 'tempReadCounts'. See Decompiler >> #jump:if: and #convertToDoLoop:. =============== Diff against Compiler-TraitTest.409 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: AssignmentNode>>ifNilTemporary (in category 'private') ----- + ifNilTemporary + "(temp := object) == nil ifTrue: [...] ifFalse: [...]" + + ^ self variable! Item was added: + ----- Method: AssignmentNode>>ifNilValue (in category 'private') ----- + ifNilValue + "(temp := object) == nil ifTrue: [...] ifFalse: [...]" + + ^ self value! Item was changed: ----- Method: BlockNode>>printTemporaries:on:doPrior: (in category 'printing') ----- printTemporaries: tempSequence on: aStream doPrior: aBlock "Print any in-scope temporaries. If there are any evaluate aBlock prior to printing. Answer whether any temporaries were printed." | tempStream seen | tempSequence ifNil: [^false]. tempStream := (String new: 16) writeStream. "This is for the decompiler which canmot work out which optimized block a particular temp is local to and hence may produce diplicates as in expr ifTrue: [| aTemp | ...] ifFalse: [| aTemp | ...]" seen := Set new. tempSequence do: [:tempNode | tempNode isIndirectTempVector ifTrue: [tempNode remoteTemps do: [:tempVariableNode| (tempVariableNode scope >= 0 + and: [ + "This is for the deocmpiler which may create a block arg when converting + a ifTrue:ifFalse: into a ifNil:ifNotNil: but won't remove it from temporaries" + tempVariableNode isBlockArg not + and: [(seen includes: tempNode key) not]]) ifTrue: - and: [(seen includes: tempNode key) not]) ifTrue: [tempStream space; nextPutAll: (seen add: tempVariableNode key)]]] ifFalse: [(tempNode scope >= -1 and: ["This is for the decompiler which may create a block arg when converting + a while into a to:do: but won't remove it from temporaries" - a while into a to:do: but won't remove it form temporaries" tempNode isBlockArg not and: [(seen includes: tempNode key) not]]) ifTrue: [tempStream space; nextPutAll: (seen add: tempNode key)]]]. tempStream position = 0 ifTrue: [^false]. aBlock value. aStream nextPut: $|; nextPutAll: tempStream contents; space; nextPut: $|. ^true! Item was changed: ----- Method: Decompiler>>jump:if: (in category 'instruction decoding') ----- jump: dist if: condition | savePc sign elsePc elseStart end cond ifExpr thenBlock elseBlock thenJump elseJump condHasValue isIfNil saveStack | lastJumpIfPcStack addLast: lastPc. stack last == CascadeFlag ifTrue: [^ [self case: dist] ensure: [lastJumpIfPcStack removeLast]]. elsePc := lastPc. elseStart := pc + dist. end := limit. "Check for bfp-jmp to invert condition. Don't be fooled by a loop with a null body." sign := condition. savePc := pc. self interpretJump ifNotNil: [:elseDist| (elseDist >= 0 and: [elseStart = pc]) ifTrue: [sign := sign not. elseStart := pc + elseDist]]. pc := savePc. ifExpr := stack removeLast. (isIfNil := stack size > 0 and: [stack last == IfNilFlag]) ifTrue: [stack removeLast]. saveStack := stack. stack := OrderedCollection new. thenBlock := self blockTo: elseStart. condHasValue := hasValue or: [isIfNil]. "ensure jump is within block (in case thenExpr returns)" thenJump := exit <= end ifTrue: [exit] ifFalse: [elseStart]. "if jump goes back, then it's a loop" thenJump < elseStart ifTrue: [| blockBody blockArgs savedReadCounts blockBodyReadCounts selector | "Must be a while loop... thenJump will jump to the beginning of the while expr. In the case of while's with a block in the condition, the while expr should include more than just the last expression: find all the statements needed by searching for the node with the relevant pc." stack := saveStack. savedReadCounts := tempReadCounts copy. pc := thenJump. blockBody := self statementsTo: elsePc. blockBodyReadCounts := tempReadCounts. savedReadCounts keysAndValuesDo: [:temp :count| blockBodyReadCounts at: temp put: (blockBodyReadCounts at: temp) - count]. tempReadCounts := savedReadCounts. "discard unwanted statements from block" blockBody size - 1 timesRepeat: [statements removeLast]. blockArgs := thenBlock statements = constructor codeEmptyBlock statements ifTrue: [#()] ifFalse: [{ thenBlock }]. selector := blockArgs isEmpty ifTrue: [sign ifTrue: [#whileFalse] ifFalse: [#whileTrue]] ifFalse: [sign ifTrue: [#whileFalse:] ifFalse: [#whileTrue:]]. statements addLast: (constructor codeMessage: (constructor codeBlock: blockBody returns: false) selector: (constructor codeSelector: selector code: #macro) arguments: blockArgs). pc := elseStart. selector == #whileTrue: ifTrue: [self convertToDoLoop: blockBodyReadCounts]] ifFalse: ["Must be a conditional..." elseBlock := self blockTo: thenJump. elseJump := exit. "if elseJump is backwards, it is not part of the elseExpr" elseJump < elsePc ifTrue: [pc := lastPc]. cond := isIfNil ifTrue: [constructor codeMessage: ifExpr ifNilReceiver selector: (constructor codeSelector: (sign ifTrue: [#ifNotNil:] ifFalse: [#ifNil:]) code: #macro) arguments: (Array with: thenBlock)] ifFalse: + [(sign ifTrue: [{elseBlock. thenBlock}] ifFalse: [{thenBlock. elseBlock}]) in: [:args | + (constructor + decodeIfNilWithReceiver: ifExpr + selector: #ifTrue:ifFalse: + arguments: args + tempReadCounts: tempReadCounts) ifNil: [ + constructor + codeMessage: ifExpr + selector: (constructor codeSelector: #ifTrue:ifFalse: code: #macro) + arguments: args]]]. - [constructor - codeMessage: ifExpr - selector: (constructor codeSelector: #ifTrue:ifFalse: code: #macro) - arguments: (sign - ifTrue: [{elseBlock. thenBlock}] - ifFalse: [{thenBlock. elseBlock}])]. stack := saveStack. condHasValue ifTrue: [stack addLast: cond] ifFalse: [statements addLast: cond]]. lastJumpIfPcStack removeLast.! Item was changed: ----- Method: DecompilerConstructor>>codeMessage:selector:arguments: (in category 'constructor') ----- codeMessage: receiver selector: selector arguments: arguments | symbol | symbol := selector key. (self decodeLiteralVariableValueDereferenceWithReceiver: receiver selector: symbol arguments: arguments) ifNotNil: [:node| ^node]. + - (self decodeIfNilWithReceiver: receiver - selector: symbol - arguments: arguments) ifNotNil: [:node| ^node]. ^MessageNode new receiver: receiver selector: selector arguments: arguments precedence: symbol precedence! Item was removed: - ----- Method: DecompilerConstructor>>decodeIfNilWithReceiver:selector:arguments: (in category 'constructor') ----- - decodeIfNilWithReceiver: receiver selector: selector arguments: arguments - receiver ifNil: [ ^nil ]. "For instance, when cascading" - selector == #ifTrue:ifFalse: - ifFalse: [^ nil]. - (receiver isMessage: #== - receiver: nil - arguments: [:argNode | argNode == NodeNil]) - ifFalse: [^ nil]. - ^ (MessageNode new - receiver: receiver - selector: (SelectorNode new key: #ifTrue:ifFalse: code: #macro) - arguments: arguments - precedence: 3) - noteSpecialSelector: #ifNil:ifNotNil:! Item was added: + ----- Method: DecompilerConstructor>>decodeIfNilWithReceiver:selector:arguments:tempReadCounts: (in category 'constructor') ----- + decodeIfNilWithReceiver: receiver selector: selector arguments: arguments tempReadCounts: tempReadCounts + + | node temp | + receiver ifNil: [ ^nil ]. "For instance, when cascading" + selector == #ifTrue:ifFalse: + ifFalse: [^ nil]. + + (receiver isMessage: #== + receiver: nil + arguments: [:argNode | argNode == NodeNil]) + ifFalse: [^ nil]. + + "Like #to:(by:)do:, support only local temps." + (((temp := receiver ifNilTemporary) isNil or: [tempReadCounts includesKey: temp]) or: [ + "What about 'object ifNotNil: [:o | ]', which as not read the blockArg? Just check that there is no remote vector pointing to it." + tempReadCounts keys noneSatisfy: [:otherTemp | + otherTemp isIndirectTempVector + ifTrue: [otherTemp remoteTemps anySatisfy: [:remoteTemp | remoteTemp name = temp name]] + ifFalse: [otherTemp name = temp name]] + ]) + ifFalse: [^ nil]. + + node := (MessageNode new + receiver: receiver + selector: (SelectorNode new key: #ifTrue:ifFalse: code: #macro) + arguments: arguments + precedence: 3). + + "Reconfigure the message node to #ifNil:ifNotNil:. Note that original* instance variables keep their optimized format. See MessageNode >> #printIfNilNotNil:indent:." + node + noteSpecialSelector: #ifNil:ifNotNil:; + selector: (SelectorNode new key: #ifNil:ifNotNil:). + + temp ifNil: [^ node]. + temp isTemp ifFalse: [^ node]. + + (arguments second isJust: NodeNil) not ifTrue: [ + temp beBlockArg. + node arguments: { + arguments first. + arguments second copy arguments: { temp }; yourself } ]. + + ^ node! Item was added: + ----- Method: MessageNode>>ifNilTemporary (in category 'private') ----- + ifNilTemporary + + ^ self ifNilReceiver ifNilTemporary! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageNode>>printIfNilNotNil:indent: (in category 'printing') ----- printIfNilNotNil: aStream indent: level + (arguments first isJust: NodeNil) ifTrue: [ + self printReceiver: receiver ifNilReceiver ifNilValue on: aStream indent: level. + ^ self printKeywords: #ifNotNil: - self printReceiver: receiver ifNilReceiver on: aStream indent: level. - - (arguments first isJust: NodeNil) ifTrue: - [^ self printKeywords: #ifNotNil: arguments: { arguments second } on: aStream indent: level]. + + (arguments second isJust: NodeNil) ifTrue: [ + self printReceiver: receiver ifNilReceiver on: aStream indent: level. + ^ self printKeywords: #ifNil: - (arguments second isJust: NodeNil) ifTrue: - [^ self printKeywords: #ifNil: arguments: { arguments first } on: aStream indent: level]. + + self printReceiver: receiver ifNilReceiver ifNilValue on: aStream indent: level. ^ self printKeywords: #ifNil:ifNotNil: arguments: arguments on: aStream indent: level! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageNode>>printWithClosureAnalysisIfNilNotNil:indent: (in category 'printing') ----- printWithClosureAnalysisIfNilNotNil: aStream indent: level + (arguments first isJust: NodeNil) ifTrue: [ + self printWithClosureAnalysisReceiver: receiver ifNilReceiver ifNilValue on: aStream indent: level. + ^ self printWithClosureAnalysisKeywords: #ifNotNil: - self printWithClosureAnalysisReceiver: receiver ifNilReceiver on: aStream indent: level. - - (arguments first isJust: NodeNil) ifTrue: - [^self printWithClosureAnalysisKeywords: #ifNotNil: arguments: { arguments second } on: aStream indent: level]. + + (arguments second isJust: NodeNil) ifTrue: [ + self printWithClosureAnalysisReceiver: receiver ifNilReceiver on: aStream indent: level. + ^ self printWithClosureAnalysisKeywords: #ifNil: - (arguments second isJust: NodeNil) ifTrue: - [^self printWithClosureAnalysisKeywords: #ifNil: arguments: { arguments first } on: aStream indent: level]. + + self printWithClosureAnalysisReceiver: receiver ifNilReceiver ifNilValue on: aStream indent: level. + ^ self printWithClosureAnalysisKeywords: #ifNil:ifNotNil: - ^self printWithClosureAnalysisKeywords: #ifNil:ifNotNil: arguments: arguments on: aStream indent: level! Item was added: + ----- Method: ParseNode>>ifNilTemporary (in category 'private') ----- + ifNilTemporary + + ^ nil! Item was added: + ----- Method: ParseNode>>ifNilValue (in category 'private') ----- + ifNilValue + + ^self! Item was changed: ----- Method: Parser>>parseCue:noPattern:ifFail: (in category 'public access') ----- parseCue: aCue noPattern: noPattern ifFail: aBlock "Answer a MethodNode for the argument, sourceStream, that is the root of a parse tree. Parsing is done with respect to the CompilationCue to resolve variables. Errors in parsing are reported to the cue's requestor; otherwise aBlock is evaluated. The argument noPattern is a Boolean that is true if the the sourceStream does not contain a method header (i.e., for DoIts)." | methNode repeatNeeded myStream s p subSelection | myStream := aCue sourceStream. [repeatNeeded := false. p := myStream position. s := myStream upToEnd. myStream position: p. + + doitFlag := noPattern. + failBlock:= aBlock. self encoder init: aCue notifying: self. self init: myStream cue: aCue failBlock: [^ aBlock value]. subSelection := self interactive and: [cue requestor selectionInterval = (p + 1 to: p + s size)]. - doitFlag := noPattern. - failBlock:= aBlock. [methNode := self method: noPattern context: cue context] on: ReparseAfterSourceEditing do: [ :ex | repeatNeeded := true. properties := nil. "Avoid accumulating pragmas and primitives Number" myStream := ex newSource ifNil: [subSelection ifTrue: [ReadStream on: cue requestor text string from: cue requestor selectionInterval first to: cue requestor selectionInterval last] ifFalse: [ReadStream on: cue requestor text string]] ifNotNil: [:src | myStream := src readStream]]. repeatNeeded] whileTrue: [encoder := self encoder class new]. methNode sourceText: s. ^methNode ! |
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