Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Compiler to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Compiler-nice.123
Author: nice
Time: 25 February 2010, 2:12:07.522 am
UUID: 618554a7-dfec-f441-9383-e4da0a507ad0
Ancestors: Compiler-nice.122
Warn about ambiguous selector like @- in the Transcript when compiling in non interactive mode.
=============== Diff against Compiler-nice.122 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Parser>>ambiguousSelector:inRange: (in category 'error correction') -----
ambiguousSelector: aString inRange: anInterval
| correctedSelector userSelection |
self interactive ifFalse: [
"In non interactive mode, compile with backward comapatibility: $- is part of literal argument"
+ Transcript cr; store: encoder classEncoding; nextPutAll:#'>>';store: encoder selector; show: ' would send ' , token , '-'.
token := token asSymbol.
"handle the text selection"
userSelection := requestor selectionInterval.
requestor selectFrom: anInterval first to: anInterval last.
requestor select.
"Build the menu with alternatives"
correctedSelector := AmbiguousSelector
signalName: aString
inRange: anInterval.
correctedSelector ifNil: [^self fail].
"Execute the selected action"
self substituteWord: correctedSelector wordInterval: anInterval offset: 0.
requestor deselect.
requestor selectInvisiblyFrom: userSelection first to: userSelection last + 1.
token := (correctedSelector readStream upTo: Character space) asSymbol!