Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Compiler to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Compiler-nice.321
Author: nice
Time: 3 May 2016, 9:02:56.110078 am
UUID: fd182984-c3ab-4477-bbff-44d9b1744ee3
Ancestors: Compiler-nice.320
Be pedantic: refuse to compile until the user eliminate dead code following a returning if (case when both branches return).
Do this only when interactive, we don't like when Compiler refuses to load legacy code.
=============== Diff against Compiler-nice.320 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Parser>>statements:innerBlock:blockNode: (in category 'expression types') -----
statements: argNodes innerBlock: inner blockNode: theBlockNode
| stmts returns start |
"give initial comment to block, since others trail statements"
theBlockNode comment: currentComment.
currentComment := nil.
stmts := OrderedCollection new.
returns := false.
hereType ~~ #rightBracket ifTrue:
[[theBlockNode startOfLastStatement: (start := self startOfNextToken).
(returns := self matchReturn)
[self expression ifFalse:
[^self expected: 'Expression to return'].
self addComment.
stmts addLast: (parseNode isReturningIf
ifTrue: [parseNode]
ifFalse: [ReturnNode new
expr: parseNode
encoder: encoder
sourceRange: (start to: self endOfLastToken)])]
[self expression
[self addComment.
+ "if both branches return, following code is unreachable, let's avoid this.
+ But only if interactive, we don't want to prevent loading of legacy code"
+ self interactive ifTrue: [returns := parseNode isReturningIf].
stmts addLast: parseNode]
[self addComment.
stmts size = 0 ifTrue:
[stmts addLast:
(encoder encodeVariable:
(inner ifTrue: ['nil'] ifFalse: ['self']))]]].
returns ifTrue:
[self match: #period.
(hereType == #rightBracket or: [hereType == #doIt]) ifFalse:
[^self expected: 'End of block']].
returns not and: [self match: #period]] whileTrue].
arguments: argNodes
statements: stmts
returns: returns
from: encoder.
parseNode := theBlockNode.