Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Compiler to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Compiler-ul.102.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Compiler-ul.102
Author: ul
Time: 3 December 2009, 6:04:35 am
UUID: b4de7fcc-4713-aa42-ac62-f7f1de2b6c16
Ancestors: Compiler-ul.101
- lifted a missing change from Pharo for ByteArray literals
- ScannerTest >> #testLiteralSymbols and a test in DecompilerTestFailuresCollector pass now
=============== Diff against Compiler-nice.100 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Scanner class>>isLiteralSymbol: (in category 'testing') -----
isLiteralSymbol: aSymbol
"Test whether a symbol can be stored as # followed by its characters.
Symbols created internally with asSymbol may not have this property,
e.g. '3' asSymbol."
+ | i ascii type next last |
- | i ascii type next |
i := aSymbol size.
i = 0 ifTrue: [^ false].
- i = 1 ifTrue: [^('$''"()#0123456789_' includes: (aSymbol at: 1)) not
- and: ["should be (TypeTable at: (aSymbol at: 1) charCode ifAbsent: [#xLetter]) ~~ #xDelimiter"
- (aSymbol at: 1) isSeparator not]].
- ascii := (aSymbol at: 1) charCode.
"TypeTable should have been origined at 0 rather than 1 ..."
+ ascii := (aSymbol at: 1) asciiValue.
+ type := TypeTable at: ascii ifAbsent: [^false].
+ type == #xLetter ifTrue: [
+ next := last := nil.
+ [i > 1]
+ whileTrue:
+ [ascii := (aSymbol at: i) asciiValue.
+ type := TypeTable at: ascii ifAbsent: [^false].
+ (type == #xLetter or: [type == #xDigit or: [type == #xColon
+ and: [
+ next == nil
+ ifTrue: [last := #xColon. true]
+ ifFalse: [last == #xColon and: [next ~~ #xDigit and: [next ~~ #xColon]]]]]])
+ ifFalse: [^ false].
+ next := type.
+ i := i - 1].
+ ^ true].
+ type == #xBinary ifTrue: [^i = 1]. "Here we could extend to
+ ^(2 to: i) allSatisfy: [:j |
+ ascii := (aSymbol at: j) asciiValue.
+ (TypeTable at: ascii ifAbsent: []) == #xBinary]"
+ type == #verticalBar ifTrue: [^i = 1].
- ascii = 0 ifTrue: [^ false].
- type := TypeTable at: ascii ifAbsent: [#xLetter].
- (type == #xColon or: [type == #verticalBar or: [type == #xBinary]]) ifTrue:
- [^i = 1].
- type == #xLetter ifTrue:
- [next := nil.
- [i > 1] whileTrue:
- [ascii := (aSymbol at: i) charCode.
- ascii = 0 ifTrue: [^false].
- type := TypeTable at: ascii ifAbsent: [#xLetter].
- (type == #xLetter or: [type == #xDigit or: [type == #xColon]]) ifFalse:
- [^false].
- (next == #xDigit and: [type == #xColon]) ifTrue: [^false].
- next := type.
- i := i - 1].
- ^true].