Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Compiler to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Compiler-ul.104.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Compiler-ul.104
Author: ul
Time: 9 December 2009, 11:15:41 am
UUID: a99aecca-760a-964f-8ba4-20bc62b24d28
Ancestors: Compiler-ul.103
- enh: DecompilerTests is a subclass of LongTestCase. If you don't want to run long tests (this is the current default behavior), just do it: LongTestCase doNotRunLongTestCases. If you want to enable them again, then do it: LongTestCase runLongTestCases.
=============== Diff against Compiler-ul.103 ===============
Item was changed:
+ LongTestCase subclass: #DecompilerTests
- TestCase subclass: #DecompilerTests
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Compiler-Tests'!
!DecompilerTests commentStamp: 'sd 9/26/2004 13:24' prior: 0!
Apparently the decompiler does not really work totally.
Here are a bunch of methods that can help improving the decompiler:
- blockingClasses return class for which it is impossible to decompile methods
- failures are problems that lead to a DNU
- decompilerDiscrepancies are the results of running decompileTestHelper..as you see the pattern
is quite present.!