Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Compiler to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Compiler-ul.330.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Compiler-ul.330
Author: ul
Time: 27 February 2017, 2:43:16.813851 am
UUID: 8312df2d-c576-43eb-b847-bfcc53fb4c82
Ancestors: Compiler-ul.329
- fixed the first catch of the new #& and #| type checks
=============== Diff against Compiler-ul.329 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Parser>>removeEmptyTempDeclarationsFrom: (in category 'error correction') -----
removeEmptyTempDeclarationsFrom: methodNode
| sourceCode madeChanges tempsMarkHolder |
sourceCode := cue requestor text asString.
tempsMarkHolder := self collectTemporaryDeclarationsFrom: methodNode.
madeChanges := false.
tempsMarkHolder do: [ :currentBlock | | tempsMarkChar0 tempsMarkChar1 tempsMarkChar2 end start |
tempsMarkChar0 := (sourceCode at: currentBlock tempsMark).
tempsMarkChar1 := (sourceCode at: currentBlock tempsMark - 1).
tempsMarkChar2 := (sourceCode at: currentBlock tempsMark - 2).
+ (tempsMarkChar0 == $| and: [ tempsMarkChar1 == $| ])
- tempsMarkChar0 = $| & tempsMarkChar1 = $|
[ end := currentBlock tempsMark.
start := end - 1].
+ (tempsMarkChar0 == $| and: [ tempsMarkChar1 == $ and: [ tempsMarkChar2 == $| ] ])
- tempsMarkChar0 = $| & tempsMarkChar1 = $ & tempsMarkChar2 = $|
[ end := currentBlock tempsMark.
start := end - 2].
+ (start notNil and: [ end notNil ]) ifTrue: [
- start notNil & end notNil ifTrue: [
| lineStart lineEnd |
lineStart := 1 + (sourceCode
lastIndexOf: Character cr
startingAt: start - 1).
lineEnd := sourceCode
indexOf: Character cr
startingAt: end + 1
ifAbsent: [ sourceCode size ].
((sourceCode indexOfAnyOf: CharacterSet nonSeparators startingAt: lineStart) >= start
and: [ (sourceCode indexOfAnyOf: CharacterSet nonSeparators startingAt: end + 1) > lineEnd ]) ifTrue: [
start := lineStart.
end := lineEnd ].
cue requestor correctFrom: start to: end with: ''.
madeChanges := true.
currentBlock tempsMark: nil ] ].
madeChanges ifTrue: [ReparseAfterSourceEditing signal]!