Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Compression to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Compression-ul.49.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Compression-ul.49
Author: ul
Time: 24 August 2016, 9:23:23.899054 pm
UUID: a194073a-524e-4842-981e-cb4a433229e6
Ancestors: Compression-cmm.48
Don't let #next:putAll:startingAt: roll back the receiver when the first argument is negative.
=============== Diff against Compression-cmm.48 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: DeflateStream>>next:putAll:startingAt: (in category 'accessing') -----
next: bytesCount putAll: aCollection startingAt: startIndex
| start count max |
+ bytesCount > 0 ifFalse: [ ^aCollection ].
aCollection species = collection species
[startIndex to: startIndex + bytesCount - 1 do: [:i | self nextPut: (aCollection at: i)].
start := startIndex.
count := bytesCount.
[count = 0] whileFalse:[
position = writeLimit ifTrue:[self deflateBlock].
max := writeLimit - position.
max > count ifTrue:[max := count].
collection replaceFrom: position+1
to: position+max
with: aCollection
startingAt: start.
start := start + max.
count := count - max.
position := position + max].