The Trunk: EToys-ar.72.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-ar.72.mcz

Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-ar.72
Author: ar
Time: 30 July 2010, 6:53:29.283 pm
UUID: 0c5bb21e-bd70-6144-9ca9-f6d5083b7b6d
Ancestors: EToys-ar.71

Reclassify methods belonging to Morphic, not Etoys.

=============== Diff against EToys-ar.71 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: HaloMorph>>doMakeSiblingOrDup:with: (in category '*Etoys-handles') -----
- doMakeSiblingOrDup: evt with: dupHandle
- "Ask hand to duplicate my target, if shift key *is* pressed, or make a sibling if shift key *not* pressed"
- ^ (evt shiftPressed or: [target couldMakeSibling not])
- ifFalse:
- [self doMakeSibling: evt with: dupHandle]
- ifTrue:
- [dupHandle color: Color green.
- self doDup: evt with: dupHandle]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: HaloMorph>>doDupOrMakeSibling:with: (in category '*Etoys-handles') -----
- doDupOrMakeSibling: evt with: dupHandle
- "Ask hand to duplicate my target, if shift key *not* pressed, or make a sibling if shift key *is* pressed"
- ^ (evt shiftPressed and: [target couldMakeSibling])
- ifTrue:
- [dupHandle color: Color green muchDarker.
- self doMakeSibling: evt with: dupHandle]
- ifFalse:
- [self doDup: evt with: dupHandle]!