Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: EToys-bf.234
Author: bf
Time: 15 September 2016, 1:46:41.663164 pm
UUID: e2796761-35e4-418b-b7d2-65e8e3b6eb07
Ancestors: EToys-bf.233
Remove ImageSegment extension methods
=============== Diff against EToys-bf.233 ===============
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ImageSegment>>classOrganizersBeRoots: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-read/write segment') -----
- classOrganizersBeRoots: dummy
- "The ClassOrganizers of some UniClasses may slip into OutPointers. They point directly at the class of the UniClass (in subject). They need to be in arrayOfRoots. Find them and insert them into dummy's references."
- dummy references keys do: [:anObject |
- anObject isBehavior & (anObject isKindOf: ClassDescription) ifTrue: [
- anObject theNonMetaClass isSystemDefined ifFalse: ["uniClass will be in image seg"
- (dummy references includesKey: anObject organization) ifFalse: [
- dummy references at: anObject organization put: 47]]]]. "will get into roots"!
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ImageSegment>>rehashDictionaries: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-fileIn/Out') -----
- rehashDictionaries: aCollection
- ProgressInitiationException
- display: 'Rehash objects...'
- during: [:bar | 1
- to: aCollection size
- do: [:i |
- (aCollection at: i) rehash.
- i \\ 10 = 0
- ifTrue: [bar value: i / aCollection size]]]!
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ImageSegment>>rehashMethodDictionaries: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-fileIn/Out') -----
- rehashMethodDictionaries: oldDictionaries
- | newDictionaries |
- newDictionaries := oldDictionaries collect: [:d | d rehashWithoutBecome].
- oldDictionaries asArray elementsForwardIdentityTo: newDictionaries asArray.
- !