The Trunk: EToys-bf.95.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-bf.95.mcz

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-bf.95
Author: bf
Time: 11 April 2013, 3:27:51.906 pm
UUID: 205ad059-c5b8-4df9-b599-96a156e03a7f
Ancestors: EToys-bf.94

* make project loading work
* no more undeclared globals

=============== Diff against EToys-bf.94 ===============

Item was added:
+ Object subclass: #EToyExpressionTransformer2
+ instanceVariableNames: 'method stack inputQueue encoder'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Etoys-Support'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyExpressionTransformer2>>inputQueueEmpty (in category 'all') -----
+ inputQueueEmpty
+ ^ inputQueue isEmpty!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyExpressionTransformer2>>inputQueueNext (in category 'all') -----
+ inputQueueNext
+ "It would do the check of selector node that #inputQueuePeek does, but not necessary."
+ ^ inputQueue removeFirst.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyExpressionTransformer2>>inputQueuePeek (in category 'all') -----
+ inputQueuePeek
+ | v |
+ inputQueue size > 0 ifFalse: [^ nil].
+ v := inputQueue first.
+ (v isMemberOf: SelectorNode) ifTrue: [^ v key asSymbol].
+ ^ v.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyExpressionTransformer2>>newNodeFromList:encoder: (in category 'all') -----
+ newNodeFromList: aList encoder: e
+ encoder := e.
+ inputQueue := aList asOrderedCollection.
+ stack := OrderedCollection new: 3.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyExpressionTransformer2>>precl (in category 'all') -----
+ precl
+ stack size = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ stack size = 1 ifTrue: [^ self precl: stack last].
+ stack last isSymbol ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ ^ self precl: (stack at: stack size - 1).
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyExpressionTransformer2>>precl: (in category 'all') -----
+ precl: anObject
+ (#(#max: #min:) includes: anObject) ifTrue: [^ 1].
+ (#(#+ #-) includes: anObject) ifTrue: [^ 2].
+ (#(#* #/ #// #\\) includes: anObject) ifTrue: [^ 3].
+ ^ 0.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyExpressionTransformer2>>precr: (in category 'all') -----
+ precr: anObject
+ anObject ifNil: [^ 0].
+ (#(#max: #min:) includes: anObject) ifTrue: [^ 1].
+ (#(#+ #-) includes: anObject) ifTrue: [^ 2].
+ (#(#* #/ #// #\\) includes: anObject) ifTrue: [^ 3].
+ ^ 4.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyExpressionTransformer2>>reduceOnStack (in category 'all') -----
+ reduceOnStack
+ | list left sel right m |
+ list := stack removeLast: 3.
+ left := list at: 1.
+ sel := list at: 2.
+ right := list at: 3.
+ m := MessageNode new
+ receiver: left
+ selector: sel
+ arguments: (Array with: right)
+ precedence: (sel precedence)
+ from: encoder
+ sourceRange: nil.
+ stack addLast: m.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: EToyExpressionTransformer2>>transform (in category 'all') -----
+ transform
+ | leftPrec rightPrec n |
+ [(self inputQueueEmpty and: [stack size = 1]) not] whileTrue: [
+ leftPrec := self precl.
+ rightPrec := self precr: (n := self inputQueuePeek).
+ leftPrec >= rightPrec ifTrue: [
+ self reduceOnStack.
+ ] ifFalse: [
+ self inputQueueNext.
+ stack addLast: n.
+ ].
+ ].
+ ^ stack last.
+ !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: FunctionTile>>sexpWith: (in category 'code generation') -----
- sexpWith: dictionary
- | n elements sel |
- sel := submorphs first operatorOrExpression.
- n := SExpElement keyword: #send.
- n attributeAt: #type put: ((owner isMemberOf: TilePadMorph) ifTrue: [owner type] ifFalse: ['Number']).
- elements := Array with: ((SExpElement keyword: #selector)
- attributeAt: #selector put: sel; yourself)
- with: (argumentPad sexpWith: dictionary).
- n elements: elements.
- ^ n.
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProjectLoading class>>loadImageSegment:fromDirectory:withProjectView:numberOfFontSubstitutes:substituteFont:mgr: (in category '*etoys') -----
+ loadImageSegment: morphOrList  fromDirectory: aDirectoryOrNil withProjectView: existingView numberOfFontSubstitutes: numberOfFontSubstitutes substituteFont: substituteFont mgr: mgr
+ | proj projectsToBeDeleted ef f |
+ (f := (Flaps globalFlapTabWithID: 'Navigator' translated)) ifNotNil: [f hideFlap].
+ proj := morphOrList arrayOfRoots
+ detect: [:mm | mm isKindOf: Project]
+ ifNone: [^ nil].
+ numberOfFontSubstitutes > 0 ifTrue: [
+ proj projectParameterAt: #substitutedFont put: substituteFont].
+ ef := proj projectParameterAt: #eToysFont.
+ (ef isNil or: [ef ~= substituteFont familySizeFace]) ifTrue: [
+ proj projectParameterAt: #substitutedFont put: substituteFont.
+ ].
+ proj projectParameters at: #MultiSymbolInWrongPlace put: false.
+ "Yoshiki did not put MultiSymbols into outPointers in older images!!"
+ morphOrList arrayOfRoots do: [:obj |
+ obj fixUponLoad: proj seg: morphOrList "imageSegment"].
+ (proj projectParameters at: #MultiSymbolInWrongPlace) ifTrue: [
+ morphOrList arrayOfRoots do: [:obj | (obj isKindOf: Set) ifTrue: [obj rehash]]].
+ proj resourceManager: mgr.
+ "proj versionFrom: preStream."
+ proj lastDirectory: aDirectoryOrNil.
+ proj setParent: Project current.
+ projectsToBeDeleted := OrderedCollection new.
+ existingView == #none ifFalse: [
+ self makeExistingView: existingView project: proj projectsToBeDeleted: projectsToBeDeleted].
+ ChangeSorter allChangeSets add: proj changeSet.
+ Project current projectParameters
+ at: #deleteWhenEnteringNewProject
+ ifPresent: [ :ignored |
+ projectsToBeDeleted add: Project current.
+ Project current removeParameter: #deleteWhenEnteringNewProject.
+ ].
+ projectsToBeDeleted isEmpty ifFalse: [
+ proj projectParameters
+ at: #projectsToBeDeleted
+ put: projectsToBeDeleted.
+ ].
+ proj removeParameter: #eToysFont.
+ ^ proj!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ProjectLoading class>>loadName:stream:fromDirectory:withProjectView:clearOriginFlag: (in category '*etoys') -----
  loadName: aFileName stream: preStream fromDirectory: aDirectoryOrNil
  withProjectView: existingView clearOriginFlag: clearOriginFlag
  "Reconstitute a Morph from the selected file, presumed to be
  represent a Morph saved via the SmartRefStream mechanism, and open it
  in an appropriate Morphic world."
      | morphOrList archive mgr substituteFont numberOfFontSubstitutes resultArray anObject project manifests dict |
  (self checkStream: preStream) ifTrue: [^ self].
  ProgressNotification signal: '0.2'.
  archive := preStream isZipArchive
  ifTrue:[ZipArchive new readFrom: preStream]
  manifests := (archive membersMatching: '*manifest').
  (manifests size = 1 and: [((dict := self parseManifest: manifests first contents) at: 'Project-Format' ifAbsent: []) = 'S-Expression'])
  ifTrue: [^ self loadSexpProjectDict: dict stream: preStream fromDirectory: aDirectoryOrNil withProjectView: existingView].
  morphOrList := self morphOrList: aFileName stream: preStream fromDirectory: aDirectoryOrNil archive: archive.
  morphOrList ifNil: [^ self].
  ProgressNotification  signal: '0.4'.
  resultArray := self fileInName: aFileName archive: archive morphOrList: morphOrList.
  anObject := resultArray first.
  numberOfFontSubstitutes := resultArray second.
  substituteFont := resultArray third.
  mgr := resultArray fourth.
  preStream close.
  ProgressNotification  signal: '0.7'.
  "the hard part is over"
  (anObject isKindOf: ImageSegment) ifTrue: [
  project := self loadImageSegment: anObject
  fromDirectory: aDirectoryOrNil
  withProjectView: existingView
  numberOfFontSubstitutes: numberOfFontSubstitutes
  substituteFont: substituteFont
  mgr: mgr.
  project noteManifestDetailsIn: dict.
  project removeParameter: #sugarProperties.
+ Smalltalk at: #SugarPropertiesNotification ifPresent: [:notification |
+ notification signal ifNotNilDo: [:props |
+ project keepSugarProperties: props monitor: true]].
- SugarPropertiesNotification signal ifNotNilDo: [:props |
- project keepSugarProperties: props monitor: true].
  clearOriginFlag ifTrue: [project forgetExistingURL].
  ProgressNotification  signal: '0.8'.
  ^ project

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProjectLoading class>>makeExistingView:project:projectsToBeDeleted: (in category '*etoys') -----
+ makeExistingView: existingView project: proj projectsToBeDeleted: projectsToBeDeleted
+ existingView ifNil: [
+ Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [
+ proj createViewIfAppropriate.
+ ] ifFalse: [
+ ChangeSorter allChangeSets add: proj changeSet.
+ ProjectView openAndEnter: proj.
+ "Note: in MVC we get no further than the above"
+ ].
+ ] ifNotNil: [
+ (existingView project isKindOf: DiskProxy) ifFalse: [
+ existingView project changeSet name:
+ ChangeSet defaultName.
+ projectsToBeDeleted add: existingView project.
+ ].
+ (existingView owner isSystemWindow) ifTrue: [
+ existingView owner model: proj
+ ].
+ existingView project: proj.
+ ].
+ !