The Trunk: EToys-cmm.109.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-cmm.109.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-cmm.109
Author: cmm
Time: 23 October 2013, 4:30:08.096 pm
UUID: e77a4494-357c-4265-b0d0-32356f8676df
Ancestors: EToys-nice.108

Ensure backward compatibility with new semantics of MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream>>#contents by using #remainingContents instead.

=============== Diff against EToys-nice.108 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream>>remainingContents (in category '*etoys') -----
+ remainingContents
+ | ret state |
+ state := converter saveStateOf: self.
+ ret := self upToEnd.
+ converter restoreStateOf: self with: state.
+ ^ ret!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ProjectLoading class>>morphOrList:stream:fromDirectory:archive: (in category '*etoys') -----
  morphOrList: aFileName stream: preStream fromDirectory: aDirectoryOrNil archive: archive
  "Answer morphOrList or nil if problem happened"
  |  projStream localDir morphOrList |
  projStream := archive
  ifNil: [preStream]
  ifNotNil: [self projectStreamFromArchive: archive].
  (self checkSecurity: aFileName preStream: preStream projStream: projStream)
  ifFalse: [^nil].
  localDir := Project squeakletDirectory.
  aFileName ifNotNil: [
  (aDirectoryOrNil isNil or: [aDirectoryOrNil pathName
  ~= localDir pathName]) ifTrue: [
  localDir deleteFileNamed: aFileName.
  (localDir fileNamed: aFileName) binary
+ nextPutAll: preStream remainingContents;
- nextPutAll: preStream contents;
  morphOrList := projStream asUnZippedStream.
  preStream sleep. "if ftp, let the connection close"
  ^ morphOrList

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Stream>>remainingContents (in category '*etoys') -----
+ remainingContents
+ ^ self contents!