Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-ct.404 Author: ct Time: 17 September 2020, 12:08:06.252813 pm UUID: d9eaf56f-8f92-314a-91b7-f15e0b463c55 Ancestors: EToys-eem.400 Refactors new parse node to tile conversion and revises editor menu intergration. Minor refactorings: Method splitting, renaming, and some typo and layout fixes. Keeps depending on EToys-ct.366, EToys-ct.368, EToys-ct.369, EToys-ct.370, EToys-ct.389, EToys-ct.390. Sorry for the cluttered ancestry, for the next project, I will really use changesets! =============== Diff against EToys-eem.400 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: MessageNode>>asTileForPlayer: (in category '*Etoys-tiles') ----- + asTileForPlayer: aPlayer + + | receiverType argumentType resultType phrase receiverTiles | + "Catch edge case: Color tile" + (self receiver isVariableNode and: [self receiver key = (Smalltalk bindingOf: #Color)]) + ifTrue: [ | source result | + source := String streamContents: (MessageSend receiver: self selector: #shortPrintOn:). + result := [Compiler evaluate: source] ifError: [nil]. + result isColor ifTrue: [^ result newTileMorphRepresentative]]. + + "Catch edge case: Test tile" + self ifConditionNormalizeAndDo: [:conditionNode :trueNode :falseNode | | compound | + compound := StandardScriptingSystem new yesNoComplexOfTiles. + compound testPart insertTileRow: (conditionNode asTileSetForPlayer: aPlayer) after: 0. + compound yesPart insertTileRow: (trueNode withoutImplicitReturns asTileSetForPlayer: aPlayer) after: 0. + compound noPart insertTileRow: (falseNode withoutImplicitReturns asTileSetForPlayer: aPlayer) after: 0. + compound enforceTileColorPolicy; layoutChanged; fullBounds. + ^ compound]. + + "Otherwise, try to build a phrase tile" + self arguments size < 2 ifFalse: [^ self convertToTileError]. + + receiverType := #unknown. + argumentType := self arguments ifEmpty: [nil] ifNotEmpty: [#unknown]. + resultType := #unknown. + phrase := PhraseTileMorph new. + phrase + setOperator: self selector key + type: resultType + rcvrType: receiverType + argType: argumentType. + receiverTiles := self receiver asTileSetForPlayer: aPlayer. + receiverTiles size = 1 ifFalse: [^ self convertToTileError]. + phrase firstSubmorph + addMorph: receiverTiles first; + hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap. + self arguments ifNotEmpty: [ | argumentTiles | + argumentTiles := self arguments first asTileSetForPlayer: aPlayer. + argumentTiles size = 1 ifFalse: [^ self convertToTileError]. + phrase lastSubmorph + setType: argumentType; + changeTableLayout; + addMorph: argumentTiles first; + hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap]. + + ^ phrase + hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; + yourself! Item was added: + ----- Method: MethodNode>>asScriptEditorFor: (in category '*Etoys-tiles') ----- + asScriptEditorFor: aPlayer + + | editor | + editor := ScriptEditorMorph new. + editor + playerScripted: aPlayer; + setMorph: aPlayer costume scriptName: self selector. + + (self asTileSetForPlayer: aPlayer) + withIndexDo: [:tile :index | + editor insertTileRow: {tile} after: index]. + editor + removeSpaces; + enforceTileColorPolicy; + scriptEdited; + allMorphsDo: #layoutChanged. + ^ editor! Item was added: + ----- Method: MethodWithInterface>>revertTileVersionFrom:for: (in category 'updating') ----- + revertTileVersionFrom: anEditor for: playerScripted + "Only for universal tiles." + + ^ self revertToLastSavedTileVersionFor: anEditor! Item was added: + ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>convertToTileVersion (in category 'save & revert') ----- + convertToTileVersion + "The receiver, currently showing textual code, is asked to revert to the last-saved tile version" + + | aUserScript | + + self + hResizing: #shrinkWrap; + vResizing: #shrinkWrap. + aUserScript := playerScripted class userScriptForPlayer: playerScripted selector: scriptName. + aUserScript revertTileVersionFrom: self for: playerScripted. + self currentWorld startSteppingSubmorphsOf: self! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>offerScriptorMenu (in category 'other') ----- offerScriptorMenu "Put up a menu in response to the user's clicking in the menu-request area of the scriptor's heaer" | aMenu count | - self modernize. ActiveHand showTemporaryCursor: nil. + - Preferences eToyFriendly ifTrue: [^ self offerSimplerScriptorMenu]. + - aMenu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self. aMenu addTitle: scriptName asString. aMenu addStayUpItem. "NB: the kids version in #offerSimplerScriptorMenu does not deploy the stay-up item" + - aMenu addList: (self hasParameter ifTrue: [{ {'remove parameter' translated. #ceaseHavingAParameter}}] ifFalse: [{ {'add parameter' translated. #addParameter}}]). self hasParameter ifFalse: [aMenu addTranslatedList: { {'button to fire this script' translatedNoop. #tearOfButtonToFireScript}. {'fires per tick...' translatedNoop. #chooseFrequency}. #- }]. + + aMenu addUpdating: #showingCaretsString target: self action: #toggleShowingCarets. - - aMenu addUpdating: #showingCaretsString target: self action: #toggleShowingCarets. aMenu addLine. aMenu addList: { {'edit balloon help for this script' translated. #editMethodDescription}. {'explain status alternatives' translated. #explainStatusAlternatives}. {'button to show/hide this script' translated. #buttonToOpenOrCloseThisScript}. #- }. + + Preferences universalTiles ifFalse: [ + count := self savedTileVersionsCount. - - - Preferences universalTiles ifFalse: - [count := self savedTileVersionsCount. self showingMethodPane + ifFalse: [ "currently showing tiles" + aMenu add: 'show code textually' translated action: #showSourceInScriptor. + count > 0 ifTrue: [ + aMenu add: 'revert to tile version...' translated action: #revertScriptVersion]. + aMenu add: 'save this version' translated action: #saveScriptVersion ] + ifTrue: [ "current showing textual source" + aMenu add: 'convert to tile version' translated action: #toggleWhetherShowingTiles. + count > 0 ifTrue: + [aMenu add: 'revert to tile version...' translated action: #revertScriptVersion]] ]. + - ifFalse: "currently showing tiles" - [aMenu add: 'show code textually' translated action: #toggleWhetherShowingTiles. - count > 0 ifTrue: - [aMenu add: 'revert to tile version...' translated action: #revertScriptVersion]. - aMenu add: 'save this version' translated action: #saveScriptVersion] - - ifTrue: "current showing textual source" - [count >= 1 ifTrue: - [aMenu add: 'revert to tile version' translated action: #toggleWhetherShowingTiles]]]. - "aMenu addLine. self addGoldBoxItemsTo: aMenu." + - aMenu addLine. aMenu add: 'grab this object' translated target: playerScripted selector: #grabPlayerIn: argument: ActiveWorld. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'This will actually pick up the object bearing this script and hand it to you. Click the (left) button to drop it' translated. + - aMenu add: 'reveal this object' translated target: playerScripted selector: #revealPlayerIn: argument: ActiveWorld. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'If you have misplaced the object bearing this script, use this item to (try to) make it visible' translated. + - aMenu add: 'tile representing this object' translated target: playerScripted action: #tearOffTileForSelf. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'choose this to obtain a tile which represents the object associated with this script' translated. + - aMenu addTranslatedList: { #-. {'open viewer' translatedNoop. #openObjectsViewer. 'open the viewer of the object to which this script belongs' translatedNoop}. {'detached method pane' translatedNoop. #makeIsolatedCodePane. 'open a little window that shows the Smalltalk code underlying this script.' translatedNoop}. #-. {'destroy this script' translatedNoop. #destroyScript} }. + + aMenu popUpInWorld: self currentWorld.! - - - aMenu popUpInWorld: self currentWorld. - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>revertToTileVersion (in category 'save & revert') ----- - revertToTileVersion - "The receiver, currently showing textual code, is asked to revert to the last-saved tile version" - - | aUserScript | - - self - hResizing: #shrinkWrap; - vResizing: #shrinkWrap. - aUserScript := playerScripted class userScriptForPlayer: playerScripted selector: scriptName. - aUserScript revertToLastSavedTileVersionFor: self. - self currentWorld startSteppingSubmorphsOf: self! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>toggleWhetherShowingTiles (in category 'other') ----- toggleWhetherShowingTiles "Toggle between showing the method pane and showing the tiles pane" + - self showingMethodPane + ifFalse: [ "currently showing tiles" + self showSourceInScriptor ] + ifTrue: [ "currently showing textual source" + self convertToTileVersion ].! - ifFalse: "currently showing tiles" - [self showSourceInScriptor] - - ifTrue: "current showing textual source" - [Preferences universalTiles - ifTrue: [^ self revertToTileVersion]. - self savedTileVersionsCount >= 1 - ifTrue: - [(self userScriptObject lastSourceString = (playerScripted class sourceCodeAt: scriptName)) - ifFalse: - [(self confirm: - 'Caution -- this script was changed - textually; if you revert to tiles at this - point you will lose all the changes you - may have made textually. Do you - really want to do this?' translated) ifFalse: [^ self]]. - self revertToTileVersion] - ifFalse: - [Beeper beep]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: UserScript>>revertTileVersionFrom:for: (in category 'versions') ----- + revertTileVersionFrom: anEditor for: playerScripted + + anEditor removeAllButFirstSubmorph. + ((self playerClass >> self selector) decompile asTileSetForPlayer: playerScripted) + withIndexDo: [:tile :index | + anEditor insertTileRow: {tile} after: index]. + anEditor allMorphsDo: #layoutChanged. + anEditor showingMethodPane: false. + self becomeTextuallyCoded.! |
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