The Trunk: EToys-dtl.419.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-dtl.419.mcz

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-dtl.419
Author: dtl
Time: 30 January 2021, 12:13:17.431593 am
UUID: 6785ecb9-7abc-4a2a-a554-861f572e77cc
Ancestors: EToys-dtl.418

Reloadable Etoys: Fix TileMorph class initialization for loading Etoys package

=============== Diff against EToys-dtl.418 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
  "TileMorph readInArrowGraphics    -- call manually if necessary to bring graphics forward"
  "TileMorph initialize"
  UpdatingOperators := Dictionary new.
  UpdatingOperators at: #incr: put: #+.
  UpdatingOperators at: #decr: put: #-.
  UpdatingOperators at: #set: put: ''.
  RetractPicture ifNil: [
+ RetractPicture := (self suffixPicture flipBy: #horizontal centerAt: (SuffixPicture center))].
- RetractPicture := (SuffixPicture flipBy: #horizontal centerAt: (SuffixPicture center))].
  SuffixArrowAllowance := 5 + SuffixPicture width + RetractPicture width.
  UpArrowAllowance := 10.
  EqualityOperators := Dictionary new.
  EqualityOperators at: #< put: #eToysLT:.
  EqualityOperators at: #<= put: #eToysLE:.
  EqualityOperators at: #> put: #eToysGT:.
  EqualityOperators at: #>= put: #eToysGE:.
  EqualityOperators at: #= put: #eToysEQ:.
  EqualityOperators at: #~= put: #eToysNE:.