Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/EToys-eem.387.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-eem.387 Author: eem Time: 10 March 2020, 3:53:06.048241 pm UUID: 12d7f0bc-32f7-47d5-9d3b-d1f01f874f09 Ancestors: EToys-mt.386 Eliminate some underscore assignments which throw up unexpected errors on recompilation if one has the preference to allow underscore assignments turned off. =============== Diff against EToys-mt.386 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: BraceNode>>asMorphicSyntaxIn: (in category '*Etoys-tiles') ----- asMorphicSyntaxIn: parent | row | + row := (parent addRow: #brace on: self) layoutInset: 1. - row _ (parent addRow: #brace on: self) layoutInset: 1. row addMorphBack: (StringMorph new contents: (String streamContents: [:aStream | self printOn: aStream indent: 0])). + ^row! - ^row - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FreeCellStatistics>>reset (in category 'actions') ----- reset + sessionWins := 0. + sessionLosses := 0. + totalWins := 0. + totalLosses := 0. + streakWins := 0. + streakLosses := 0. + winsWithReplay := 0. + lossesWithReplay := 0. + lastGameWon := 0. + lastGameLost := 0. + currentCount := 0. + currentType := nil. + self changed! - sessionWins _ 0. - sessionLosses _ 0. - totalWins _ 0. - totalLosses _ 0. - streakWins _ 0. - streakLosses _ 0. - winsWithReplay := 0. - lossesWithReplay := 0. - lastGameWon _ 0. - lastGameLost _ 0. - currentCount _ 0. - currentType _ nil. - self changed. - - - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: LiteralNode>>asMorphicSyntaxIn: (in category '*Etoys-tiles') ----- asMorphicSyntaxIn: parent | row | + row := parent addRow: #literal on: self. - row _ parent addRow: #literal on: self. (key isVariableBinding) ifFalse: [ row layoutInset: 1. ^ row addMorphBack: (row addString: key storeString special: false)]. key key isNil ifTrue: [ ^ row addTextRow: ('###',key value soleInstance name) ] ifFalse: [ ^ row addTextRow: ('##', key key) + ]! - ]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParseNode>>asMorphicSyntaxIn: (in category '*Etoys-tiles') ----- asMorphicSyntaxIn: parent | morph | "Default for missing implementations" + morph := parent addColumn: #error on: self. - morph _ parent addColumn: #error on: self. morph addTextRow: self class printString. + ^morph! - ^morph - - - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: VariableNode>>variableGetterBlockIn: (in category '*Etoys-tiles') ----- variableGetterBlockIn: aContext | temps index ivars | (self type = 4 and: [self key isVariableBinding]) ifTrue: [ ^[self key value] ]. aContext ifNil: [^nil]. self isSelfPseudoVariable ifTrue: [^[aContext receiver]]. self type = 1 ifTrue: [ + ivars := aContext receiver class allInstVarNames. + index := ivars indexOf: self name ifAbsent: [^nil]. - ivars _ aContext receiver class allInstVarNames. - index _ ivars indexOf: self name ifAbsent: [^nil]. ^[aContext receiver instVarAt: index] ]. self type = 2 ifTrue: [ + temps := aContext tempNames. + index := temps indexOf: self name ifAbsent: [^nil]. - temps _ aContext tempNames. - index _ temps indexOf: self name ifAbsent: [^nil]. ^[aContext tempAt: index] ]. + ^nil! - ^nil - ! |
+1 I wanted to do this. Especially annoying in SpurVMMaker.image Le mar. 10 mars 2020 à 23:54, <[hidden email]> a écrit : Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: |
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