Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: EToys-hjh.308
Author: hjh
Time: 9 October 2017, 11:29:30.946214 am
UUID: 2dbdc43f-4c5a-411b-bbd5-d0cc06864fd6
Ancestors: EToys-topa.307
Change from old
Preferences menuTitleBorderColor
to new
self userInterfactTheme menuTitleBorderColor
This change allows the Etoys project load when dropped onto the desktop.
=============== Diff against EToys-topa.307 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: CategoryViewer>>addNamePaneTo: (in category 'header pane') -----
addNamePaneTo: header
"Add the namePane, which is a pop-up"
| triangle aLabel |
namePane := BorderedMorph new.
namePane layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
namePane hResizing: #spaceFill.
namePane listDirection: #leftToRight.
namePane wrapCentering: #center.
namePane cellInset: 2.
namePane layoutInset: 6 @ 0.
namePane color: ScriptingSystem baseColor.
+ namePane borderColor: (self userInterfaceTheme menuTitleBorderColor
+ ifNil: [(Color r: 0.6 g: 0.7 b: 1)]).
- namePane borderColor: Preferences menuTitleBorderColor.
namePane borderWidth: 0.
namePane height: TileMorph defaultH.
namePane useRoundedCornersInEtoys.
triangle := ImageMorph new image: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: #MenuTriangle).
namePane addMorph: triangle.
aLabel := StringMorph contents: '---------' font: ScriptingSystem fontForViewerCategoryPopups.
namePane addMorphBack: aLabel.
namePane on: #mouseDown send: #chooseCategory to: self.
header addMorphBack: namePane!