The Trunk: EToys-jl.237.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-jl.237.mcz

Jens Lincke uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-jl.237
Author: jl
Time: 20 September 2016, 1:48:28.446902 pm
UUID: 255d2987-bffc-ef4b-bb13-a862a8adbc86
Ancestors: EToys-jl.235, EToys-tfel.236

- distanceTo calculations in Kedama between groups of turtles
- conditions in Kedama per turtle, not globally
- fix for dynamically changing the size of a Kedama world

=============== Diff against EToys-tfel.236 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KedamaExamplerPlayer>>getXAndY (in category 'slot getters/setters') -----
+ getXAndY
+ ^ self turtles getXAndY!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KedamaMorph>>dimensions: (in category 'accessing') -----
  dimensions: anExtent
  dimensions := anExtent.
  wrapX := dimensions x asFloat.
  wrapY := dimensions y asFloat.
  patchVarDisplayForm := Form extent: dimensions depth: 32.
+ patchesToDisplay ifNotNil: [
+ patchesToDisplay do: [ :ea |
+ ea newExtent: anExtent.
+ ].
- patchesToDisplay do: [ :ea |
- ea newExtent: anExtent.
  self pixelsPerPatch: self pixelsPerPatch.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KedamaTurtlePlayer>>getXAndY (in category 'commands and slots') -----
+ getXAndY
+ ^ x@y.
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2 class>>primGetDistanceToX:toY:xArray:yArray:resultInto: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  primGetDistanceToX: pX toY: pY xArray: xArray yArray: yArray resultInto: result
+ | ppx ppy tempMin |
- | ppx ppy |
  <primitive: 'vectorGetDistanceTo' module:'KedamaPlugin2'>
  "^ KedamaPlugin doPrimitive: #vectorGetDistanceTo."
  ppx := pX.
  ppy := pY.
  1 to: result size do: [:index |
  pX isCollection ifTrue: [
+ tempMin := SmallInteger maxVal.
+ 1 to: pX size do: [:index2 |
+ ppx := pX at: index2.
+ ppy := pY at: index2.
+ tempMin := tempMin min: ((ppx - (xArray at: index)) squared + (ppy - (yArray at: index)) squared) sqrt.
+ ].
+ self flag: #todo. "should really also remember the other side index to re-use inside the script"
+ result at: index put: tempMin.
+ ] ifFalse: [
+ result at: index put: ((ppx - (xArray at: index)) squared + (ppy - (yArray at: index)) squared) sqrt.
+ ]
- ppx := pX at: index.
- ppy := pY at: index.
- ].
- result at: index put: ((ppx - (xArray at: index)) squared + (ppy - (yArray at: index)) squared) sqrt.
  ^ result.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2>>getDistanceTo: (in category 'player commands') -----
  getDistanceTo: players
  | p xArray yArray result pX pY xy |
  players isCollection ifFalse: [
  p := players
  xArray := arrays at: 2.
  yArray := arrays at: 3.
  result := KedamaFloatArray new: self size.
  players isCollection ifTrue: [
  pX := KedamaFloatArray new: players size.
  pY := KedamaFloatArray new: players size.
  1 to: players size do: [:i |
  xy := (players at: i) getXAndY.
  pX at: i put: xy x.
  pY at: i put: xy y.
  ] ifFalse: [
+ pX := p turtles getX.
+ pY := p turtles getY.
- xy := p getXAndY.
- pX := xy x.
- pY := xy y.
  ^ KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2 primGetDistanceToX: pX toY: pY xArray: xArray yArray: yArray resultInto: result.

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2>>getXAndY (in category 'player commands') -----
+ getXAndY
+ | ys |
+ ys := self getY.
+ ^ self getX asArray withIndexCollect: [:ea :idx | ea @ (ys at: idx)]
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2>>test:ifTrue:ifFalse: (in category 'command execution') -----
  test: cond ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
+ | origPredicate c actualCond condValue |
- | origPredicate c actualCond |
  (cond == true or: [cond == false]) ifTrue: [
  ^ cond ifTrue: [trueBlock value: self] ifFalse: [falseBlock value: self].
  actualCond := cond.
  cond isBlock ifTrue: [
  actualCond := ByteArray new: predicate size.
+ condValue := cond value.
+ condValue isCollection
+ ifTrue: [
+ actualCond := condValue.
+ ] ifFalse: [
+ 1 to: predicate size do: [:i | actualCond at: i put: (cond value ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0])]
+ ]
- 1 to: predicate size do: [:i | actualCond at: i put: (cond value ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0])]
  origPredicate := predicate clone.
  predicate bytesAnd: actualCond.
  trueBlock value: self.
  c := actualCond clone.
  c not.
  predicate replaceFrom: 1 to: (predicate size min: origPredicate size) with: origPredicate startingAt: 1.
  predicate bytesAnd: c.
  falseBlock value: self.
  predicate replaceFrom: 1 to: (predicate size min: origPredicate size) with: origPredicate startingAt: 1.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Object>>test:ifTrue:ifFalse: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-Tweak-Kedama') -----
  test: cond ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
+ cond value ifTrue: [trueBlock value: self] ifFalse: [falseBlock value: self].
- cond ifTrue: [trueBlock value: self] ifFalse: [falseBlock value: self].

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Player>>getXAndY (in category 'slot getters/setters') -----
+ getXAndY
+ ^ self getX @ self getY
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: WordArray>>eToysEQ: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-array arithmetic') -----
  eToysEQ: other
  | result |
  result := ByteArray new: self size.
  other isNumber ifTrue: [
  ^ self primEQScalar: self and: other into: result.
  other isCollection ifTrue: [
  ^ self primEQArray: self and: other into: result.
+ other isColor ifTrue: [
+ ^ self primEQScalar: self and: (other pixelValueForDepth: 32) into: result.
+ ].
  ^ super = other.