Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/EToys-kfr.330.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: EToys-kfr.330
Author: kfr
Time: 26 May 2018, 11:55:21.200868 am
UUID: 6d9d29a4-708f-e540-a815-584b7d42115e
Ancestors: EToys-mt.329
Player had a send to deprecated Smalltalk>>removeKey:ifAbsent:
=============== Diff against EToys-mt.329 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Player class>>freeUnreferencedSubclasses (in category 'housekeeping') -----
"Player classes may hold in their class instance variables references
to instances of themselves that are housekeepingwise unreachable. This
method allows such loops to be garbage collected. This is done in three
1. Remove user-created subclasses from the 'subclasses' set and from
Smalltalk. Only remove classes whose name begins with 'Player' and which
have no references.
2. Do a full garbage collection.
3. Enumerate all Metaclasses and find those whose soleInstance's
superclass is this class. Reset the subclasses set to this set of
classes, and add back to Smalltalk."
"Player freeUnreferencedSubclasses"
| oldFree candidatesForRemoval class |
oldFree := Smalltalk garbageCollect.
candidatesForRemoval := self subclasses asOrderedCollection select:
[:aClass | (aClass name beginsWith: 'Player') and: [aClass name
"Break all system links and then perform garbage collection."
candidatesForRemoval do:
[:c | self removeSubclass: c. "Break downward subclass pointers."
+ Smalltalk globals removeKey: c name ifAbsent: []. "Break binding of global
- Smalltalk removeKey: c name ifAbsent: []. "Break binding of global
candidatesForRemoval := nil.
Smalltalk garbageCollect. "Now this should reclaim all unused
"Now reconstruct system links to subclasses with valid references."
"First restore any global references via associations"
(Association allSubInstances select:
[:assn | (assn key isSymbol)
and: [(assn key beginsWith: 'Player')
and: [assn key endsWithDigit]]])
do: [:assn | class := assn value.
(class isKindOf: self class) ifTrue:
[self addSubclass: class.
Smalltalk add: assn]].
"Then restore any further direct references, creating new
(Metaclass allInstances select:
[:m | (m soleInstance name beginsWith: 'Player')
and: [m soleInstance name endsWithDigit]])
do: [:m | class := m soleInstance.
((class isKindOf: self class) and: [(Smalltalk includesKey: class
name) not]) ifTrue:
[self addSubclass: class.
Smalltalk at: class name put: class]].
SystemOrganization removeMissingClasses.
^ Smalltalk garbageCollect - oldFree