Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/EToys-kfr.339.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-kfr.339 Author: kfr Time: 1 January 2019, 2:37:14.21875 pm UUID: d14aae8c-2874-41e9-a1f1-a08d1638ce02 Ancestors: EToys-pre.338 A few changes to TextPropertiesMorph to make it work more like intended. =============== Diff against EToys-pre.338 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>changeStyle (in category 'button actions') ----- changeStyle "Put up a menu allowing the user to choose a new style for the TextMorph." + | anEditor | + anEditor := self establishSelectionInterval. + anEditor changeTextFont. + ! - | aList reply style | - aList := StrikeFont actualFamilyNames. - aList addFirst: 'DefaultTextStyle'. - reply := (SelectionMenu labelList: aList lines: #(1) selections: aList) startUp. - reply ifNil: [^self]. - - (style := TextStyle named: reply) ifNil: [Beeper beep. ^ true]. - self applyToWholeText ifTrue: [self activeEditor selectAll]. - self activeEditor changeStyleTo: style copy. - self activeTextMorph updateFromParagraph. - self activeTextMorph releaseEditor! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>establishSelectionInterval (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-button actions') ----- establishSelectionInterval "If the active editor has a nonempty selection interval, assimilate it." + | activeEditor itsSize | - | activeEditor anInterval itsSize | activeEditor := self activeEditor. + self applyToWholeText ifTrue: [ ^activeEditor selectAll]. + + (selectionInterval size > 0) - anInterval := activeEditor selectionInterval. - anInterval size > 0 ifTrue: "User set it manually, so remember it" + [^activeEditor selectInterval: selectionInterval] - [selectionInterval := anInterval] ifFalse: [itsSize := self activeTextMorph text string size. selectionInterval := Interval from: selectionInterval start to: (selectionInterval stop min: itsSize). + ^activeEditor selectInterval: selectionInterval]! - activeEditor selectionInterval: selectionInterval]! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') ----- initialize "initialize the state of the receiver" super initialize. applyToWholeText := false. myTarget ifNil: [myTarget := TextMorph new openInWorld. myTarget contents: '']. + selectionInterval := myTarget editor selectionInterval. + activeTextMorph := myTarget copy. + thingsToRevert - - activeTextMorph := myTarget. "Formerly was a copy..." - - thingsToRevert add: (#wrapFlag: -> myTarget isWrapped); add: (#autoFit: -> myTarget isAutoFit); add: (#setTextStyle: -> myTarget textStyle); add: (#margins: -> myTarget margins); add: (#extent: -> myTarget extent); add: (#textColor: -> myTarget textColor); add: (#restoreText: -> myTarget text deepCopy). self rebuild! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextPropertiesMorph>>targetTextColor (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- targetTextColor + + | attrs c ind | + ind := selectionInterval start. + + (ind isNil or: [ind < 1 or: [ind >activeTextMorph text size]]) ifTrue: [ind := 1]. + attrs :=activeTextMorph text attributesAt: ind. + c := attrs detect: [:attr | attr class = TextColor] ifNone: []. + ^ c ifNil: [Color black] ifNotNil: [c color].! - - ^Color black! |
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