The Trunk: EToys-mt.357.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-mt.357.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-mt.357
Author: mt
Time: 29 September 2019, 4:48:08.530032 pm
UUID: d0b2a533-12f3-0b49-bc14-edbccffebb90
Ancestors: EToys-mt.356

Minor Etoys clean-up. See Morphic-mt.1545.

=============== Diff against EToys-mt.356 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SystemProgressMorph>>label:min:max: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-private') -----
- label: shortDescription min: minValue max: maxValue
- | slot range newBarSize barSize lastRefresh index |
- ((range := maxValue - minValue) <= 0 or: [(slot := self nextSlotFor: shortDescription) = 0])
- ifTrue: [^[:barVal| 0 ]].
- self openInWorld.
- activeSlots <= 1
- ifTrue: [self align: self fullBounds center with: Display boundingBox center].
- barSize := -1. "Enforces a inital draw of the morph"
- lastRefresh := 0.
- index := Preferences unifyNestedProgressBars ifFalse: [slot] ifTrue: [1].
- ^[:barVal |
- (barVal between: minValue and: maxValue) ifTrue: [
- newBarSize := (barVal - minValue / range * BarWidth) truncated.
- newBarSize > barSize ifTrue: [
- barSize := newBarSize.
- (bars at: index) barSize: barSize.
- Time primMillisecondClock - lastRefresh > 25 ifTrue: [
- self currentWorld displayWorld.
- lastRefresh := Time primMillisecondClock]]].
- slot]
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SystemProgressMorph>>nextSlotUnifiedFor: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-private') -----
- nextSlotUnifiedFor: shortDescription
- | bar label index |
- lock critical: [
- activeSlots := activeSlots + 1.
- index := 1.
- bar := (bars at: index).
- bar ifNil: [
- bar := bars at: 1 put: (SystemProgressBarMorph new extent: BarWidth@BarHeight).
- label := labels at: 1 put: (StringMorph contents: shortDescription font: font).
- self
- addMorphBack: label;
- addMorphBack: bar.
- ].
- bar owner ifNil: [
- bar := bars at: index.
- label := labels at: index.
- self
- addMorphBack: (label contents: shortDescription);
- addMorphBack: (bar barSize: 0).
- ]].
- ^ activeSlots.
- !