Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: EToys-mt.362
Author: mt
Time: 16 October 2019, 1:09:43.789134 pm
UUID: 7dc0a2c8-30d8-ff4e-99b2-400a969a4c8b
Ancestors: EToys-mt.361
Minor fix because #select: keeps the original kind, which is a set, which cannot be sorted in-place.
=============== Diff against EToys-mt.361 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SearchingViewer>>doSearchFrom:interactive: (in category 'search') -----
doSearchFrom: aSource interactive: isInteractive
"Perform the search operation. If interactive is true, this actually happened because a search button was pressed; if false, it was triggered some other way for which an informer would be inappropriate."
| searchFor aVocab aList all anInterface useTranslations scriptNames addedMorphs |
searchString := aSource isString
[(aSource isKindOf: PluggableTextMorph) "old"
[aSource text string]
[aSource contents asString]].
searchFor := searchString asLowercaseAlphabetic.
aVocab := self outerViewer currentVocabulary.
(useTranslations := (scriptedPlayer isPlayerLike) and: [aVocab isEToyVocabulary])
[all := scriptedPlayer costume selectorsForViewer.
all addAll: (scriptNames := scriptedPlayer class namedTileScriptSelectors)]
[all := scriptNames := scriptedPlayer class allSelectors].
aList := all select:
[:aSelector | (aVocab includesSelector: aSelector forInstance: scriptedPlayer ofClass: scriptedPlayer class limitClass: ProtoObject) and:
[(useTranslations and: [(anInterface := aVocab methodInterfaceAt: aSelector ifAbsent: [nil]) notNil and: [anInterface wording asString asLowercaseAlphabetic includesSubstring: searchFor caseSensitive: true]])
[((scriptNames includes: aSelector) or: [useTranslations not]) and:
[aSelector includesSubstring: searchFor caseSensitive: false]]]].
+ aList := aList sorted.
- aList sort.
self removeAllButFirstSubmorph. "that being the header"
self addAllMorphs:
((addedMorphs := scriptedPlayer tilePhrasesForSelectorList: aList inViewer: self)).
self enforceTileColorPolicy.
self secreteCategorySymbol.
self world ifNotNil: [self world startSteppingSubmorphsOf: self].
self adjustColorsAndBordersWithin.
owner ifNotNil: [owner isStandardViewer ifTrue: [owner fitFlap].
(isInteractive and: [addedMorphs isEmpty]) ifTrue:
[searchFor ifNotEmpty:
[self inform: ('No matches found for "' translated), searchFor, '"']]]!