Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: EToys-mt.381
Author: mt
Time: 20 February 2020, 1:53:03.525448 pm
UUID: fe0f2fb3-5e3f-f34f-a019-c49bd9744017
Ancestors: EToys-mt.380
Fixes a stoopid typo :o)
=============== Diff against EToys-mt.380 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ReleaseBuilderSqueakland class>>setPreferences (in category 'scripts') -----
super setPreferences.
[ "Reset all preferences to their default value but ensure that all control and alt keys stay duplicated."
Preferences cambridge.
Preferences allPreferences do: [:each |
each defaultValue: each preferenceValue].
enable: #duplicateAllControlAndAltKeys.
] valueSupplyingAnswer: true.
disable: #alternativeWindowBoxesLook;
enable: #magicHalos;
enable: #mouseOverHalos;
enable: #showAdvancedNavigatorButtons;
disable: #honorDesktopCmdKeys;
enable: #unlimitedPaintArea;
enable: #fastDragWindowForMorphic;
enable: #noviceMode;
disable: #generalizedYellowButtonMenu;
disable: #signProjectFiles;
+ enable: #alwaysHideHScrollbar;
+ enable: #alwaysShowVScrollbar. "For the menu button."
- enable: #alwaysHideHScrollBar;
- enable: #alwaysShowVScrollBar. "For the menu button."
ScrollBar scrollBarsWithoutMenuButton: false.
ScrollBar scrollBarsWithoutArrowButtons: false.
"Rounded corners."
Morph preferredCornerRadius: 8.
PluggableButtonMorph roundedButtonCorners: true.
DialogWindow roundedDialogCorners: true.
SystemWindow roundedWindowCorners: true.
ScrollBar roundedScrollBarLook: true.
Cursor useBiggerCursors: true.
slideDismissalsToTrash: true;
preserveTrash: true.
showHideButton: false;
showSugarNavigator: true.
Preferences disable: #showAdvancedNavigatorButtons.
TileMorph usePopUpArrows: true.
Morph indicateKeyboardFocus: false.
"Ignore warnings."
Deprecation showDeprecationWarnings: false.
disable: #warnIfChangesFileReadOnly;
disable: #warnIfNoChangesFile;
disable: #warnIfNoSourcesFile.