Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-mt.383 Author: mt Time: 4 March 2020, 5:02:24.289827 pm UUID: 65cbaa81-5887-b542-bbce-bbe45e41ed84 Ancestors: EToys-mt.382 Removes more deprecated message sends. =============== Diff against EToys-mt.382 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CategoryViewer>>showCategoriesFor: (in category 'categories') ----- showCategoriesFor: aSymbol "Put up a pop-up list of categories in which aSymbol is filed; replace the receiver with a CategoryViewer for the one the user selects, if any" | allCategories aVocabulary hits meths chosen aMenu aCaption symbolToReport | aVocabulary := self currentVocabulary. allCategories := scriptedPlayer categoriesForVocabulary: aVocabulary limitClass: ProtoObject. hits := allCategories select: [:aCategory | meths := aVocabulary allMethodsInCategory: aCategory forInstance: scriptedPlayer ofClass: scriptedPlayer class. meths includes: aSymbol]. hits isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'this tile is not actually suitable for use with this kind of object' translated]. + symbolToReport := (aSymbol beginsWith: 'get') ifTrue: [aSymbol inherentSelector] ifFalse: [aSymbol]. - symbolToReport := (aSymbol beginsWith: 'get') ifTrue: [Utilities inherentSelectorForGetter: aSymbol] ifFalse: [aSymbol]. aMenu := SelectionMenu selections: hits. aCaption := hits size = 1 ifTrue: ['is in the following category' translated] ifFalse: ['can be found in the following categories' translated]. chosen := aMenu startUpWithCaption: symbolToReport, ' ', aCaption. chosen isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [self outerViewer addCategoryViewerFor: chosen atEnd: true] ! Item was changed: ----- Method: DialectParser>>parseArgsAndTemps:notifying: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- parseArgsAndTemps: aString notifying: req "Parse the argument, aString, notifying req if an error occurs. Otherwise, answer a two-element Array containing Arrays of strings (the argument names and temporary variable names)." aString == nil ifTrue: [^#()]. doitFlag := false. "Don't really know if a doit or not!!" ^self initPattern: aString - notifying: req return: [:pattern | (pattern at: 2) , self temporaries]! Item was changed: ----- Method: KedamaExamplerPlayer>>userDefinedSlotGetters (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-private') ----- userDefinedSlotGetters + ^ turtles info keys asArray collect: [:e | e asGetterSelector]. - ^ turtles info keys asArray collect: [:e | Utilities getterSelectorFor: e]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: KedamaExamplerPlayer>>userDefinedSlotSetters (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-private') ----- userDefinedSlotSetters + ^ turtles info keys asArray collect: [:e | e asSetterSelector]. - ^ turtles info keys asArray collect: [:e | Utilities setterSelectorFor: e]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: KedamaSequenceExecutionStub>>removeSlotNamed: (in category 'method management') ----- removeSlotNamed: aSlotName + self class removeSelectorSilently: aSlotName asGetterSelector. + self class removeSelectorSilently: aSlotName asSetterSelector. - self class removeSelectorSilently: (Utilities getterSelectorFor: aSlotName). - self class removeSelectorSilently: (Utilities setterSelectorFor: aSlotName). self compileAllAccessors. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2>>removeVectorSlotNamed: (in category 'player protocol') ----- removeVectorSlotNamed: aSlotName | index newArrays | index := info at: aSlotName asSymbol ifAbsent: [^ self]. newArrays := (arrays copyFrom: 1 to: index - 1), (arrays copyFrom: index + 1 to: arrays size). types replaceFrom: index to: types size - 1 with: types startingAt: index + 1. info removeKey: aSlotName asSymbol. info associationsDo: [:assoc | assoc value > index ifTrue: [info at: assoc key put: assoc value - 1]]. arrays := newArrays. + self class removeSelectorSilently: aSlotName asGetterSelector. + self class removeSelectorSilently: aSlotName asSetterSelector. - self class removeSelectorSilently: (Utilities getterSelectorFor: aSlotName). - self class removeSelectorSilently: (Utilities setterSelectorFor: aSlotName). self compileAllAccessors. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Parser>>parseArgsAndTemps:notifying: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-public access') ----- parseArgsAndTemps: aString notifying: req "Parse the argument, aString, notifying req if an error occurs. Otherwise, answer a two-element Array containing Arrays of strings (the argument names and temporary variable names)." (req notNil and: [RequestAlternateSyntaxSetting signal]) ifTrue: [^ (self as: DialectParser) parseArgsAndTemps: aString notifying: req]. aString == nil ifTrue: [^#()]. doitFlag := false. "Don't really know if a doit or not!!" ^self initPattern: aString - notifying: req return: [:pattern | (pattern at: 2) , (self temporariesIn: (pattern at: 1))]! Item was changed: ----- Method: PhraseTileMorph>>updatingOperatorNodeWith: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-code generation') ----- updatingOperatorNodeWith: encoder | sel rec args | + sel := submorphs second assignmentRoot asGetterSelector. - sel := Utilities getterSelectorFor: submorphs second assignmentRoot. rec := submorphs first parseNodeWith: encoder. args := WriteStream on: (Array new: 3). ((submorphs second isMemberOf: TileCommandWithArgumentMorph) or: [(submorphs second isMemberOf: KedamaSetColorComponentTile) or: [submorphs second isMemberOf: KedamaSetPixelValueTile]]) ifTrue: [ args nextPut: (submorphs second parseNodeWith: encoder). ]. ^ MessageNode new receiver: rec selector: sel arguments: args contents precedence: (sel precedence) from: encoder sourceRange: nil. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>getPageCount (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-playing commands') ----- getPageCount | b | + b := ScrapBook default scrapBook renderedMorph. - b := Utilities scrapsBook renderedMorph. ^ b ifNotNil: [b pages size] ifNil: [1]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>getPrecisionFor: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-slots-user') ----- getPrecisionFor: slotName "get the precision for the given slot name" | aGetter places precision | precision := 1. (self slotInfo includesKey: slotName) ifTrue: ["it's a user slot" precision := (self slotInfoAt: slotName) floatPrecision] ifFalse: ["reference to system slots" + aGetter := slotName asGetterSelector. - aGetter := Utilities getterSelectorFor: slotName. self costume renderedMorph ifNotNil: [ :morph | places := morph decimalPlacesForGetter: aGetter. precision := Utilities floatPrecisionForDecimalPlaces: places ]]. ^precision! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>removeWatchersOfSlotNamed: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-translation') ----- removeWatchersOfSlotNamed: aName "A variable has been removed. Deal with possible watchers." | aGetter | + aGetter := aName asGetterSelector. - aGetter := Utilities getterSelectorFor: aName. self allPossibleWatchersFromWorld do: [:aWatcher | (aWatcher getSelector = aGetter) ifTrue: [aWatcher stopStepping. (aWatcher ownerThatIsA: WatcherWrapper) ifNotNil: [:aWrapper | aWrapper delete]]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>setPrecisionFor:precision: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-slots-user') ----- setPrecisionFor: slotName precision: aNumber | val | (self slotInfo includesKey: slotName) ifTrue: ["it's a user slot" (self slotInfoAt: slotName) floatPrecision: (Utilities floatPrecisionForDecimalPlaces: aNumber). self class allInstancesDo: [:anInst | aNumber == 0 ifFalse: [((val := anInst instVarNamed: slotName asString) isInteger) ifTrue: [anInst instVarNamed: slotName asString put: val asFloat]]. anInst updateAllViewers]] ifFalse: ["it's specifying a preference for precision on a system-defined numeric slot" + self noteDecimalPlaces: aNumber forGetter: slotName asGetterSelector. - self noteDecimalPlaces: aNumber forGetter: (Utilities getterSelectorFor: slotName). self updateAllViewers]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Utilities class>>emptyScrapsBookGC (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-scraps') ----- emptyScrapsBookGC "Get rid of trashed siblings so they won't appear in allSiblingsDo:" "Utilities emptyScrapsBookGC" | doGC | doGC := (ScrapsBook ifNotNil: [ScrapsBook pages size > 1]) ~~ false. + ScrapBook default emptyScrapBook. - self emptyScrapsBook. doGC ifTrue: [Smalltalk garbageCollect].! Item was changed: ----- Method: WatcherWrapper>>getter (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-accessing') ----- getter "Answer the selector that serves as the getter for this watcher." + ^ self valueOfProperty: #getter ifAbsent: [variableName asGetterSelector]! - ^ self valueOfProperty: #getter ifAbsent: [Utilities getterSelectorFor: variableName]! |
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