Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-mt.395 Author: mt Time: 3 June 2020, 3:24:51.881117 pm UUID: b4c7142d-c357-3448-86fd-62a029de049d Ancestors: EToys-mt.394 Fixes for the original chess game. Adds the revised version, Chess 960, to Etoys games catalogue. Also available through the parts bin. Thanks to Stéphane (spfa)! Bugfixes: - castling was not possible when a rook was menaced - a test for king attack in black king-side castling was missing - the cached number of pawns is sometimes off, which could lead to a DivideByZero error in some endgames (this is fixed, but not the discrepancy which still effects the material evaluation) - a pawn taken en-passant was not removed from display One notable bug left is that undoing a castling move makes it impossible to castle again. Improvements: - nicer display, scalable (with assets from wikimedia common) - the board is now sticky and cannot be accidentally grabbed - hints (from the 'help' button) now appear in the status line - support for Fischer randomized chess, aka Chess960 Changes: - to castle, one now has to move the king over the rook =============== Diff against EToys-mt.394 =============== Item was changed: SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Buttons'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-CustomEvents'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Experimental'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-OLPC-Display'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Outliner'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Protocols'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Protocols-Type Vocabularies'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-ReleaseBuilder'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Scripting'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Scripting Support'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Scripting Tiles'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-BroomMorphs-Base'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-BroomMorphs-Connectors'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-EToys-Kedama'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-Buttons'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-Calendar'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-Debugger'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-Help'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-Input'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-Scripting'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-Scripting Support'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-Scripting Tiles'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-SpeechBubbles'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Etoys-Tile Scriptors'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Graphics-Text'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Graphics-Tools-Intersection'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Graphics-Tools-Simplification'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Graphics-Tools-Triangulation'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Basic'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Books'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Components'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Demo'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Experimental'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Games'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Games-Chess'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-GeeMail'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Kernel'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Mentoring'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Navigators'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-PDA'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-PartsBin'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Support'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Widgets'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Windows'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Worlds'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-MorphicExtras-AdditionalMorphs'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-MorphicExtras-Charts'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-MorphicExtras-Postscript Filters'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-MorphicExtras-WebCam'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-MorphicExtras-Widgets'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Multilingual-Languages'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Multilingual-TextConversion'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Network-HTML-Formatter'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Network-HTML-Forms'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Network-HTML-Parser'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Network-HTML-Parser Entities'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Network-HTML-Tokenizer'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Network-MIME'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Network-TelNet WordNet'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Network-UI'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Network-Url'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Protocols-Type Vocabularies'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-SISS-Serialization'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-ST80-Morphic'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-SUnit'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Sound-Interface'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Sound-Ogg'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Sound-Scores'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Sugar'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Support'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-System-Clipboard-Extended'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-System-Compiler'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-System-Exceptions Kernel'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-System-Support'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Tools-Changes'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Tools-Explorer'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Tools-Process Browser'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Tweak-Kedama-ObjectVectors'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Tweak-Kedama-ParseTree-AttributeDefinition'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Tweak-Kedama-ParseTreeTransformer'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Stacks'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-StarSqueak'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Support'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Tests'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Tile Scriptors'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-UserInterfaceTheme'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Widgets'! + SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Games-Chess960'! Item was added: + ChessBoard subclass: #Chess960Board + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Games-Chess960'! + + !Chess960Board commentStamp: 'spfa 6/2/2020 15:13' prior: 0! + Chess960Board can handle Fisher-style random starting positions in home ranks! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Board>>initialize (in category 'initialize') ----- + initialize + generator ifNil:[generator := Chess960MoveGenerator new initialize]. + searchAgent ifNil:[searchAgent := ChessPlayerAI new initialize]. + self resetGame. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Board>>initializeNewBoard (in category 'initialize') ----- + initializeNewBoard + + | conf | + + self resetGame. + conf := Chess960Configuration new. + whitePlayer addWhitePieces: conf. + blackPlayer addBlackPieces: conf. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Board>>resetGame (in category 'initialize') ----- + resetGame + hashKey := hashLock := 0. + whitePlayer := Chess960Player new initialize. + blackPlayer := Chess960Player new initialize. + whitePlayer opponent: blackPlayer. + whitePlayer board: self. + blackPlayer opponent: whitePlayer. + blackPlayer board: self. + activePlayer := whitePlayer. + searchAgent reset: self. + userAgent ifNotNil:[userAgent gameReset].! Item was added: + Object subclass: #Chess960Configuration + instanceVariableNames: 'positions king leftRook rightRook' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: 'ChessConstants' + category: 'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Games-Chess960'! + + !Chess960Configuration commentStamp: 'spfa 6/2/2020 15:13' prior: 0! + A Chess960Configuration is a Fisher-style random starting arrangement of pieces in the home ranks! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Configuration class>>new (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- + new + + | rand positions k | + + rand := Random new. + positions := Array new: 8. + positions at: (rand nextInt: 4) * 2 - 1 put: Bishop. + positions at: (rand nextInt: 4) * 2 put: Bishop. + positions at: (k := (((1 to: 8) select: [:n | (positions at: n) isNil]) copyFrom: 2 to: 5) atRandom: rand) put: King. + positions at: (((1 to: k-1) select: [:n | (positions at: n) isNil]) atRandom: rand) put: Rook. + positions at: (((k+1 to: 8) select: [:n | (positions at: n) isNil]) atRandom: rand) put: Rook. + positions at: (((1 to: 8) select: [:n | (positions at: n) isNil]) atRandom: rand) put: Queen. + positions at: ((1 to: 8) detect: [:n | (positions at: n) isNil]) put: Knight. + positions at: ((1 to: 8) detect: [:n | (positions at: n) isNil]) put: Knight. + + ^ self basicNew positions: positions + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Configuration>>initialKingPosition (in category 'positions') ----- + initialKingPosition + + ^ king ifNil: [king := positions indexOf: King]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Configuration>>initialLeftRookPosition (in category 'positions') ----- + initialLeftRookPosition + + ^ leftRook ifNil: [leftRook := positions indexOf: Rook]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Configuration>>initialRightRookPosition (in category 'positions') ----- + initialRightRookPosition + + ^ rightRook ifNil: [rightRook := positions indexOf: Rook startingAt: self initialKingPosition]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Configuration>>positions (in category 'positions') ----- + positions + + ^ positions! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Configuration>>positions: (in category 'positions') ----- + positions: anArray + + positions := anArray. + king := leftRook := rightRook := nil! Item was added: + ChessMorph subclass: #Chess960Morph + instanceVariableNames: 'images message squareSize' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Games-Chess960'! + + !Chess960Morph commentStamp: 'spfa 6/2/2020 15:10' prior: 0! + Chess960Morph is a nicer, scalable, skin for ChessMorph. + It also can play Fischer random chess (use the '960' button) + + Chess960Morph new openInWorld + + (Chess960Morph new squareSize: 100) openInWorld + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph class>>descriptionForPartsBin (in category 'parts bin') ----- + descriptionForPartsBin + ^ self partName: 'Chess 960' translatedNoop + categories: {'Games' translatedNoop} + documentation: 'A fine game of chess. Revised by Stéphane Rollandin (spfa).' translatedNoop! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>addButtonRow (in category 'initialize') ----- + addButtonRow + + | r m | + r := AlignmentMorph newRow hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; color: Color transparent. + r cellInset: 2. + r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: ' New ' translated action: #newGame). + r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: ' 960 ' translated action: #new960Game). + r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: ' Help ' translated action: #findBestMove). + r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: ' Play ' translated action: #thinkAndMove). + r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: ' Auto ' translated action: #autoPlay). + r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: ' Undo ' translated action: #undoMove). + r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: ' Redo ' translated action: #redoMove). + r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: ' Quit ' translated action: #delete). + r disableTableLayout: true. + r align: r bounds topLeft with: self layoutBounds topLeft. + self addMorphFront: r. + m := UpdatingStringMorph on: self selector: #statusString. + m useStringFormat. + m disableTableLayout: true. + m stepTime: 50. + m align: m bounds topLeft with: r fullBounds bottomLeft. + self addMorphFront: m. + m + font: self textFont; + color: self statusColor; + maximumWidth: self width - self squareSize; + position: self position + (self squareSize @ self squareSize * 0.6)! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>addSquares (in category 'initialize') ----- + addSquares + | white black border square index | + white := self whiteColor. + black := self blackColor. + border := self highColor. + index := 0. + #( + ( ' ' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' ' ') + ( '1' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' ' ') + ( '2' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' ' ') + ( '3' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' ' ') + ( '4' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' ' ') + ( '5' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' ' ') + ( '6' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' ' ') + ( '7' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' ' ') + ( '8' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' 'W' 'B' ' ') + ( ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ') + ) do:[:file| + file do:[:sq| + square := self newSquare. + square borderWidth: 0. + (sq = 'W' or:[sq = 'B']) ifTrue:[ + square color: (sq = 'W' ifTrue:[white] ifFalse:[black]). + square borderColor: border. + square setProperty: #squarePosition toValue: (index := index + 1). + square setNameTo: + (String with: ($a asInteger + (index - 1 bitAnd: 7)) asCharacter with: ($1 asInteger + (index -1 bitShift: -3)) asCharacter). + square on: #mouseEnter send: #showMoves:from: to: self. + square on: #mouseEnterDragging send: #dragSquareEnter:from: to: self. + square on: #mouseLeaveDragging send: #dragSquareLeave:from: to: self. + ] ifFalse:["decoration" + square color: Color transparent. + sq = ' ' ifFalse:[ + square addMorph: ((StringMorph contents: sq font: self textFont) + color: self labelsColor). + ]. + ]. + square extent: self squareSize @ self squareSize. + self addMorphBack: square. + square submorphs ifNotEmpty: [square submorphs first center: square center] + ]]. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>blackColor (in category 'theme') ----- + blackColor + + " Color earth paler duller." + "^ Color grass duller" + ^ Color r: 0.343 g: 0.576 b: 0.207! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>buttonColor (in category 'theme') ----- + buttonColor + + " ^ Color lightBlue3 whiter " + ^ Color r: 0.667 g: 0.792 b: 0.833! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>buttonName:action: (in category 'initialize') ----- + buttonName: aString action: aSymbol + + ^ SimpleButtonMorph new + target: self; + label: aString; + actionSelector: aSymbol; + color: self buttonColor; + borderWidth: 1; + borderRaised. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>defaultBounds (in category 'initialization') ----- + defaultBounds + "answer the default bounds for the receiver" + ^ 0 @ 0 corner: (self squareSize * 10 + 10) @ (self squareSize * 10 + 10)! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>defaultColor (in category 'theme') ----- + defaultColor + + "^ Color paleTeal duller duller" + ^ Color r: 0.467 g: 0.631 b: 0.71! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>findBestMove (in category 'playing') ----- + findBestMove + | move | + board ifNil: [^ self]. + board searchAgent isThinking ifTrue:[^self]. + + "tmp - board should be nil when the game is over" + ((1 to: 64) allSatisfy: [:n | + (board activePlayer pieces at: n) isZero + or: [(board activePlayer findValidMovesAt: n) isEmpty]]) + ifTrue: [message := (board activePlayer isWhitePlayer + ifTrue: ['white'] ifFalse: ['black']), ' lost'. + ^ self]. + + Cursor wait showWhile:[move := board searchAgent think]. + message := 'I suggest ' translated, move moveString. + ^move + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>finishedGame: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- + finishedGame: result + + super finishedGame: result. + message := #('black won' 'draw' 'white won') at: result * 2 + 1! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>highColor (in category 'theme') ----- + highColor + + " ^ Color lightGold" + ^ Color r: 0.992 g: 0.863 b: 0.361! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>images (in category 'theme') ----- + images + + ^ images ifNil: [images := ChessPieceMorphWC piecesWithHeight: self squareSize - 5]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') ----- + initialize + "initialize the state of the receiver" + super initialize. + self bounds: self defaultBounds. + self beSticky! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>labelsColor (in category 'theme') ----- + labelsColor + + " ^ Color armyGreen" + ^ Color r: 0.294 g: 0.365 b: 0.086! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>movedPiece:from:to: (in category 'game callbacks') ----- + movedPiece: piece from: sourceSquare to: destSquare + | sourceMorph destMorph sourcePos destPos w startTime nowTime deltaTime | + sourceMorph := (self atSquare: sourceSquare) firstSubmorph. + destMorph := self atSquare: destSquare. + animateMove ifTrue:[ + sourcePos := sourceMorph boundsInWorld center. + destPos := destMorph boundsInWorld center. + (w := self world) ifNotNil:[ + w addMorphFront: sourceMorph. + deltaTime := (sourcePos dist: destPos) * 3 asInteger. + startTime := Time millisecondClockValue. + [nowTime := Time millisecondClockValue. + nowTime - startTime < deltaTime] whileTrue:[ + sourceMorph center: sourcePos + (destPos - sourcePos * (nowTime - startTime) // deltaTime) asIntegerPoint. + w displayWorldSafely]. + sourceMorph removeDropShadow. + ]. + ]. + destMorph removeAllMorphs. + destMorph addMorphCentered: sourceMorph. + animateMove := false. + message := nil.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>new960Game (in category 'initialize') ----- + new960Game + board := Chess960Board new. + board initialize. + board userAgent: self. + board initializeNewBoard. + history := OrderedCollection new. + redoList := OrderedCollection new. + message := nil + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>newPiece:white: (in category 'initialize') ----- + newPiece: piece white: isWhite + + | index selector m | + index := piece. + isWhite ifFalse:[index := index + 6]. + selector := #( + whitePawn + whiteKnight + whiteBishop + whiteRook + whiteQueen + whiteKing + + blackPawn + blackKnight + blackBishop + blackRook + blackQueen + blackKing) at: index. + m := ChessPieceMorph new image: (self images at: selector). + m setProperty: #isWhite toValue: isWhite. + m setProperty: #piece toValue: piece. + ^m! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>reinstallPieces (in category 'resizing') ----- + reinstallPieces + + board whitePlayer pieces doWithIndex: [:pc :n | + pc isZero ifFalse: [ + self addedPiece: pc at: n white: true]]. + + board blackPlayer pieces doWithIndex: [:pc :n | + pc isZero ifFalse: [ + self addedPiece: pc at: n white: false]].! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>setExtentFromHalo: (in category 'miscellaneous') ----- + setExtentFromHalo: anExtent + + self squareSize: (anExtent x - 10) //10.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>showMovesAt: (in category 'events') ----- + showMovesAt: square + | list | + board ifNil:[^self]. + board searchAgent isThinking ifTrue:[^self]. + self squaresDo:[:m| m borderWidth: 0]. + list := board activePlayer findValidMovesAt: square. + list isEmpty ifTrue:[^self]. + (self atSquare: square) borderWidth: 2. + list do:[:move| + (self atSquare: (move triggerSquareIn: board)) borderWidth: 5. + ].! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>squareSize (in category 'resizing') ----- + squareSize + + ^ squareSize ifNil: [70]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>squareSize: (in category 'resizing') ----- + squareSize: anInteger + + | ss | + + ss := anInteger max: 48. + + squareSize := ss. + images := nil. + submorphs do: #delete. + self extent: (ss * 10 + 10) @ (ss * 10 + 10) . + self addSquares. + self addButtonRow. + self reinstallPieces! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>statusColor (in category 'theme') ----- + statusColor + + " ^ Color reallyLightBlue " + ^ Color r: 0.831 g: 1 b: 1! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>statusString (in category 'other stuff') ----- + statusString + + ^ message ifNil: [super statusString]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>swappedPieceOn:withPieceOn: (in category 'game callbacks') ----- + swappedPieceOn: aSquare withPieceOn: bSquare + | aMorph bMorph | + + aMorph := (self atSquare: aSquare) firstSubmorph. + bMorph := (self atSquare: bSquare) firstSubmorph. + + (self atSquare: aSquare) removeAllMorphs. + (self atSquare: aSquare) addMorphCentered: bMorph. + + (self atSquare: bSquare) removeAllMorphs. + (self atSquare: bSquare) addMorphCentered: aMorph. + + message := nil.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>textFont (in category 'theme') ----- + textFont + + | ps | + + ps := self squareSize < 80 ifTrue: [12] ifFalse: [15]. + + ^ TTCFont familyName: 'BitstreamVeraSans' pointSize: ps emphasis: 1 + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Morph>>whiteColor (in category 'theme') ----- + whiteColor + + " ^ Color ivory" + ^ Color r: 1 g: 1 b: 0.94! Item was added: + ChessMoveGenerator subclass: #Chess960MoveGenerator + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Games-Chess960'! + + !Chess960MoveGenerator commentStamp: 'spfa 6/1/2020 14:56' prior: 0! + Chess960MoveGenerator implements the specific castling checks and moves for Chess960! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>canCastleBlackKingSide (in category 'support') ----- + canCastleBlackKingSide + + (castlingStatus bitAnd: CastlingEnableKingSide) = 0 ifFalse:[^false]. + + (myPlayer rightCastlingField inject: 0 into: [:sum :s| + sum + (myPieces at: s) + (itsPieces at: s)]) = (King + Rook) + ifFalse:[^false]. + + myPlayer rightCastlingWalk in: [:w | + (self checkRookMoversAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^false]. + (self checkBishopMoversAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkKnightAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkPawnsAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkKingAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]]. + + (self checkAttack: (myPlayer initialKingSquare - 1 to: A8 by: -1) fromPieces: RookMovers) + ifTrue: [^false]. + (self checkAttack: {H8} fromPieces: RookMovers) ifTrue: [^false]. + + ^true. + + + + + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>canCastleBlackQueenSide (in category 'support') ----- + canCastleBlackQueenSide + + (castlingStatus bitAnd: CastlingEnableQueenSide) = 0 ifFalse:[^false]. + + (myPlayer leftCastlingField inject: 0 into: [:sum :s| + sum + (myPieces at: s) + (itsPieces at: s)]) = (King + Rook) + ifFalse:[^false]. + + myPlayer leftCastlingWalk in: [:w | + (self checkRookMoversAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^false]. + (self checkBishopMoversAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkKnightAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkPawnsAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkKingAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]]. + + (self checkAttack: (myPlayer initialKingSquare +1 to: H8) fromPieces: RookMovers) + ifTrue: [^false]. + (self checkAttack: {B8 . A8} fromPieces: RookMovers) ifTrue: [^false]. + + + ^true. + + + + + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>canCastleWhiteKingSide (in category 'support') ----- + canCastleWhiteKingSide + + (castlingStatus bitAnd: CastlingEnableKingSide) = 0 ifFalse:[^false]. + + (myPlayer rightCastlingField inject: 0 into: [:sum :s| + sum + (myPieces at: s) + (itsPieces at: s)]) = (King + Rook) + ifFalse:[^false]. + + myPlayer rightCastlingWalk in: [:w | + (self checkRookMoversAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^false]. + (self checkBishopMoversAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkKnightAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkPawnsAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkKingAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]]. + + (self checkAttack: (myPlayer initialKingSquare - 1 to: A1 by: -1) fromPieces: RookMovers) + ifTrue: [^false]. + (self checkAttack: {H1} fromPieces: RookMovers) ifTrue: [^false]. + + ^true. + + + + + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>canCastleWhiteQueenSide (in category 'support') ----- + canCastleWhiteQueenSide + + (castlingStatus bitAnd: CastlingEnableQueenSide) = 0 ifFalse:[^false]. + + (myPlayer leftCastlingField inject: 0 into: [:sum :s| + sum + (myPieces at: s) + (itsPieces at: s)]) = (King + Rook) + ifFalse:[^false]. + + myPlayer leftCastlingWalk in: [:w | + (self checkRookMoversAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^false]. + (self checkBishopMoversAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkKnightAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkPawnsAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]. + (self checkKingAttacksAlong: w) ifTrue: [^ false]]. + + (self checkAttack: (myPlayer initialKingSquare + 1 to: H1) fromPieces: RookMovers) + ifTrue: [^false]. + (self checkAttack: {B1 . A1} fromPieces: RookMovers) ifTrue: [^false]. + + ^true. + + + + + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>checkBishopMoversAttacksAlong: (in category 'support') ----- + checkBishopMoversAttacksAlong: anArray + + "anArray contains consecutive, ordered squares that are all either in rank 8 or in rank 1" + + anArray do: [:s | + (self checkBishopMoversAttacksOn: s) ifTrue: [^ true]]. + + ^ false! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>checkBishopMoversAttacksOn: (in category 'support') ----- + checkBishopMoversAttacksOn: aSquare + + "aSquare is either in rank 8 or in rank 1" + + | leftDiagonal rightDiagonal | + + myPlayer isWhitePlayer ifFalse: [ + leftDiagonal := (1 to: aSquare - A8) collect: [:n | aSquare - (n * 7)]. + rightDiagonal := (1 to: H8 - aSquare) collect: [:n | aSquare - (n * 9)] + ] + ifTrue: [ + leftDiagonal := (1 to: aSquare - A1) collect: [:n | aSquare + (n * 7)]. + rightDiagonal := (1 to: H1 - aSquare) collect: [:n | aSquare + (n * 9)] + ]. + + ^ (self checkAttack: leftDiagonal fromPieces: BishopMovers) + or: [self checkAttack: rightDiagonal fromPieces: BishopMovers]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>checkKingAttacksAlong: (in category 'support') ----- + checkKingAttacksAlong: anArray + + "anArray contains consecutive, ordered squares that are all either in rank 8 or in rank 1" + + | kpos | + + "somewhat overkill because some positions can never be reached by opponent king" + kpos := Array streamContents: [:str | + str nextPut: anArray first - 1. + str nextPutAll: anArray. + str nextPut: anArray last + 1]. + + ^ self checkUnprotectedAttack: + (kpos + (myPlayer isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [8] ifFalse: [-8])) + fromPiece: King! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>checkKnightAttacksAlong: (in category 'support') ----- + checkKnightAttacksAlong: anArray + + "anArray contains consecutive, ordered squares that are all either in rank 8 or in rank 1" + + | kpos1 kpos2 | + + "rank at distance 1" + kpos1 := (anArray - 2) union: (anArray + 2). + + myPlayer isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [ + kpos1 min = 0 ifTrue: [kpos1 := kpos1 copyWithout: 0]. + kpos1 max = 9 ifTrue: [kpos1 := kpos1 copyWithout: 9]]. + + (self checkUnprotectedAttack: + (kpos1 + (myPlayer isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [8] ifFalse: [-8])) + fromPiece: Knight) ifTrue: [^ true]. + + "rank at distance 2 - same logic as for pawns at distance 1" + kpos2 := Array streamContents: [:str | + str nextPut: anArray min - 1. + anArray size > 1 ifTrue: [str nextPutAll: anArray]. + str nextPut: anArray max + 1]. + + ^ self checkUnprotectedAttack: + (kpos2 + (myPlayer isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [16] ifFalse: [-16])) + fromPiece: Knight! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>checkPawnsAttacksAlong: (in category 'support') ----- + checkPawnsAttacksAlong: anArray + + "anArray contains consecutive, ordered squares that are all either in rank 8 or in rank 1" + + | ppos | + + ppos := Array streamContents: [:str | + str nextPut: anArray first - 1. + "If the king does not move, castling is not prevented by a pawn in same file" + anArray size > 1 ifTrue: [str nextPutAll: anArray]. + str nextPut: anArray last + 1]. + + ^ self checkUnprotectedAttack: + (ppos + (myPlayer isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [8] ifFalse: [-8])) + fromPiece: Pawn! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>checkRookMoversAttacksAlong: (in category 'support') ----- + checkRookMoversAttacksAlong: anArray + + "anArray contains consecutive, ordered squares that are all either in rank 8 or in rank 1" + + anArray first > 8 ifTrue: [ "black" + anArray do: [:s | + (self checkAttack: {s-8. s-16. s-24. s-32. s-40. s-48. s-56} fromPieces: RookMovers) + ifTrue: [^ true]]. + ^ false]. + + "white" + anArray do: [:s | + (self checkAttack: {s+8. s+16. s+24. s+32. s+40. s+48. s+56} fromPieces: RookMovers) + ifTrue: [^ true]]. + ^ false + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>moveBlackKingAt: (in category 'moves-general') ----- + moveBlackKingAt: square + | capture | + (KingMoves at: square) do:[:destSquare| + (myPieces at: destSquare) = 0 ifTrue:[ + capture := itsPieces at: destSquare. + (forceCaptures and:[capture = 0]) ifFalse:[ + (moveList at: (lastMoveIndex := lastMoveIndex + 1)) + move: King from: square to: destSquare capture: capture. + capture = King ifTrue:[kingAttack := moveList at: lastMoveIndex]. + ]. + ]. + ]. + forceCaptures ifTrue:[^self]. + "now consider castling" + self canCastleBlackKingSide ifTrue:[ + (moveList at: (lastMoveIndex := lastMoveIndex + 1)) + moveCastlingKingSide: King from: square to: G8 + ]. + self canCastleBlackQueenSide ifTrue:[ + (moveList at: (lastMoveIndex := lastMoveIndex + 1)) + moveCastlingQueenSide: King from: square to: C8 + ].! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960MoveGenerator>>moveWhiteKingAt: (in category 'moves-general') ----- + moveWhiteKingAt: square + | capture | + (KingMoves at: square) do:[:destSquare| + (myPieces at: destSquare) = 0 ifTrue:[ + capture := itsPieces at: destSquare. + (forceCaptures and:[capture = 0]) ifFalse:[ + (moveList at: (lastMoveIndex := lastMoveIndex + 1)) + move: King from: square to: destSquare capture: capture. + capture = King ifTrue:[kingAttack := moveList at: lastMoveIndex]. + ]. + ]. + ]. + forceCaptures ifTrue:[^self]. + "now consider castling" + self canCastleWhiteKingSide ifTrue:[ + (moveList at: (lastMoveIndex := lastMoveIndex + 1)) + moveCastlingKingSide: King from: square to: G1. + ]. + self canCastleWhiteQueenSide ifTrue:[ + (moveList at: (lastMoveIndex := lastMoveIndex + 1)) + moveCastlingQueenSide: King from: square to: C1. + ].! Item was added: + ChessPlayer subclass: #Chess960Player + instanceVariableNames: 'configuration' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Games-Chess960'! + + !Chess960Player commentStamp: 'spfa 6/2/2020 15:16' prior: 0! + Chess960Player represents a Chess960 player (doh)! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>addBlackPieces: (in category 'adding/removing') ----- + addBlackPieces: aChess960Configuration + + self configuration: aChess960Configuration. + + configuration positions doWithIndex: [:p :n | self addPiece: p at: 56+n]. + 49 to: 56 do:[:i| self addPiece: Pawn at: i].! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>addWhitePieces: (in category 'adding/removing') ----- + addWhitePieces: aChess960Configuration + + self configuration: aChess960Configuration. + + configuration positions doWithIndex: [:p :n | self addPiece: p at: n]. + 9 to: 16 do:[:i| self addPiece: Pawn at: i]. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>applyCastleKingSideMove: (in category 'moving') ----- + applyCastleKingSideMove: move + + (pieces at: move destinationSquare) isZero "rook" ifFalse: [ + castlingRookSquare := self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [F1] ifFalse: [F8]. + move sourceSquare = castlingRookSquare + ifTrue: [ + self swapPiecesIn: move sourceSquare and: move destinationSquare] + ifFalse: [ + self movePiece: Rook from: self initialRightRookSquare to: castlingRookSquare. + self movePiece: King from: move sourceSquare to: move destinationSquare]. + castlingStatus := castlingStatus bitOr: CastlingDone. + ^ self]. + + self movePiece: move movingPiece from: move sourceSquare to: move destinationSquare. + self movePiece: Rook + from: self initialRightRookSquare + to: ((castlingRookSquare := self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [F1] ifFalse: [F8])). + pieces at: castlingRookSquare put: King. + castlingStatus := castlingStatus bitOr: CastlingDone.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>applyCastleQueenSideMove: (in category 'moving') ----- + applyCastleQueenSideMove: move + + (pieces at: move destinationSquare) isZero "rook or king" ifFalse: [ + castlingRookSquare := self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [D1] ifFalse: [D8]. + move sourceSquare = castlingRookSquare + ifTrue: [ + self swapPiecesIn: move sourceSquare and: move destinationSquare] + ifFalse: [ + self movePiece: Rook + from: self initialLeftRookSquare to: castlingRookSquare. + self movePiece: King from: move sourceSquare to: move destinationSquare]. + castlingStatus := castlingStatus bitOr: CastlingDone. + ^ self]. + + self movePiece: move movingPiece from: move sourceSquare to: move destinationSquare. + self movePiece: Rook + from: self initialLeftRookSquare + to: (castlingRookSquare := self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [D1] ifFalse: [D8]). + pieces at: castlingRookSquare put: King. + castlingStatus := castlingStatus bitOr: CastlingDone.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>configuration (in category 'configuration') ----- + configuration + + ^ configuration! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>configuration: (in category 'configuration') ----- + configuration: aChess960Configuration + + configuration := aChess960Configuration! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>copyPlayer: (in category 'copying') ----- + copyPlayer: aPlayer + + super copyPlayer: aPlayer. + configuration := aPlayer configuration! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>initialKingSquare (in category 'configuration') ----- + initialKingSquare + + ^ self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [self configuration initialKingPosition] + ifFalse: [self configuration initialKingPosition + 56]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>initialLeftRookSquare (in category 'configuration') ----- + initialLeftRookSquare + + ^ self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [self configuration initialLeftRookPosition] + ifFalse: [self configuration initialLeftRookPosition + 56]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>initialRightRookSquare (in category 'configuration') ----- + initialRightRookSquare + + ^ self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [self configuration initialRightRookPosition] + ifFalse: [self configuration initialRightRookPosition + 56]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>leftCastlingField (in category 'configuration') ----- + leftCastlingField + + "The squares walked by both the king and the left rook when castling to the left - they must be clear of other pieces" + + ^ self isWhitePlayer + ifTrue: [(C1 to: self initialKingSquare) union: (self initialLeftRookSquare to: D1)] + ifFalse: [(C8 to: self initialKingSquare) union: (self initialLeftRookSquare to: D8)] + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>leftCastlingWalk (in category 'configuration') ----- + leftCastlingWalk + + "The squares walked by the king when castling to the left - they must not be under check" + + | ks | + + ks := self initialKingSquare. + + ^ self isWhitePlayer + ifTrue: [ks > C1 ifTrue: [C1 to: ks] ifFalse: [ks to: C1]] + ifFalse: [ks > C8 ifTrue: [C8 to: ks] ifFalse: [ks to: C8]] ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>movePiece:from:to: (in category 'adding/removing') ----- + movePiece: piece from: sourceSquare to: destSquare + + sourceSquare = destSquare ifTrue: [^ self]. + super movePiece: piece from: sourceSquare to: destSquare! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>rightCastlingField (in category 'configuration') ----- + rightCastlingField + + "The squares walked by both the king and the right rook when castling to the left - they must be clear of other pieces" + + ^ self isWhitePlayer + ifTrue: [(self initialKingSquare to: G1) union: (F1 to: self initialRightRookSquare)] + ifFalse: [(self initialKingSquare to: G8) union: (F8 to: self initialRightRookSquare)]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>rightCastlingWalk (in category 'configuration') ----- + rightCastlingWalk + + "The squares walked by the king when castling to the right - they must not be under check" + + | ks | + + ks := self initialKingSquare. + + ^ self isWhitePlayer + ifTrue: [ks > G1 ifTrue: [G1 to: ks] ifFalse: [ks to: G1]] + ifFalse: [ks > G8 ifTrue: [G8 to: ks] ifFalse: [ks to: G8]] ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>swapPiecesIn:and: (in category 'adding/removing') ----- + swapPiecesIn: aSquare and: bSquare + + "Only applies to specific castling moves" + + | score pa pb | + + pa := pieces at: aSquare. + pb := pieces at: bSquare. + + score := PieceCenterScores at: pa. + positionalValue := positionalValue - (score at: aSquare). + positionalValue := positionalValue + (score at: bSquare). + + score := PieceCenterScores at: pb. + positionalValue := positionalValue - (score at: bSquare). + positionalValue := positionalValue + (score at: aSquare). + + pieces at: aSquare put: pb. + pieces at: bSquare put: pa. + board updateHash: pa at: aSquare from: self. + board updateHash: pa at: bSquare from: self. + board updateHash: pb at: bSquare from: self. + board updateHash: pb at: aSquare from: self. + + self userAgent ifNotNil:[self userAgent swappedPieceOn: aSquare withPieceOn: bSquare].! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>undoCastleKingSideMove: (in category 'undo') ----- + undoCastleKingSideMove: move + self prepareNextMove. "in other words, remove extra kings" + self movePiece: move movingPiece from: move destinationSquare to: move sourceSquare. + + self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [ + self movePiece: Rook from: F1 to: self initialRightRookPosition. + ] ifFalse: [ + self movePiece: Rook from: F8 to: self initialRightRookPosition + 56. + ] + + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>undoCastleQueenSideMove: (in category 'undo') ----- + undoCastleQueenSideMove: move + self prepareNextMove. "in other words, remove extra kings" + self movePiece: move movingPiece from: move destinationSquare to: move sourceSquare. + + self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [ + self movePiece: Rook from: D1 to: self initialLeftRookPosition. + ] ifFalse: [ + self movePiece: Rook from: D8 to: self initialLeftRookPosition + 56. + ] + + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Chess960Player>>updateCastlingStatus: (in category 'moving') ----- + updateCastlingStatus: move + + "Cannot castle when king has moved" + (move movingPiece = King) + ifTrue:[^castlingStatus := castlingStatus bitOr: CastlingDisableAll]. + + "See if a rook has moved" + (move movingPiece = Rook) ifFalse:[^self]. + + (move sourceSquare = self initialLeftRookSquare) + ifTrue:[^castlingStatus := castlingStatus bitOr: CastlingDisableQueenSide]. + + (move sourceSquare = self initialRightRookSquare) + ifTrue:[^castlingStatus := castlingStatus bitOr: CastlingDisableKingSide].! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessBoard>>movePieceFrom:to: (in category 'moving') ----- movePieceFrom: sourceSquare to: destSquare | move | searchAgent isThinking ifTrue:[^self]. move := (activePlayer findPossibleMovesAt: sourceSquare) contents + detect:[:any| any destinationSquare = destSquare + or: [(any triggerSquareIn: self) = destSquare]]. - detect:[:any| any destinationSquare = destSquare]. self nextMove: move. searchAgent activePlayer: activePlayer.! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessMorph>>showMovesAt: (in category 'events') ----- showMovesAt: square | list | board ifNil:[^self]. board searchAgent isThinking ifTrue:[^self]. self squaresDo:[:m| m borderWidth: 0]. list := board activePlayer findValidMovesAt: square. list isEmpty ifTrue:[^self]. (self atSquare: square) borderWidth: 1. list do:[:move| + (self atSquare: (move triggerSquareIn: board)) borderWidth: 1. - (self atSquare: move destinationSquare) borderWidth: 1. ].! Item was added: + ----- Method: ChessMove>>triggerSquareIn: (in category 'accessing') ----- + triggerSquareIn: aChessBoard + + type = MoveCastlingKingSide ifTrue: [^ aChessBoard activePlayer initialRightRookSquare]. + type = MoveCastlingQueenSide ifTrue: [^ aChessBoard activePlayer initialLeftRookSquare]. + + ^destinationSquare! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessMoveGenerator>>canCastleBlackKingSide (in category 'support') ----- canCastleBlackKingSide (castlingStatus bitAnd: CastlingEnableKingSide) = 0 ifFalse:[^false]. "Quickly check if all the squares are zero" ((myPieces at: G8) + (myPieces at: F8) + (itsPieces at: G8) + (itsPieces at: F8) = 0) ifFalse:[^false]. "Check for castling squares under attack.. See canCastleBlackQueenSide for details" - (self checkAttack:{H7. H6. H5. H4. H3. H2. H1} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{G7. G6. G5. G4. G3. G2. G1} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{F7. F6. F5. F4. F3. F2. F1} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{E7. E6. E5. E4. E3. E2. E1.} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{D8. C8. B8. A8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. - (self checkAttack:{G7. F6. E5. D4. C3. B2. A1} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{F7. E6. D5. C4. B3. A2} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{E7. D6. C5. B4. A3} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{D7. C6. B5. A4} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{F7. G6. H5} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{G7. H6} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{H7} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. + (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{H7. G7. E7. D7. C7. H6. G6. F6. E6. D6} fromPiece:Knight) ifTrue:[^false]. - (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{H7. G7. F7. E7. D7. C7. H6. G6. F6. E6. D6} fromPiece:Knight) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{H7. G7. F7. E7. D7} fromPiece:Pawn) ifTrue:[^false]. + (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{G7} fromPiece:King) ifTrue:[^false]. + ^true. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessMoveGenerator>>canCastleBlackQueenSide (in category 'support') ----- canCastleBlackQueenSide (castlingStatus bitAnd: CastlingEnableQueenSide) = 0 ifFalse:[^false]. "Quickly check if all the squares are zero" ((myPieces at: B8) + (myPieces at: C8) + (myPieces at: D8) + (itsPieces at: B8) + (itsPieces at: C8) + (itsPieces at: D8) = 0) ifFalse:[^false]. "Check to see if any of the squares involved in castling are under attack. First check for vertical (rook-like) attacks" - (self checkAttack:{A7. A6. A5. A4. A3. A2. A1} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{B7. B6. B5. B4. B3. B2. B1} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{C7. C6. C5. C4. C3. C2. C1} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{D7. D6. D5. D4. D3. D2. D1} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{E7. E6. E5. E4. E3. E2. E1} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. "Check for a rook attack from the baseline" (self checkAttack:{F8. G8. H8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. "Check for bishop attacks from the diagonals" - (self checkAttack:{B7. C6. D5. E4. F3. G2. H1} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{C7. D6. E5. F4. G3. H2} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{D7. E6. F5. G4. H3} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{E7. F6. G5. H4} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{F7. G6. H5} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{A7} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{B7. A6} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{C7. B6. A5} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{D7. C6. B5. A4} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. "Check for a knight attack" (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{A7. B7. C7. D7. E7. F7. G7. A6. B6. C6. D6. E6. F6} fromPiece:Knight) ifTrue:[^false]. "check for a pawn attack" (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{A7. B7. C7. D7. E7. F7} fromPiece:Pawn) ifTrue:[^false]. "check for a king attack" (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{B7. C7. } fromPiece:King) ifTrue:[^false]. ^true. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessMoveGenerator>>canCastleWhiteKingSide (in category 'support') ----- canCastleWhiteKingSide (castlingStatus bitAnd: CastlingEnableKingSide) = 0 ifFalse: [^false]. "Quickly check if all the squares are zero" ((myPieces at:G1) + (myPieces at:F1) + (itsPieces at:G1) + (itsPieces at:F1) = 0) ifFalse:[^false]. "Check for castling squares under attack.. See canCastleBlackQueenSide for details" - (self checkAttack:{H2. H3. H4. H5. H6. H7. H8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{G2. G3. G4. G5. G6. G7. G8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{F2. F3. F4. F5. F6. F7. F8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{E2. E3. E4. E5. E6. E7. E8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{A1. A2. A3. A4} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. - (self checkAttack:{G2. F3. E4. D5. C6. B7. A8} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{F2. E3. D4. C5. B6. A7} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{E2. D3. C4. B5. A6} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{D2. C3. B4. A5} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{F2. G3. H4} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{G2. H3} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{H2} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. + (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{H2. G2. E2. D2. C2. H3. G3. F3. E3. D3} fromPiece:Knight) ifTrue:[^false]. - (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{H2. G2. F2. E2. D2. C2. H3. G3. F3. E3. D3} fromPiece:Knight) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{H2. G2. F2. E2. D2} fromPiece:Pawn) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{G2} fromPiece:King) ifTrue:[^false]. ^true.! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessMoveGenerator>>canCastleWhiteQueenSide (in category 'support') ----- canCastleWhiteQueenSide (castlingStatus bitAnd: CastlingEnableQueenSide) = 0 ifFalse: [^false]. "Quickly check if all the squares are zero" ((myPieces at:B1) + (myPieces at:C1) + (myPieces at:D1) + (itsPieces at:B1) + (itsPieces at:C1) + (itsPieces at:D1) = 0) ifFalse:[^false]. "Check for castling squares under attack.. See canCastleBlackQueenSide for details" - (self checkAttack:{A2. A3. A4. A5. A6. A7. A8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{B2. B3. B4. B5. B6. B7. B8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{C2. C3. C4. C5. C6. C7. C8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{D2. D3. D4. D5. D6. D7. D8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{E2. E3. E4. E5. E6. E7. E8} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{F1. G1. H1} fromPieces:RookMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. - (self checkAttack:{B2. C3. D4. E5. F6. G7. H8} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{C2. D3. E4. F5. G6. H7} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{D2. E3. F4. G5. H6} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{E2. F3. G4. H5} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{F2. G3. H4} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{A2} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{B2. A3} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{C2. B3. A4} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkAttack:{D2. C3. B4. A5} fromPieces:BishopMovers) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{A2. B2. C2. D2. E2. F2. G2. A3. B3. C3. D3. E3. F3} fromPiece:Knight) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{A2. B2. C2. D2. E2. F2} fromPiece:Pawn) ifTrue:[^false]. (self checkUnprotectedAttack:{B2. C2} fromPiece:King) ifTrue:[^false]. ^true.! Item was added: + ChessPieceMorph subclass: #ChessPieceMorphWC + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'Etoys-Squeakland-Morphic-Games-Chess960'! + + !ChessPieceMorphWC commentStamp: 'spfa 5/31/2020 10:36' prior: 0! + ChessPieceMorphWC class side provides scalable images from Wikimedia Commons! Item was added: + ----- Method: ChessPieceMorphWC class>>pieceExtent (in category 'forms library') ----- + pieceExtent + + ^ 314 @ 302! Item was added: + ----- Method: ChessPieceMorphWC class>>pieces (in category 'forms library') ----- (excessive size, no diff calculated) Item was added: + ----- Method: ChessPieceMorphWC class>>piecesWithExtent: (in category 'forms library') ----- + piecesWithExtent: aPoint + + | form dict ng og pg i ib iw | + + form := self pieces. + dict := Dictionary new. + ng := #( whiteKing blackKing whiteQueen blackQueen whiteBishop blackBishop whiteKnight blackKnight whiteRook blackRook whitePawn blackPawn). + + og := #(55 55 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0). + pg := #(0 0 0 0 20 20 50 50 90 90 120 120). + + i := 0. + 0 to: 5 do: [:n | + ib := (i := i + 1) * 2 - 1. + iw := i * 2. + dict at: (ng at: ib) + put: ((form contentsOfArea: (315 * n + (pg at: ib) @0 + corner: 315 * n + 314 - (og at: ib) @ 302)) + scaledToSize: aPoint). + dict at: (ng at: iw) + put: ((form contentsOfArea: (315 * n + (pg at: iw) @327 + corner: 315 * n + 314 - (og at: iw) @ 629)) + scaledToSize: aPoint)]. + + ^ dict! Item was added: + ----- Method: ChessPieceMorphWC class>>piecesWithHeight: (in category 'forms library') ----- + piecesWithHeight: anInteger + + ^ self piecesWithExtent: self pieceExtent x * anInteger / self pieceExtent y @ anInteger! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessPlayer>>applyEnpassantMove: (in category 'moving') ----- applyEnpassantMove: move + | capturedSquare | + capturedSquare := move destinationSquare - (self isWhitePlayer ifTrue:[8] ifFalse:[-8]). + opponent removePiece: move capturedPiece at: capturedSquare. + self userAgent ifNotNil:[(self userAgent atSquare: capturedSquare) removeAllMorphs]. - opponent removePiece: move capturedPiece at: move destinationSquare - - (self isWhitePlayer ifTrue:[8] ifFalse:[-8]). ^self movePiece: move movingPiece from: move sourceSquare to: move destinationSquare! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessPlayer>>evaluateMaterial (in category 'evaluation') ----- evaluateMaterial "Compute the board's material balance, from the point of view of the side player. This is an exact clone of the eval function in CHESS 4.5" + | total diff value pawns | - | total diff value | self materialValue = opponent materialValue ifTrue:[^0]. "both sides are equal" total := self materialValue + opponent materialValue. diff := self materialValue - opponent materialValue. + + pawns := numPawns. + pawns < 0 ifTrue: ["happens - a bug somewhere" pawns := 0]. + value := (2400 min: diff) + + ((diff * (12000 - total) * pawns) // (6400 * (pawns + 1))). - ((diff * (12000 - total) * self numPawns) // (6400 * (self numPawns + 1))). ^value! Item was added: + ----- Method: ChessPlayer>>initialLeftRookSquare (in category 'configuration') ----- + initialLeftRookSquare + + ^ self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [A1] ifFalse: [A8]! Item was added: + ----- Method: ChessPlayer>>initialRightRookSquare (in category 'configuration') ----- + initialRightRookSquare + + ^ self isWhitePlayer ifTrue: [H1] ifFalse: [H8]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessPlayer>>isValidMoveFrom:to: (in category 'testing') ----- isValidMoveFrom: sourceSquare to: destSquare | move | move := (self findValidMovesAt: sourceSquare) + detect:[:any| (any triggerSquareIn: board) = destSquare] ifNone:[nil]. - detect:[:any| any destinationSquare = destSquare] ifNone:[nil]. ^move notNil! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessPlayer>>removePiece:at: (in category 'adding/removing') ----- removePiece: piece at: square + + (pieces at: square) = piece ifFalse: ["fix" + "Happens at time - some moves have a capturedPiece absent from the board" + ^self]. + pieces at: square put: 0. materialValue := materialValue - (PieceValues at: piece). positionalValue := positionalValue - ((PieceCenterScores at: piece) at: square). piece = Pawn ifTrue:[numPawns := numPawns - 1]. board updateHash: piece at: square from: self. + self userAgent ifNotNil:[self userAgent removedPiece: piece at: square]. + ! - self userAgent ifNotNil:[self userAgent removedPiece: piece at: square].! Item was changed: ----- Method: ChessPlayerAI>>statusString (in category 'accessing') ----- statusString | av count | ^String streamContents:[:s| (myMove == #none or:[myMove == nil]) ifFalse:[ + s print: myMove value / 100.0; space. - s print: myMove value * 0.01; space. ]. av := bestVariation. count := av at: 1. count > 0 ifFalse:[ av := activeVariation. count := av at: 1]. count > 0 ifFalse:[ s nextPutAll:'***'. av := variations at: 1. count := av at: 1. count > 3 ifTrue:[count := 3]]. 2 to: count + 1 do:[:index| s nextPutAll: (ChessMove decodeFrom: (av at: index)) moveString. s space]. s nextPut:$[. s print: nodesVisited. " s nextPut:$|. s print: ttHits. s nextPut: $|. s print: alphaBetaCuts. " s nextPut:$]. ].! |
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