The Trunk: EToys-mt.407.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-mt.407.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-mt.407
Author: mt
Time: 14 October 2020, 1:49:41.242569 pm
UUID: fe2c38c3-b540-6c4e-a9a2-e41990752ba3
Ancestors: EToys-mt.406

Rename #collectWithIndex: to #withIndexCollect:. See

=============== Diff against EToys-mt.406 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CipherPanel>>encodedQuote: (in category 'initialization') -----
  encodedQuote: aString
  "World addMorph: CipherPanel new"
  | morph prev |
  aString isEmpty
  ifTrue: [^ self].
  (letterMorphs isNil
  or: [self isClean])
  ifFalse: [(self confirm: 'Are you sure you want to discard all typing?' translated)
  ifFalse: [^ self]].
  haveTypedHere := false.
  quote := aString asUppercase.
  prev := nil.
  originalMorphs := quote asArray
+ withIndexCollect: [:c :i | WordGameLetterMorph new plain indexInQuote: i id1: nil;
- collectWithIndex: [:c :i | WordGameLetterMorph new plain indexInQuote: i id1: nil;
  setLetter: (quote at: i)].
  letterMorphs := OrderedCollection new.
  decodingMorphs := quote asArray
+ withIndexCollect: [:c :i | (quote at: i) isLetter
- collectWithIndex: [:c :i | (quote at: i) isLetter
  ifTrue: [morph := WordGameLetterMorph new underlined indexInQuote: i id1: nil.
  on: #mouseDown
  send: #mouseDownEvent:letterMorph:
  to: self.
  on: #keyStroke
  send: #keyStrokeEvent:letterMorph:
  to: self.
  letterMorphs addLast: morph.
  morph predecessor: prev.
  ifNotNil: [prev successor: morph].
  prev := morph]
  ifFalse: [WordGameLetterMorph new plain indexInQuote: i id1: nil;
  setLetter: (quote at: i)]].
  self color: originalMorphs first color.
  self extent: 500 @ 500!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>macVmMajorMinorBuildVersion (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-system attribute') -----
  "SmalltalkImage current macVmMajorMinorBuildVersion"
  | aString rawTokens versionPart versionTokens versionArray |
  aString := self vmVersion.
  aString ifNil: [^ #(0 0 0)].
  rawTokens := ((aString copyAfterLast: $])
  findTokens: $ ).
  versionPart := rawTokens detect: [:each | each includes: $.] ifNone: [^#(0 0 0)].
  versionTokens := versionPart findTokens: $..
+ versionArray := #(0 0 0) withIndexCollect: [:each :index |
- versionArray := #(0 0 0) collectWithIndex: [:each :index |
  (versionTokens at: index ifAbsent:['']) initialIntegerOrNil ifNil: [each]].