Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: EToys-mt.414
Author: mt
Time: 2 November 2020, 5:02:31.547788 pm
UUID: 4ace51ba-f0be-044c-8710-9d6a2c4bfbc1
Ancestors: EToys-eem.413
Do the most basic installs so Etoys appears with right icons. A few more icons for BookMorph. Thanks to Karl (kfr)!
=============== Diff against EToys-eem.413 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: CategoryViewer>>assureCategoryFullyVisible (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-categories') -----
"Keep deleting categoryviewers other than the receiver until the receiver is fully visible."
| ready toDelete |
ready := false.
+ [(self bounds bottom > self currentWorld bottom) and: [ready not]] whileTrue: [
- [(self bounds bottom > self world bottom) and: [ready not]] whileTrue: [
owner submorphs size > 2
ifTrue: [
toDelete := owner submorphs allButFirst reversed
detect: [:cv | cv ~~ self]
ifNone: [^ self].
toDelete delete.
self world doOneCycleNow]
ifFalse: [
ready := true]].!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ReleaseBuilderSqueakland class>>loadMostUsedEtoysForms (in category 'preparing') -----
+ loadMostUsedEtoysForms
+ "Add most used Etoy icons to ScriptingSystem formDictionary."
+ "ReleaseBuilderSqueakland loadMostUsedEtoysForms"
+ "RoundGoldBox, TryItPressed, TryIt, MenuIcon, AddCategoryViewer, AddInstanceVariable, TanOPressed, TanO, Gets, RightCaret, DownCaret, NextPage, NextPagePressed, PrevPage, PrevPagePressed"
+ | assoc |
+ #(scriptingSystemImage109 scriptingSystemImage127 scriptingSystemImage064 scriptingSystemImage038 scriptingSystemImage165 scriptingSystemImage171 scriptingSystemImage014 scriptingSystemImage053 scriptingSystemImage080 scriptingSystemImage044 scriptingSystemImage023 scriptingSystemImage032 scriptingSystemImage107 scriptingSystemImage153)
+ do: [:sym |
+ assoc := (self perform: sym).
+ ScriptingSystem saveForm: assoc value atKey: assoc key].!