The Trunk: EToys-nice.107.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-nice.107.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-nice.107
Author: nice
Time: 6 September 2013, 10:45:39.884 pm
UUID: d34e55cf-a15b-4d42-a1e6-215ca864d07e
Ancestors: EToys-nice.106

Better ask the UIManager to inform: rather than Utilities.
Use Character null now that it exists.

=============== Diff against EToys-nice.106 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: EToyProjectRenamerMorph>>validateTheProjectName (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | proposed |
  proposed := (namedFields at: 'projectname') contents string withBlanksTrimmed.
  proposed isEmpty ifTrue: [
  self inform: 'I do need a name for the project' translated.
  proposed size > 24 ifTrue: [
  self inform: 'Please make the name 24 characters or less' translated.
  (Project isBadNameForStoring: proposed) ifTrue: [
  self inform: 'Please remove any funny characters from the name' translated.
  proposed = theProject name ifTrue: [^true].
  (ChangesOrganizer changeSetNamed: proposed) ifNotNil: [
+ UIManager default inform: 'Sorry that name is already used' translated.
- Utilities inform: 'Sorry that name is already used' translated.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SyntaxMorph>>splitAtCapsAndDownshifted: (in category 'alans styles') -----
  splitAtCapsAndDownshifted: aString
  self flag: #yoCharCases.
  ^String streamContents: [ :strm |
  aString do: [ :each |
  each = $: ifFalse: [
+ each isUppercase ifTrue: [strm nextPut: Character null;  
+ nextPut: Character null;
+ nextPut: Character null;
- each isUppercase ifTrue: [strm nextPut: (Character value: 0);  
- nextPut: (Character value: 0);
- nextPut: (Character value: 0);
  nextPut: each asLowercase]
  ifFalse: [strm nextPut: each]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SyntaxUpdatingStringMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
  drawOn: aCanvas
  | tempForm strm where chars wid spaceWidth putLigature topOfLigature sizeOfLigature colorOfLigature dots charZero canvas f |
  tempForm := Form extent: self extent depth: aCanvas depth.
  canvas := tempForm getCanvas.
  f := self fontToUse.
  spaceWidth := f widthOf: Character space.
  strm := ReadStream on: contents.
+ charZero := Character null. "a marker for center dot ·"
- charZero := Character value: 0. "a marker for center dot ·"
  where := 0@0.
  topOfLigature := self height // 2 - 1.
  sizeOfLigature := (spaceWidth-2)@(spaceWidth-2).
  colorOfLigature := Color black alpha: 0.45 "veryLightGray".
  dots := OrderedCollection new.
  putLigature := [
  dots add: ((where x + 1) @ topOfLigature extent: sizeOfLigature).
  where := where + (spaceWidth@0)].
  strm peek = charZero ifTrue: [
  strm next.
  putLigature value].
  [strm peek = charZero] whileTrue: [strm next].
  [strm atEnd] whileFalse: [
  chars := strm upTo: charZero.
  wid := f widthOfString: chars.
  canvas drawString: chars at: where.
  where := where + (wid@0).
  strm atEnd ifFalse: [putLigature value.
  [strm peek = charZero] whileTrue: [strm next]].
  aCanvas paintImage: tempForm at: self topLeft.
  dots do: [ :each |
  fillRectangle: (each translateBy: self topLeft)
  fillStyle: colorOfLigature.