Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: EToys-nice.369
Author: nice
Time: 17 November 2019, 3:49:19.084237 pm
UUID: 6bc2f1bf-b9c6-45e1-8780-e0a2d826b233
Ancestors: EToys-mt.368
Replace (findTokens: Character separators) with substrings which is both a shorter and faster idiom.
| tmp |
tmp := String allSubInstances.
[tmp do: [:e | e substrings]] bench.
[tmp do: [:e | e findTokens: Character separators]] bench.
[tmp do: [:e | e findTokens: CharacterSet separators]] bench.
'1.17 per second. 852 milliseconds per run. 16.22996 % GC time.'
'0.285 per second. 3.51 seconds per run. 5.30746 % GC time.'
'1.18 per second. 849 milliseconds per run. 20.13357 % GC time.')
=============== Diff against EToys-mt.368 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: BookMorph>>textSearchAgain (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-menu') -----
"The classic find-again"
| wanted wants list |
list := self valueOfProperty: #searchKey ifAbsent: [#()].
wanted := String streamContents: [:strm |
list do: [:each | strm nextPutAll: each; space]].
+ wants := wanted substrings.
- wants := wanted findTokens: Character separators.
wants isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self].
self getAllText. "save in allText, allTextUrls"
^ self findText: wants "goes to the page and highlights the text"!
Item was changed:
----- Method: CardPlayer>>asKeys (in category 'card data') -----
| keys kk vd gotData |
"Take my fields, tokenize the text, and return as an array in the same order as variableDocks. Simple background fields on the top level. If no data, return nil."
keys := self class variableDocks copy.
gotData := false.
1 to: keys size do: [:ind |
kk := nil.
vd := self class variableDocks at: ind.
vd type == #text ifTrue: [
kk := (self perform: vd playerGetSelector) string
+ substrings.
- findTokens: Character separators.
kk isEmpty ifTrue: [kk := nil] ifFalse: [gotData := true]].
keys at: ind put: kk].
^ gotData ifTrue: [keys] ifFalse: [nil]!