Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-nice.38 Author: nice Time: 21 October 2009, 12:22:03 pm UUID: 28feef8f-f608-4397-8e9c-e7efe0dd307b Ancestors: EToys-nice.37 Use #keys rather than #fasterKeys Note that pattern (x keys asArray sort) could as well be written (x keys sort) now that keys returns an Array... This #asArray is here solely for cross-dialect/fork compatibility. =============== Diff against EToys-nice.37 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>userCustomEventNames (in category '*eToys-customevents-scripting') ----- userCustomEventNames | reg | reg := self valueOfProperty: #userCustomEventsRegistry ifAbsent: [ ^#() ]. + ^reg keys asArray sort! - ^reg fasterKeys sort! Item was changed: ----- Method: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer>>compileAllAccessors (in category 'player protocol') ----- compileAllAccessors + info keys do: [:k | - info fasterKeys do: [:k | (#(who x y heading color visible) includes: k) ifFalse: [ self compileVectorInstVarAccessorsFor: k. ]. ]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: KedamaSequenceExecutionStub>>compileAllAccessors (in category 'method management') ----- compileAllAccessors + turtles info keys do: [:k | - turtles info fasterKeys do: [:k | (#(who x y heading color visible normal) includes: k) ifFalse: [ self compileScalarInstVarAccessorsFor: k. ]. ]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: EToyVocabulary>>includesSelector:forInstance:ofClass:limitClass: (in category 'initialization') ----- includesSelector: aSelector forInstance: anInstance ofClass: aTargetClass limitClass: mostGenericClass "Answer whether the vocabulary includes the given selector for the given class (and instance, if provided), only considering method implementations in mostGenericClass and lower" | classToUse aClass | (aTargetClass isUniClass and: [(aTargetClass namedTileScriptSelectors includes: aSelector) or: + [aTargetClass slotInfo keys anySatisfy: - [aTargetClass slotInfo fasterKeys anySatisfy: [:anInstVarName | (Utilities getterSelectorFor: anInstVarName) = aSelector or: [(Utilities setterSelectorFor: anInstVarName) = aSelector]]]]) ifTrue: [^ true]. (methodInterfaces includesKey: aSelector) ifFalse: [^ false]. classToUse := self classToUseFromInstance: anInstance ofClass: aTargetClass. ^ (aClass := classToUse whichClassIncludesSelector: aSelector) ifNil: [false] ifNotNil: [aClass includesBehavior: mostGenericClass] ! Item was changed: ----- Method: StandardScriptingSystem>>globalCustomEventNames (in category '*eToys-customevents-custom events') ----- globalCustomEventNames + ^self customEventsRegistry keys asArray sort! - ^self customEventsRegistry fasterKeys sort! Item was changed: ----- Method: EToyVocabulary>>allMethodsInCategory:forInstance:ofClass: (in category 'method list') ----- allMethodsInCategory: aCategoryName forInstance: anObject ofClass: aClass "Answer a list of all methods in the etoy interface which are in the given category, on behalf of anObject, or if it is nil, aClass" | aCategory unfiltered suitableSelectors isAll | aCategoryName ifNil: [^ OrderedCollection new]. aClass isUniClass ifTrue: [aCategoryName = ScriptingSystem nameForScriptsCategory ifTrue: [^ aClass namedTileScriptSelectors]. aCategoryName = ScriptingSystem nameForInstanceVariablesCategory ifTrue: + [^ aClass slotInfo keys asArray sort collect: - [^ aClass slotInfo fasterKeys sort collect: [:anInstVarName | Utilities getterSelectorFor: anInstVarName]]]. unfiltered := (isAll := aCategoryName = self allCategoryName) ifTrue: [methodInterfaces collect: [:anInterface | anInterface selector]] ifFalse: [aCategory := categories detect: [:cat | cat categoryName = aCategoryName] ifNone: [^ OrderedCollection new]. aCategory elementsInOrder collect: [:anElement | anElement selector]]. (anObject isKindOf: Player) ifTrue: [suitableSelectors := anObject costume selectorsForViewer. unfiltered := unfiltered select: [:aSelector | suitableSelectors includes: aSelector]]. (isAll and: [aClass isUniClass]) ifTrue: [unfiltered addAll: aClass namedTileScriptSelectors. + unfiltered addAll: (aClass slotInfo keys sort collect: - unfiltered addAll: (aClass slotInfo fasterKeys sort collect: [:anInstVarName | Utilities getterSelectorFor: anInstVarName])]. ^ (unfiltered copyWithoutAll: #(dummy unused)) asSortedArray! |
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