Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-nice.78 Author: nice Time: 29 December 2010, 3:58:43.772 pm UUID: 2fc3096b-3e18-4f08-8e76-b6c9d43455df Ancestors: EToys-cmm.77 Add a few spaces in order to avoid Transcript warnings about @- ambiguity when recompiling. =============== Diff against EToys-cmm.77 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: AlignmentMorph>>addUpDownArrowsFor: (in category '*Etoys-initialization') ----- addUpDownArrowsFor: aMorph "Add a column of up and down arrows that serve to send upArrowHit and downArrowHit to aMorph when they're pressed/held down" | holder downArrow upArrow | holder := Morph new extent: 16 @ 16; beTransparent. downArrow := ImageMorph new image: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: 'DownArrow'). upArrow := ImageMorph new image: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: 'UpArrow'). + upArrow position: holder bounds topLeft + (2 @ 2). - upArrow position: holder bounds topLeft + (2@2). downArrow align: downArrow bottomLeft + with: holder topLeft + (0 @ TileMorph defaultH) + (2 @ -2). - with: holder topLeft + (0 @ TileMorph defaultH) + (2@-2). holder addMorph: upArrow. holder addMorph: downArrow. self addMorphBack: holder. upArrow on: #mouseDown send: #upArrowHit to: aMorph. upArrow on: #mouseStillDown send: #upArrowHit to: aMorph. downArrow on: #mouseDown send: #downArrowHit to: aMorph. downArrow on: #mouseStillDown send: #downArrowHit to: aMorph.! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>createThreadShowing (in category 'menu commands') ----- createThreadShowing | vertices | self deleteThreadShowing. vertices := OrderedCollection new. self tileRows do: [:row | | b | row first isTurtleRow ifTrue: [ b := row first bounds. + vertices add: ((b topLeft + (4 @ 0)) + ((0 * 0.1 * b width) @ 0)). - vertices add: ((b topLeft + (4@0)) + ((0 * 0.1 * b width)@0)). 0 to: 9 do: [:i | + vertices add: ((b topLeft + (4 @ 4))+ ((i * 0.1 * b width ) @ 0)). + vertices add: ((b bottomLeft + (4 @ -4)) + ((i * 0.1 * b width) @ 0)). - vertices add: ((b topLeft + (4@4))+ ((i * 0.1 * b width )@0)). - vertices add: ((b bottomLeft + (4@-4)) + ((i * 0.1 * b width)@0)). ]. + vertices add: ((b bottomLeft + (4 @ 0)) + ((9 * 0.1 * b width) @ 0)). - vertices add: ((b bottomLeft + (4@0)) + ((9 * 0.1 * b width)@0)). ] ifFalse: [ b := row first bounds. + vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b origin y). + vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b origin y + 4). + vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b corner y - 4). + vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b corner y). - vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x)//2)@(b origin y). - vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x)//2)@(b origin y + 4). - vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x)//2)@(b corner y - 4). - vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x)//2)@(b corner y). ]. ]. threadPolygon := PolygonMorph vertices: vertices color: Color black borderWidth: 2 borderColor: Color black. threadPolygon makeOpen. threadPolygon openInWorld. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>extent: (in category 'other') ----- extent: x | newExtent tw menu | + newExtent := x max: self minWidth @ self minHeight. - newExtent := x max: self minWidth@self minHeight. (tw := self findA: TwoWayScrollPane) ifNil: ["This was the old behavior" ^ super extent: newExtent]. (self hasProperty: #autoFitContents) ifTrue: [ menu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self. menu addUpdating: #autoFitString target: self action: #autoFitOnOff. menu addTitle: 'To resize the script, uncheck the box below' translated. menu popUpEvent: nil in: self world . ^ self]. "Allow the user to resize to any size" tw extent: ((newExtent x max: self firstSubmorph width) + @ (newExtent y - self firstSubmorph height)) - (borderWidth * 2) + (-4 @ -4). "inset?" - @ (newExtent y - self firstSubmorph height)) - (borderWidth*2) + (-4@-4). "inset?" ^ super extent: newExtent! Item was changed: ----- Method: ViewerLine>>addGetterFeedback (in category 'slot') ----- addGetterFeedback "Add feedback during mouseover of a getter" | aMorph endMorph | endMorph := (#(touchesA: #seesColor: #overlaps:) includes: self elementSymbol) ifTrue: [submorphs eighth] ifFalse: [submorphs sixth]. + aMorph := RectangleMorph new useRoundedCorners bounds: ((submorphs fourth topLeft - (2 @ -1)) corner: (endMorph bottomRight + (2 @ -1))). - aMorph := RectangleMorph new useRoundedCorners bounds: ((submorphs fourth topLeft - (2@-1)) corner: (endMorph bottomRight + (2@-1))). aMorph beTransparent; borderWidth: 2; borderColor: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.355 b: 0.839); lock. aMorph setProperty: #highlight toValue: true. ActiveWorld addMorphFront: aMorph " Color fromUser (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.355 b: 0.839) "! |
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