The Trunk: EToys-tfel.225.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-tfel.225.mcz

Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-tfel.225
Author: tfel
Time: 31 August 2016, 3:13:09.554793 pm
UUID: b4c31ceb-3ed5-ba40-a351-1672deafcacd
Ancestors: EToys-tfel.224

if any subnode of a message node sends a sequential selector, we need to make the node itself sequential, too

=============== Diff against EToys-tfel.224 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KedamaExamplerPlayer>>containsSequentialSelector: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-private') -----
  containsSequentialSelector: aSymbol
+ ^ (#(random random: atRandom) includes: aSymbol)!
- ^ (#(random random:) includes: aSymbol)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KedamaTurtleMethodAttributionDefinition2 class>>determineStatementType:fromDict:primaryBreedPair:messageType:isStatement:receiverObject: (in category 'rules') -----
  determineStatementType: parentStmtType fromDict: dict primaryBreedPair: myPrimaryBreedPair messageType: myMessageType isStatement: myIsStatement receiverObject: myReceiverObject
  | vectorTurtle turtleSelectors participants reads writes unknownReceiverSelectors |
  "Do the calculation only at the statement level."
  myIsStatement ifFalse: [^ parentStmtType].
  "If there is a doSequentially: block, the block is sequential."
  participants := dict at: self.
  (participants select: [:e | (e first notNil and: [e first isPrototypeTurtlePlayer])]) size = 0 ifTrue: [^ #none].
  myMessageType = #sequential ifTrue: [^ #sequential].
  parentStmtType = #sequential ifTrue: [^ #sequential].
  "If there is not turtle involved in the statement, it is not transformed."
  myPrimaryBreedPair ifNil: [^ #none].
  vectorTurtle := myPrimaryBreedPair first.
  myMessageType = #condition ifTrue: [
  reads := IdentitySet new.
  writes := IdentitySet new.
  participants do: [:list |
  (((list at: 5) = #testBody or: [(list at: 5) = #testCond]) and: [(list at: 4) ~= #read]) ifTrue: [list first ifNotNil: [writes add: list first]].
  (((list at: 5) = #testBody or: [(list at: 5) = #testCond]) and: [(list at: 4) = #read]) ifTrue: [list first ifNotNil: [reads add: list first]].
  intersection: reads)
  copyWithout: vectorTurtle) ifNotEmpty: [
  ^ #sequential
  ^ #parallel.
  reads := IdentitySet new.
  writes := IdentitySet new.
  turtleSelectors := OrderedCollection new.
  unknownReceiverSelectors := OrderedCollection new.
  participants do: [:list |
  list first = vectorTurtle ifTrue: [
  ((vectorTurtle isBreedSelector: list second) or: [
  (vectorTurtle isUserDefinedSelector: list second)]) ifFalse: [
  turtleSelectors add: list second
  list first
  ifNil: [unknownReceiverSelectors add: list second]
  ifNotNil: [
  ((list at: 4) == #read) ifTrue: [reads add: list first].
  ((list at: 4) == #read) ifFalse: [writes add: list first].
  (vectorTurtle containsSequentialSelector: list second) ifTrue: [^ #sequential].
  (turtleSelectors includes: #die) ifTrue: [^ #die].
  (((self isKindOf: AssignmentNode) and: [myReceiverObject = vectorTurtle])
  and: [vectorTurtle isBreedSelector: self property property]) ifTrue: [^ #none].
  (vectorTurtle areOkaySelectors: unknownReceiverSelectors) ifFalse: [
  ^ #sequential.
  (vectorTurtle vectorizableTheseSelectors: turtleSelectors) ifFalse: [^ #sequential].
  ((reads intersection: writes) copyWithout: vectorTurtle) ifNotEmpty: [^ #sequential].
+ "Check the hard way. If any leaf nodes"
+ self nodesDo: [:node |
+ (node isMessageNode and: [vectorTurtle containsSequentialSelector: node selector])
+ ifTrue: [^ #sequential]].
  ^ #parallel.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MessageAsTempNode>>determineStatementType:fromDict:primaryBreedPair:messageType:isStatement:receiverObject: (in category '*Etoys-Tweak-Kedama-Generated') -----
  determineStatementType: t1 fromDict: t2 primaryBreedPair: t3 messageType: t4 isStatement: t5 receiverObject: t6
  | t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t13 |
  ifFalse: [^ t1].
  t9 := t2 at: self.
  select: [:t14 | t14 first notNil
  and: [t14 first isPrototypeTurtlePlayer]]) size = 0
  ifTrue: [^ #none].
  t4 = #sequential
  ifTrue: [^ #sequential].
  t1 = #sequential
  ifTrue: [^ #sequential].
  ifNil: [^ #none].
  t7 := t3 first.
  t4 = #condition
  ifTrue: [t11 := IdentitySet new.
  t13 := IdentitySet new.
  do: [:t14 |
  (((t14 at: 5)
  = #testBody
  or: [(t14 at: 5)
  = #testCond])
  and: [(t14 at: 4)
  ~= #read])
  ifTrue: [t14 first
  ifNotNil: [t13 add: t14 first]].
  (((t14 at: 5)
  = #testBody
  or: [(t14 at: 5)
  = #testCond])
  and: [(t14 at: 4)
  = #read])
  ifTrue: [t14 first
  ifNotNil: [t11 add: t14 first]]].
  ((t13 intersection: t11)
  copyWithout: t7)
  ifNotEmpty: [^ #sequential].
  ^ #parallel].
  t11 := IdentitySet new.
  t13 := IdentitySet new.
  t8 := OrderedCollection new.
  t10 := OrderedCollection new.
  do: [:t14 |
  t14 first = t7
  ifTrue: [((t7 isBreedSelector: t14 second)
  or: [t7 isUserDefinedSelector: t14 second])
  ifFalse: [t8 add: t14 second]].
  t14 first
  ifNil: [t10 add: t14 second]
  ifNotNil: [(t14 at: 4)
  == #read
  ifTrue: [t11 add: t14 first].
  (t14 at: 4)
  == #read
  ifFalse: [t13 add: t14 first]].
  (t7 containsSequentialSelector: t14 second)
  ifTrue: [^ #sequential]].
  (t8 includes: #die)
  ifTrue: [^ #die].
  (((self isKindOf: AssignmentNode)
  and: [t6 = t7])
  and: [t7 isBreedSelector: self property property])
  ifTrue: [^ #none].
  (t7 areOkaySelectors: t10)
  ifFalse: [^ #sequential].
  (t7 vectorizableTheseSelectors: t8)
  ifFalse: [^ #sequential].
  ((t11 intersection: t13)
  copyWithout: t7)
  ifNotEmpty: [^ #sequential].
+ self
+ nodesDo: [:t14 | (t14 isLeaf
+ and: [t7 containsSequentialSelector: t14 key])
+ ifTrue: [^ #sequential]].
  ^ #parallel!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MessageNode>>determineStatementType:fromDict:primaryBreedPair:messageType:isStatement:receiverObject: (in category '*Etoys-Tweak-Kedama-Generated') -----
  determineStatementType: t1 fromDict: t2 primaryBreedPair: t3 messageType: t4 isStatement: t5 receiverObject: t6
  | t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t13 |
  ifFalse: [^ t1].
  t9 := t2 at: self.
  select: [:t14 | t14 first notNil
  and: [t14 first isPrototypeTurtlePlayer]]) size = 0
  ifTrue: [^ #none].
  t4 = #sequential
  ifTrue: [^ #sequential].
  t1 = #sequential
  ifTrue: [^ #sequential].
  ifNil: [^ #none].
  t7 := t3 first.
  t4 = #condition
  ifTrue: [t11 := IdentitySet new.
  t13 := IdentitySet new.
  do: [:t14 |
  (((t14 at: 5)
  = #testBody
  or: [(t14 at: 5)
  = #testCond])
  and: [(t14 at: 4)
  ~= #read])
  ifTrue: [t14 first
  ifNotNil: [t13 add: t14 first]].
  (((t14 at: 5)
  = #testBody
  or: [(t14 at: 5)
  = #testCond])
  and: [(t14 at: 4)
  = #read])
  ifTrue: [t14 first
  ifNotNil: [t11 add: t14 first]]].
  ((t13 intersection: t11)
  copyWithout: t7)
  ifNotEmpty: [^ #sequential].
  ^ #parallel].
  t11 := IdentitySet new.
  t13 := IdentitySet new.
  t8 := OrderedCollection new.
  t10 := OrderedCollection new.
  do: [:t14 |
  t14 first = t7
  ifTrue: [((t7 isBreedSelector: t14 second)
  or: [t7 isUserDefinedSelector: t14 second])
  ifFalse: [t8 add: t14 second]].
  t14 first
  ifNil: [t10 add: t14 second]
  ifNotNil: [(t14 at: 4)
  == #read
  ifTrue: [t11 add: t14 first].
  (t14 at: 4)
  == #read
  ifFalse: [t13 add: t14 first]].
  (t7 containsSequentialSelector: t14 second)
  ifTrue: [^ #sequential]].
  (t8 includes: #die)
  ifTrue: [^ #die].
  (((self isKindOf: AssignmentNode)
  and: [t6 = t7])
  and: [t7 isBreedSelector: self property property])
  ifTrue: [^ #none].
  (t7 areOkaySelectors: t10)
  ifFalse: [^ #sequential].
  (t7 vectorizableTheseSelectors: t8)
  ifFalse: [^ #sequential].
  ((t11 intersection: t13)
  copyWithout: t7)
  ifNotEmpty: [^ #sequential].
+ self
+ nodesDo: [:t14 | (t14 isLeaf
+ and: [t7 containsSequentialSelector: t14 key])
+ ifTrue: [^ #sequential]].
  ^ #parallel!