Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/EToys-tfel.243.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-tfel.243 Author: tfel Time: 22 September 2016, 5:37:19.089089 pm UUID: 5d05775b-7045-8c40-a02b-c8598754751b Ancestors: EToys-jl.242 - improve the kedama morph accepting a drawing to be more stable - don't show the step-button for kedama scripts, because it doesn't work - allowEtoyUserCustomEvents preference was removed =============== Diff against EToys-jl.242 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: KedamaMorph>>acceptFormFromDrawing: (in category 'event handling') ----- + acceptFormFromDrawing: largeForm + + | aForm c xArray yArray colorArray newX newY turtlesByColor colorArrays thisPlayer xArrays yArrays | + turtlesDict keysAndValuesDo: [:player :vector | + player setTurtleCount: 0]. + turtlesByColor := Dictionary new. + turtlesDict keysAndValuesDo: [:player :vector | + turtlesByColor at: player color put: player]. + xArrays := Dictionary new. + yArrays := Dictionary new. + colorArrays := Dictionary new. + aForm := largeForm scaledToSize: (largeForm extent / pixelsPerPatch) rounded smoothing: 1. + aForm offset: (largeForm offset / self pixelsPerPatch) rounded. + 0 to: aForm height do: [:y | + 0 to: aForm width do: [:x | + c := aForm colorAt: (x@y). + c isTransparent ifFalse: [ + newX := x + aForm offset x. + newY := y + aForm offset y. + ((newX >= 0 and: [newX < self dimensions x]) and: [newY >= 0 and: [newY < self dimensions y]]) ifTrue: [ + thisPlayer := turtlesByColor at: c ifAbsentPut: [ + turtlesByColor keys + detect: [:thisColor | (thisColor diff: c) < 0.2] + ifFound: [:thisColor | turtlesByColor at: thisColor] + ifNone: [ + turtlesDict associations first key. "all non-matching go to be the first turtle" + "(self player newTurtleSilently color: c; player)"]]. + xArray := xArrays at: thisPlayer ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new: aForm width * aForm height]. + yArray := yArrays at: thisPlayer ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new: aForm width * aForm height]. + colorArray := colorArrays at: thisPlayer ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new: aForm width * aForm height]. + + xArray add: newX asFloat. + yArray add: newY asFloat. + colorArray add: (c pixelValueForDepth: 32). + ]. + ]. + ]. + ]. + xArrays keysAndValuesDo: [:player :xArry | + self makeTurtlesAtPositionsIn: {xArry asArray. (yArrays at: player) asArray. (colorArrays at: player) asArray} examplerPlayer: player ofPrototype: nil. + player costume privateTurtleCount: (self turtlesCountOf: player)].! Item was changed: ----- Method: KedamaMorph>>editDrawing (in category 'menu') ----- editDrawing | bnds sketchEditor delBlock myForm mySketch | self world assureNotPaintingElse: [^self]. self world prepareToPaint; displayWorld. bnds := self boundsInWorld. sketchEditor := SketchEditorMorph new. self comeToFront. myForm := self imageForm clippedToSize: (bnds extent - 2). myForm mapColor: self color to: Color transparent. mySketch := SketchMorph withForm: myForm. mySketch position: self position. self world addMorphFront: sketchEditor. sketchEditor initializeFor: mySketch inBounds: bnds pasteUpMorph: self world. delBlock := [self world paintingFlapTab ifNotNil: [:pt | pt hideFlap] ifNil: [self world paintBox ifNotNil: [:pb | pb delete]]]. sketchEditor afterNewPicDo: [:aForm :aRect | aForm offset: aRect topLeft - self topLeft. + self acceptFormFromDrawing: aForm. - self acceptForm: aForm. delBlock value] ifNoBits: [delBlock value]! Item was added: + ----- Method: ReleaseBuilderSqueakland class>>updateProjects (in category 'scripts') ----- + updateProjects + "self updateProjects" + "Use this script to load store the gallery projects in the expected format into the repository" + ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>buttonRowForEditor (in category 'buttons') ----- buttonRowForEditor "Answer a row of buttons that comprise the header at the top of the Scriptor" | aRow aString aStatusMorph aButton aTile aMorph goldBoxButton aBox | aRow := AlignmentMorph newRow color: ScriptingSystem baseColor; layoutInset: 1. aRow hResizing: #spaceFill. aRow vResizing: #shrinkWrap. self addDismissButtonTo: aRow. aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 9. "Player's name" aString := playerScripted externalName. aMorph := StringMorph contents: aString font: ScriptingSystem fontForTiles. aMorph setNameTo: 'title'. aRow addMorphBack: aMorph. aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 6. "Script's name" aBox := AlignmentMorph newRow. aBox hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap. aBox color: (Color r: 0.839 g: 1.0 b: 0.806). aBox borderWidth: 1. aBox borderColor: (Color r: 0.645 g: 0.774 b: 0.613). aButton := UpdatingStringMorph new. aButton useStringFormat; target: self; getSelector: #scriptTitle; setNameTo: 'script name'; font: ScriptingSystem fontForNameEditingInScriptor; putSelector: #setScriptNameTo:; setProperty: #okToTextEdit toValue: true; step; yourself. aBox addMorph: aButton. aRow addMorphBack: aBox. aBox setBalloonText: 'Click here to edit the name of the script.' translated. "aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 9." aRow addVariableTransparentSpacer. "Try It button" self hasParameter ifFalse: [aRow addMorphBack: ((ThreePhaseButtonMorph labelSymbol: #TryIt target: self actionSelector: #tryMe arguments: #()) actWhen: #whilePressed; balloonTextSelector: #tryMe). aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 3]. + "Step button, only for non-Kedama" + (self playerScripted isPrototypeTurtlePlayer or: [self hasParameter]) ifFalse: - "Step button" - self hasParameter ifFalse: [aRow addMorphBack: (aButton := ThreePhaseButtonMorph labelSymbol: #StepMe target: self actionSelector: #stepMe arguments: #()). aButton balloonTextSelector: #stepMe. aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 3]. "Status controller" self hasParameter ifTrue: [aTile := TypeListTile new choices: Vocabulary typeChoicesForUserVariables dataType: nil. aTile addArrows. aTile setLiteral: self typeForParameter. aRow addMorphBack: aTile. aTile borderColor: Color red. aTile color: ScriptingSystem uniformTileInteriorColor. aTile setBalloonText: 'Drag from here to get a parameter tile' translated. aTile addCaretsAsAppropriate: true] ifFalse: [aRow addMorphBack: (aStatusMorph := self scriptInstantiation statusControlMorph)]. "aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 3." aRow addVariableTransparentSpacer. "Gold-box" aRow addMorphBack: (goldBoxButton := IconicButton new). goldBoxButton borderWidth: 0; labelGraphic: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: 'RoundGoldBox'); color: Color transparent; actWhen: #buttonDown; target: self; actionSelector: #offerGoldBoxMenu; shedSelvedge; setBalloonText: 'click here to get a palette of useful tiles to use in your script.' translated. aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 6@1. "Menu Button" aButton := self menuButton. aButton actionSelector: #offerScriptorMenu. aRow addMorphBack: aButton. (playerScripted existingScriptInstantiationForSelector: scriptName) ifNotNilDo: [:inst | inst updateStatusMorph: aStatusMorph]. ^ aRow! Item was changed: ----- Method: Vocabulary class>>typeChoicesForUserVariables (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-type vocabularies') ----- typeChoicesForUserVariables "Answer a list of all user-choosable value types for variables." | aList | aList := #(Boolean Color CustomEvents Graphic Number Patch Player Point ScriptName Sound String) asOrderedCollection. (ActiveWorld notNil and: [ActiveWorld isKedamaPresent not]) ifTrue: [aList remove: #Patch ifAbsent: []]. - Preferences allowEtoyUserCustomEvents ifFalse: [aList remove: #CustomEvents ifAbsent: []]. ^ aList asSortedArray " Vocabulary typeChoicesForUserVariables "! |
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