Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/EToys-tfel.246.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-tfel.246 Author: tfel Time: 23 September 2016, 1:43:43.492418 pm UUID: 4adda244-96f0-8d44-a558-de9db4c3bc22 Ancestors: EToys-tfel.245 - hide uniclasses from the system, so they are collected when their players go away - fix editing and saving player scripts that refer to other players by name =============== Diff against EToys-tfel.245 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: KedamaExamplerPlayer>>copyAllMethodsAgain2 (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-debug support') ----- copyAllMethodsAgain2 | c result | c := turtles class. result := (ClassBuilder new) name: c name inEnvironment: c environment subclassOf: c superclass type: c typeOfClass instanceVariableNames: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2 instanceVariablesString classVariableNames: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2 classVariablesString poolDictionaries: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2 sharedPoolsString category: Object categoryForUniclasses. turtles class copyAllCategoriesUnobtrusivelyFrom: KedamaTurtleVectorPlayer2. sequentialStub ifNotNil: [sequentialStub class copyAllCategoriesUnobtrusivelyFrom: KedamaSequenceExecutionStub]. + self flag: #todo. self flag: #uniclasses. "Discuss if we really want to hide uniclasses again" + result environment forgetClass: result logged: false. + c superclass removeSubclass: result. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player class>>setNewInstVarNames: (in category 'user-defined inst vars') ----- setNewInstVarNames: listOfStrings "Make listOfStrings be the new list of instance variable names for the receiver" | disappearing firstAppearing instVarString instVarList | instVarList := self instVarNames asOrderedCollection. disappearing := instVarList copy. disappearing removeAllFoundIn: listOfStrings. disappearing do: [:oldName | self removeAccessorsFor: oldName]. firstAppearing := listOfStrings copy. firstAppearing removeAllFoundIn: instVarList. instVarString := String streamContents: [:aStream | listOfStrings do: [:aString | aStream nextPutAll: aString; nextPut: $ ]]. superclass subclass: self name instanceVariableNames: instVarString classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: self categoryForUniclasses. + self flag: #todo. self flag: #uniclasses. "Discuss if we really want to hide uniclasses again" + self environment forgetClass: self logged: false. + superclass removeSubclass: self. firstAppearing do: [:newName | self compileAccessorsFor: newName]. ! Item was added: + ----- Method: ScriptEncoder>>init:notifying: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- + init: class notifying: parser + + super init: class notifying: parser. + self referenceObject: ActiveWorld referenceWorld.! Item was added: + ----- Method: ScriptParser>>encoder (in category 'public access') ----- + encoder + ^encoder ifNil: + [encoder := ScriptEncoder new]! |
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