Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/EToys-tfel.249.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: EToys-tfel.249
Author: tfel
Time: 23 September 2016, 3:26:09.056418 pm
UUID: 844e5444-0afb-144b-a622-dcb33fbf8597
Ancestors: EToys-tfel.248
fix the defensive code for updating status morphs in scripts
=============== Diff against EToys-tfel.248 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ScriptInstantiation>>updateAllStatusMorphs (in category 'status control') -----
"Update all status morphs bound to the receiver. Done with a sledge-hammer at present."
| w |
w := self currentWorld.
+ (w hasProperty: #updateStatusMorph) ifTrue: [^ self].
+ w setProperty: #updateStatusMorph toValue: true.
+ Project current addDeferredUIMessage: [
+ (w valueOfProperty: #updateStatusMorph ifAbsent: [false]) ifTrue: [
+ (w allMorphs select: [:m | (m isKindOf: ScriptStatusControl) and:
+ [m scriptInstantiation == self]]) do:
+ [:aStatusControl | self updateStatusMorph: aStatusControl].
+ w removeProperty: #updateStatusMorph.
- (w hasProperty: #foo) ifFalse: [
- w setProperty: #updateStatusMorph toValue: true.
- Project current addDeferredUIMessage: [
- (w hasProperty: #foo) ifTrue: [
- w removeProperty: #updateStatusMorph.
- (w allMorphs select: [:m | (m isKindOf: ScriptStatusControl) and:
- [m scriptInstantiation == self]]) do:
- [:aStatusControl | self updateStatusMorph: aStatusControl] .
- ]