The Trunk: EToys-tfel.256.mcz

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The Trunk: EToys-tfel.256.mcz

Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-tfel.256
Author: tfel
Time: 27 September 2016, 3:48:35.810629 pm
UUID: 67cc3cc0-a391-2e4e-af52-dd6bbc2e1f03
Ancestors: EToys-tfel.255

- various fixes for the mentoring event recorder
- utility methods for etoys course

=============== Diff against EToys-tfel.255 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: InteriorSolidSugarSuppliesTab>>mouseMove: (in category 'event handling') -----
  mouseMove: evt
  "Handle a mouse-move within the solid tab."
  | aPosition newReferentThickness adjustedPosition thick aWorldlet |
+ true ifTrue: [^ self].
  dragged ifFalse: [(thick := self referentThickness) > 0
  ifTrue: [lastReferentThickness := thick]].
  aWorldlet := self ownerThatIsA: Worldlet.
  aPosition := evt cursorPoint - aWorldlet position.
  edgeToAdhereTo == #top
  [adjustedPosition := aPosition - evt hand targetOffset.
  newReferentThickness := adjustedPosition y - self navBarHeight]
  [adjustedPosition := aPosition - evt hand targetOffset.
  newReferentThickness := aWorldlet height - (adjustedPosition y + self navBarHeight + self height)].
  self applyThickness: newReferentThickness.
  dragged := true.
  self fitOnScreen!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MentoringEventRecorder>>handleListenEvent: (in category 'events-processing') -----
  handleListenEvent: anEvent
  "Process a listen event."
  anEvent hand == recHand ifFalse: [^ self]. "not for me"
  (#(recording recordingWithSound) includes: self state)  ifFalse:
  ["If user got an error while recording and deleted recorder, will still be listening"
  recHand ifNotNil: [recHand removeEventListener: self].
  ^ self].
+ anEvent timeStamp: Time millisecondClockValue. "Workaround a bug in Windows VM"
  anEvent = lastEvent ifTrue: [^ self].
  (anEvent isKeyboard and: [anEvent keyValue = 27 "esc"])
  ifTrue: [^ self handleEscape].
  time := anEvent timeStamp.
  tapeStream ifNotNil:
  [tapeStream nextPut: (anEvent copy setHand: nil)].
  lastEvent := anEvent!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MentoringEventRecorder>>pauseIn: (in category 'pause/resume') -----
  pauseIn: aWorld
  "Suspend -- a stop command, typically because an EOF event was found on the event tape being played."
  (#(recordingWithSound playbackAddingVoiceover) includes: self state) ifTrue:
  [self terminateVoiceRecording.
  self state: #atEndOfPlayback.
  recHand ifNotNil: [recHand removeEventListener: self].
  recHand := nil.].
  (#(playback) includes: self state) ifTrue:
  [self state: #suspendedPlay.
  playHand ifNotNil:
  [playHand halo ifNotNil: [playHand halo delete].
  playHand delete].
  aWorld removeHand: playHand.
  self removeProperty: #suspendedContentArea.
  playHand := nil.
+ recordingSpace playingEnded.
+ aWorld firstHand showHardwareCursor: true]
- recordingSpace playingEnded]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MentoringEventRecorder>>resumePlayIn: (in category 'pause/resume') -----
  resumePlayIn: aWorld
  | anEvent aPosition |
  recordingSpace abandonReplayHandsAndHalos.
  self flag: #deferred.  "I guess it's the above line that messes up the nesting of these guys..."
  self state: #playback.
  recordingSpace populateControlsPanel.
  aWorld doOneCycle.
  playHand := HandMorphForReplay new recorder: self.
  [((anEvent := tapeStream next) notNil and: [(anEvent isKindOf: UserInputEvent) not])]
  whileTrue: [].
  aPosition := anEvent
  [recordingSpace contentArea center]
  [anEvent position].
  tapeStream reset.
  playHand position: aPosition + recordingSpace areaOffset.
  aWorld addHand: playHand.
  playHand newKeyboardFocus: aWorld.
+ playHand userInitials: '' andPicture: nil.
- playHand userInitials: 'play' andPicture: nil.
  lastEvent := nil.
  lastDelta := 0@0.
  startPlaybackTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
  millisecondsIntoPlayback := 0.
  self findPlayOffset.
  self synchronize

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>impartPrivatePresenter (in category '*Etoys-playfield') -----
  presenter ifNil:
  [presenter := EtoysPresenter new associatedMorph: self.
+ "presenter standardPlayer"]!
- presenter standardPlayer]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Project class>>cleanUpEtoysGarbage (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-utilities') -----
+ cleanUpEtoysGarbage
+ "Project cleanUpEtoysGarbage"
+ "All these should eventuall go away and be fixed, but for now we have this here."
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect.
+ "Clear weak message sends to remove modal windows from worlds that are closing."
+ (WeakMessageSend allInstances select: [:wm  |
+ (wm receiver isKindOf: PasteUpMorph) and: [wm selector = #removeModalWindow]]) do: [:wm | wm receiver: nil].
+ "Clear the weak dictionary on the class side that keeps node state around in the rewriter"
+ KedamaEvaluatorNodeState initialize.
+ "Clear the KedamaEvaluator that holds on to the last Kedama world"
+ ScriptEditorMorph setDefaultEvaluator.
+ "Clear the hard references to player classes, "
+ (Smalltalk organization listAtCategoryNamed:  'UserObjects') do: [:name |
+    Smalltalk forgetClass: (Smalltalk classNamed: name) logged: false].
+ Player withAllSubclasses
+    select: [:c | c isSystemDefined not]
+    thenDo: [:c  | c superclass removeSubclass: c].
+ "Clear the paste buffer"
+ HandMorph initialize.
+ "Clear the reference to the project tree in SkObject"
+ SkObject initialize.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Project class>>makeANewLocalGallery (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-utilities') -----
+ makeANewLocalGallery
+ | m pvm |
+ m := Morph new
+ changeTableLayout;
+ listDirection: #leftToRight;
+ wrapDirection: #topToBottom;
+ yourself.
+ (((FileDirectory default fileNamesMatching: '*.pr')
+ collect: [:name | (Project parseProjectFileName: name) first]) asSet sorted) do: [:name |
+ pvm := ProjectViewMorph new.
+ m addMorph: (pvm
+ project: (DiskProxy global: #Project selector: #named: args: {name}))].
+ m openInHand!

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Re: The Trunk: EToys-tfel.256.mcz

Levente Uzonyi
On Tue, 27 Sep 2016, [hidden email] wrote:

> Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: EToys-tfel.256
> Author: tfel
> Time: 27 September 2016, 3:48:35.810629 pm
> UUID: 67cc3cc0-a391-2e4e-af52-dd6bbc2e1f03
> Ancestors: EToys-tfel.255
> - various fixes for the mentoring event recorder
> - utility methods for etoys course
> =============== Diff against EToys-tfel.255 ===============
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: InteriorSolidSugarSuppliesTab>>mouseMove: (in category 'event handling') -----
>  mouseMove: evt
>   "Handle a mouse-move within the solid tab."
>   | aPosition newReferentThickness adjustedPosition thick aWorldlet |
> + true ifTrue: [^ self].
>   dragged ifFalse: [(thick := self referentThickness) > 0
>   ifTrue: [lastReferentThickness := thick]].
>   aWorldlet := self ownerThatIsA: Worldlet.
>   aPosition := evt cursorPoint - aWorldlet position.
>   edgeToAdhereTo == #top
>   ifTrue:
>   [adjustedPosition := aPosition - evt hand targetOffset.
>   newReferentThickness := adjustedPosition y - self navBarHeight]
>   ifFalse:
>   [adjustedPosition := aPosition - evt hand targetOffset.
>   newReferentThickness := aWorldlet height - (adjustedPosition y + self navBarHeight + self height)].
>   self applyThickness: newReferentThickness.
>   dragged := true.
>   self fitOnScreen!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: MentoringEventRecorder>>handleListenEvent: (in category 'events-processing') -----
>  handleListenEvent: anEvent
>   "Process a listen event."
>   anEvent hand == recHand ifFalse: [^ self]. "not for me"
>   (#(recording recordingWithSound) includes: self state)  ifFalse:
>   ["If user got an error while recording and deleted recorder, will still be listening"
>   recHand ifNotNil: [recHand removeEventListener: self].
>   ^ self].
> + anEvent timeStamp: Time millisecondClockValue. "Workaround a bug in Windows VM"

That shoud be Time >> #eventMillisecondClock.


>   anEvent = lastEvent ifTrue: [^ self].
>   (anEvent isKeyboard and: [anEvent keyValue = 27 "esc"])
>   ifTrue: [^ self handleEscape].
>   time := anEvent timeStamp.
>   tapeStream ifNotNil:
>   [tapeStream nextPut: (anEvent copy setHand: nil)].
>   lastEvent := anEvent!
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: MentoringEventRecorder>>pauseIn: (in category 'pause/resume') -----
>  pauseIn: aWorld
>   "Suspend -- a stop command, typically because an EOF event was found on the event tape being played."
>   (#(recordingWithSound playbackAddingVoiceover) includes: self state) ifTrue:
>   [self terminateVoiceRecording.
>   self state: #atEndOfPlayback.
>   recHand ifNotNil: [recHand removeEventListener: self].
>   recHand := nil.].
>   (#(playback) includes: self state) ifTrue:
>   [self state: #suspendedPlay.
>   playHand ifNotNil:
>   [playHand halo ifNotNil: [playHand halo delete].
>   playHand delete].
>   aWorld removeHand: playHand.
>   self removeProperty: #suspendedContentArea.
>   playHand := nil.
> + recordingSpace playingEnded.
> + aWorld firstHand showHardwareCursor: true]
> - recordingSpace playingEnded]
>   !
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: MentoringEventRecorder>>resumePlayIn: (in category 'pause/resume') -----
>  resumePlayIn: aWorld
>   "Playback"
>   | anEvent aPosition |
>   recordingSpace abandonReplayHandsAndHalos.
>   self flag: #deferred.  "I guess it's the above line that messes up the nesting of these guys..."
>   self state: #playback.
>   recordingSpace populateControlsPanel.
>   aWorld doOneCycle.
>   playHand := HandMorphForReplay new recorder: self.
>   [((anEvent := tapeStream next) notNil and: [(anEvent isKindOf: UserInputEvent) not])]
>   whileTrue: [].
>   aPosition := anEvent
>   ifNil:
>   [recordingSpace contentArea center]
>   ifNotNil:
>   [anEvent position].
>   tapeStream reset.
>   playHand position: aPosition + recordingSpace areaOffset.
>   aWorld addHand: playHand.
>   playHand newKeyboardFocus: aWorld.
> + playHand userInitials: '' andPicture: nil.
> - playHand userInitials: 'play' andPicture: nil.
>   lastEvent := nil.
>   lastDelta := 0@0.
>   startPlaybackTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
>   millisecondsIntoPlayback := 0.
>   self findPlayOffset.
>   self synchronize
>  !
> Item was changed:
>  ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>impartPrivatePresenter (in category '*Etoys-playfield') -----
>  impartPrivatePresenter
>   presenter ifNil:
>   [presenter := EtoysPresenter new associatedMorph: self.
> + "presenter standardPlayer"]!
> - presenter standardPlayer]!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: Project class>>cleanUpEtoysGarbage (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-utilities') -----
> + cleanUpEtoysGarbage
> + "Project cleanUpEtoysGarbage"
> + "All these should eventuall go away and be fixed, but for now we have this here."
> + Smalltalk garbageCollect.
> + "Clear weak message sends to remove modal windows from worlds that are closing."
> + (WeakMessageSend allInstances select: [:wm  |
> + (wm receiver isKindOf: PasteUpMorph) and: [wm selector = #removeModalWindow]]) do: [:wm | wm receiver: nil].
> + "Clear the weak dictionary on the class side that keeps node state around in the rewriter"
> + KedamaEvaluatorNodeState initialize.
> + "Clear the KedamaEvaluator that holds on to the last Kedama world"
> + ScriptEditorMorph setDefaultEvaluator.
> + "Clear the hard references to player classes, "
> + (Smalltalk organization listAtCategoryNamed:  'UserObjects') do: [:name |
> +    Smalltalk forgetClass: (Smalltalk classNamed: name) logged: false].
> + Player withAllSubclasses
> +    select: [:c | c isSystemDefined not]
> +    thenDo: [:c  | c superclass removeSubclass: c].
> + "Clear the paste buffer"
> + HandMorph initialize.
> + "Clear the reference to the project tree in SkObject"
> + SkObject initialize.
> + Smalltalk garbageCollect.!
> Item was added:
> + ----- Method: Project class>>makeANewLocalGallery (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-utilities') -----
> + makeANewLocalGallery
> + | m pvm |
> + m := Morph new
> + changeTableLayout;
> + listDirection: #leftToRight;
> + wrapDirection: #topToBottom;
> + yourself.
> + (((FileDirectory default fileNamesMatching: '*.pr')
> + collect: [:name | (Project parseProjectFileName: name) first]) asSet sorted) do: [:name |
> + pvm := ProjectViewMorph new.
> + m addMorph: (pvm
> + project: (DiskProxy global: #Project selector: #named: args: {name}))].
> + m openInHand!