Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/EToys-ul.76.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: EToys-ul.76 Author: ul Time: 16 November 2010, 4:48:28.756 am UUID: 9547b97a-0e6b-254b-8932-f5c4d22eacd8 Ancestors: EToys-ar.75 - use #= for integer comparison instead of #== (http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=2788 ) =============== Diff against EToys-ar.75 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CategoryViewer>>chooseCategory (in category 'categories') ----- chooseCategory "The mouse went down on my category-list control; pop up a list of category choices" | aList reply aLinePosition lineList | aList := scriptedPlayer categoriesForViewer: self. aLinePosition := aList indexOf: #miscellaneous ifAbsent: [nil]. aList := aList collect: [:aCatSymbol | self currentVocabulary categoryWordingAt: aCatSymbol]. lineList := aLinePosition ifNil: [#()] ifNotNil: [Array with: aLinePosition]. + aList size = 0 ifTrue: [aList add: ScriptingSystem nameForInstanceVariablesCategory translated]. - aList size == 0 ifTrue: [aList add: ScriptingSystem nameForInstanceVariablesCategory translated]. reply := UIManager default chooseFrom: aList values: aList lines: lineList title: 'category' translated. reply ifNil: [^ self]. self chooseCategoryWhoseTranslatedWordingIs: reply asSymbol ! Item was changed: ----- Method: CategoryViewer>>phraseForCommandFrom: (in category 'entries') ----- phraseForCommandFrom: aMethodInterface "Answer a phrase for the non-slot-like command represented by aMethodInterface - classic tiles" | aRow resultType cmd names argType argTile selfTile aPhrase balloonTextSelector stat inst aDocString universal tileBearingHelp | aDocString := aMethodInterface documentation. aDocString = 'no help available' ifTrue: [aDocString := nil]. names := scriptedPlayer class namedTileScriptSelectors. resultType := aMethodInterface resultType. cmd := aMethodInterface selector. (universal := scriptedPlayer isUniversalTiles) ifTrue: [aPhrase := scriptedPlayer universalTilesForInterface: aMethodInterface] + ifFalse: [cmd numArgs = 0 - ifFalse: [cmd numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [aPhrase := PhraseTileMorph new vocabulary: self currentVocabulary. aPhrase setOperator: cmd type: resultType rcvrType: #Player] ifFalse: ["only one arg supported in classic tiles, so if this is fed with a selector with > 1 arg, results will be very strange" argType := aMethodInterface typeForArgumentNumber: 1. aPhrase := PhraseTileMorph new vocabulary: self currentVocabulary. (self isSpecialPatchReceiver: scriptedPlayer and: cmd) ifTrue: [ aPhrase setOperator: cmd type: resultType rcvrType: #Patch argType: argType. ] ifFalse: [ aPhrase setOperator: cmd type: resultType rcvrType: #Player argType: argType. ]. (self isSpecialPatchCase: scriptedPlayer and: cmd) ifTrue: [ argTile := (Vocabulary vocabularyForType: argType) defaultArgumentTileFor: scriptedPlayer. ] ifFalse: [ argTile := ScriptingSystem tileForArgType: argType. ]. (#(bounce: wrap:) includes: cmd) ifTrue: ["help for the embattled bj" argTile setLiteral: 'silence'; updateLiteralLabel]. argTile position: aPhrase lastSubmorph position. aPhrase lastSubmorph addMorph: argTile]]. (scriptedPlayer slotInfo includesKey: cmd) ifTrue: [balloonTextSelector := #userSlot]. (scriptedPlayer belongsToUniClass and: [scriptedPlayer class includesSelector: cmd]) ifTrue: [aDocString ifNil: [aDocString := (scriptedPlayer class userScriptForPlayer: scriptedPlayer selector: cmd) documentation]. aDocString ifNil: [balloonTextSelector := #userScript]]. tileBearingHelp := universal ifTrue: [aPhrase submorphs second] ifFalse: [aPhrase operatorTile]. aDocString ifNotNil: [tileBearingHelp setBalloonText: aDocString] ifNil: [balloonTextSelector ifNil: [tileBearingHelp setProperty: #inherentSelector toValue: cmd. balloonTextSelector := #methodComment]. tileBearingHelp balloonTextSelector: balloonTextSelector]. aPhrase markAsPartsDonor. cmd == #emptyScript ifTrue: [aPhrase setProperty: #newPermanentScript toValue: true. aPhrase setProperty: #newPermanentPlayer toValue: scriptedPlayer. aPhrase submorphs second setBalloonText: 'drag and drop to add a new script' translated]. universal ifFalse: [selfTile := self tileForSelf. selfTile position: aPhrase firstSubmorph position. aPhrase firstSubmorph addMorph: selfTile]. aRow := ViewerLine newRow borderWidth: 0; color: self color. aRow elementSymbol: cmd asSymbol. aRow addMorphBack: (ScriptingSystem tryButtonFor: aPhrase). aRow addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 2@2; beTransparent). aRow addMorphBack: (self infoButtonFor: cmd). aRow addMorphBack: aPhrase. aPhrase on: #mouseEnter send: #addCommandFeedback to: aRow. aPhrase on: #mouseLeave send: #removeHighlightFeedback to: aRow. aPhrase on: #mouseLeaveDragging send: #removeHighlightFeedback to: aRow. (names includes: cmd) ifTrue: [aPhrase userScriptSelector: cmd. + cmd numArgs = 0 ifTrue: - cmd numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [aPhrase beTransparent. aRow addMorphBack: AlignmentMorph newVariableTransparentSpacer. aRow addMorphBack: (stat := (inst := scriptedPlayer scriptInstantiationForSelector: cmd) statusControlMorph). inst updateStatusMorph: stat]]. aRow beSticky; disableDragNDrop. ^ aRow! Item was changed: ----- Method: DataType>>updatingTileForTarget:partName:getter:setter: (in category '*Etoys-tiles') ----- updatingTileForTarget: aTarget partName: partName getter: getter setter: setter "Answer, for classic tiles, an updating readout tile for a part with the receiver's type, with the given getter and setter" | aTile displayer actualSetter | actualSetter := setter ifNotNil: [(#(none #nil unused) includes: setter) ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [setter]]. aTile := self newReadoutTile. displayer := UpdatingStringMorph new getSelector: getter; target: aTarget; growable: true; minimumWidth: 24; putSelector: actualSetter. "Note that when typeSymbol = #number, the #target: call above will have dealt with floatPrecision details" self setFormatForDisplayer: displayer. aTile addMorphBack: displayer. (actualSetter notNil and: [self wantsArrowsOnTiles]) ifTrue: [aTile addArrows]. + getter numArgs = 0 ifTrue: - getter numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [aTile setLiteralInitially: (aTarget perform: getter)]. ^ aTile ! Item was changed: ----- Method: EToyTextNode>>addNewChildAfter: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- addNewChildAfter: anotherOrNilOrZero | where newNode | + anotherOrNilOrZero = 0 ifTrue: [ - anotherOrNilOrZero == 0 ifTrue: [ newNode := EToyTextNode newNode. children := {newNode} asOrderedCollection,children. ^newNode ]. where := children indexOf: anotherOrNilOrZero ifAbsent: [children size]. children add: (newNode := EToyTextNode newNode) afterIndex: where. ^newNode ! Item was changed: ----- Method: EtoysPresenter>>browseAllScriptsTextually (in category 'playerList') ----- browseAllScriptsTextually "Open a method-list browser on all the scripts in the project" | aList aMethodList | + (aList := self uniclassesAndCounts) size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'there are no scripted players']. - (aList := self uniclassesAndCounts) size == 0 ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'there are no scripted players']. aMethodList := OrderedCollection new. aList do: [:aPair | aPair first addMethodReferencesTo: aMethodList]. aMethodList size > 0 ifFalse: [^ self inform: 'there are no scripts in this project!!']. SystemNavigation new browseMessageList: aMethodList name: 'All scripts in this project' autoSelect: nil " ActiveWorld presenter browseAllScriptsTextually "! Item was changed: ----- Method: Inspector>>tearOffTile (in category '*Etoys-menu commands') ----- tearOffTile "Tear off a tile that refers to the receiver's selection, and place it in the mophic hand" | objectToRepresent | + objectToRepresent := self selectionIndex = 0 ifTrue: [object] ifFalse: [self selection]. - objectToRepresent := self selectionIndex == 0 ifTrue: [object] ifFalse: [self selection]. self currentHand attachMorph: (TileMorph new referTo: objectToRepresent) ! Item was changed: ----- Method: KedamaPatchType>>updatingTileForTarget:partName:getter:setter: (in category 'tile protocol') ----- updatingTileForTarget: aTarget partName: partName getter: getter setter: setter | aTile displayer actualSetter | actualSetter := setter ifNotNil: [(#(none nil unused) includes: setter) ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [setter]]. aTile := self newReadoutTile. displayer := UpdatingStringMorph new getSelector: #externalName; target: (aTarget perform: getter) costume renderedMorph; growable: true; minimumWidth: 24; putSelector: nil. displayer stepTime: 1000. "Note that when typeSymbol = #number, the #target: call above will have dealt with floatPrecision details" self setFormatForDisplayer: displayer. aTile addMorphBack: displayer. (actualSetter notNil and: [self wantsArrowsOnTiles]) ifTrue: [aTile addArrows]. + getter numArgs = 0 ifTrue: - getter numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [aTile setLiteralInitially: (aTarget perform: getter)]. displayer useStringFormat. ^ aTile ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Object>>infoFor:inViewer: (in category '*Etoys-viewer') ----- infoFor: anElement inViewer: aViewer "The user made a gesture asking for info/menu relating to me. Some of the messages dispatched here are not yet available in this image" | aMenu elementType | elementType := self elementTypeFor: anElement vocabulary: aViewer currentVocabulary. ((elementType = #systemSlot) | (elementType == #userSlot)) ifTrue: [^ self slotInfoButtonHitFor: anElement inViewer: aViewer]. self flag: #deferred. "Use a traditional MenuMorph, and reinstate the pacify thing" aMenu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: aViewer. #( ('implementors' browseImplementorsOf:) ('senders' browseSendersOf:) ('versions' browseVersionsOf:) - ('browse full' browseMethodFull:) ('inheritance' browseMethodInheritance:) - ('about this method' aboutMethod:)) do: [:pair | pair = '-' ifTrue: [aMenu addLine] ifFalse: [aMenu add: pair first target: aViewer selector: pair second argument: anElement]]. aMenu addLine. aMenu defaultTarget: self. #( ('destroy script' removeScript:) ('rename script' renameScript:) ('pacify script' pacifyScript:)) do: [:pair | aMenu add: pair first target: self selector: pair second argument: anElement]. aMenu addLine. aMenu add: 'show categories....' target: aViewer selector: #showCategoriesFor: argument: anElement. + aMenu items size = 0 ifTrue: "won't happen at the moment a/c the above" - aMenu items size == 0 ifTrue: "won't happen at the moment a/c the above" [aMenu add: 'ok' action: nil]. "in case it was a slot -- weird, transitional" aMenu addTitle: anElement asString, ' (', elementType, ')'. aMenu popUpInWorld: self currentWorld. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Object>>uniqueNameForReference (in category '*Etoys-viewer') ----- uniqueNameForReference "Answer a nice name by which the receiver can be referred to by other objects. At present this uses a global References dictionary to hold the database of references, but in due course this will need to acquire some locality" | aName stem knownClassVars | (aName := self uniqueNameForReferenceOrNil) ifNotNil: [^ aName]. (stem := self knownName) ifNil: [stem := self defaultNameStemForInstances asString]. stem := stem select: [:ch | ch isLetter or: [ch isDigit]]. + stem size = 0 ifTrue: [stem := 'A']. - stem size == 0 ifTrue: [stem := 'A']. stem first isLetter ifFalse: [stem := 'A', stem]. stem := stem capitalized. knownClassVars := ScriptingSystem allKnownClassVariableNames. aName := Utilities keyLike: stem satisfying: [:jinaLake | | nameSym | nameSym := jinaLake asSymbol. ((References includesKey: nameSym) not and: [(Smalltalk includesKey: nameSym) not]) and: [(knownClassVars includes: nameSym) not]]. References at: (aName := aName asSymbol) put: self. ^ aName! Item was changed: ----- Method: Object>>uniqueNameForReferenceFrom: (in category '*Etoys-viewer') ----- uniqueNameForReferenceFrom: proposedName "Answer a satisfactory symbol, similar to the proposedName but obeying the rules, to represent the receiver" | aName stem | proposedName = self uniqueNameForReferenceOrNil ifTrue: [^ proposedName]. "No change" stem := proposedName select: [:ch | ch isLetter or: [ch isDigit]]. + stem size = 0 ifTrue: [stem := 'A']. - stem size == 0 ifTrue: [stem := 'A']. stem first isLetter ifFalse: [stem := 'A', stem]. stem := stem capitalized. aName := Utilities keyLike: stem satisfying: [:jinaLake | | nameSym okay | nameSym := jinaLake asSymbol. okay := true. (self class bindingOf: nameSym) ifNotNil: [okay := false "don't use it"]. okay]. ^ aName asSymbol! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player classSide>>addDocumentationForScriptsTo: (in category 'user-scripted subclasses') ----- addDocumentationForScriptsTo: aStream "Add documentation for every script in the receiver to the stream" self scripts do: [:aScript | aScript selector ifNotNil: [aStream cr; cr. aStream nextPutAll: self typicalInstanceName, '.'. self printMethodChunk: aScript selector withPreamble: false on: aStream moveSource: false toFile: nil. aStream position: (aStream position - 2)]]. + self scripts size = 0 ifTrue: - self scripts size == 0 ifTrue: [aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: 'has no scripts']! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player classSide>>namedUnaryTileScriptSelectors (in category 'scripts') ----- namedUnaryTileScriptSelectors "Answer a list of all the selectors of named unary tile scripts" scripts ifNil: [^ OrderedCollection new]. + ^ scripts select: [:aScript | | sel | (sel := aScript selector) notNil and: [sel numArgs = 0]] - ^ scripts select: [:aScript | | sel | ((sel := aScript selector) ~~ nil) and: [sel numArgs == 0]] thenCollect: [:aScript | aScript selector]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player classSide>>playersWithUnnecessarySubclasses (in category 'housekeeping') ----- playersWithUnnecessarySubclasses "Return a list of all players whose scripts dictionaries contain entries with nil selectors" "Player playersWithUnnecessarySubclasses size" ^ self withAllSubclasses select: + [:p | p class isSystemDefined not and: [p scripts size = 0 and: [p instVarNames size = 0]]] ! - [:p | p class isSystemDefined not and: [p scripts size == 0 and: [p instVarNames size == 0]]] ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>addInstanceVariable (in category 'slots-user') ----- addInstanceVariable "Offer the user the opportunity to add an instance variable, and if he goes through with it, actually add it." | itsName initialValue typeChosen usedNames initialAnswer setterSelector originalString | usedNames := self class instVarNames. initialAnswer := Utilities keyLike: ('var' translated, (usedNames size + 1) asString) satisfying: [:aKey | (usedNames includes: aKey) not]. originalString := UIManager default request: 'name for new variable: ' translated initialAnswer: initialAnswer. originalString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^ self]. itsName := ScriptingSystem acceptableSlotNameFrom: originalString forSlotCurrentlyNamed: nil asSlotNameIn: self world: self costume world. + itsName size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. - itsName size == 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. self assureUniClass. typeChosen := self initialTypeForSlotNamed: itsName. self slotInfo at: itsName put: (SlotInformation new initialize type: typeChosen). initialValue := self initialValueForSlotOfType: typeChosen. self addInstanceVarNamed: itsName withValue: initialValue. self compileInstVarAccessorsFor: itsName. setterSelector := Utilities setterSelectorFor: itsName. ((self class allSubInstances copyWithout: self) reject: [:e | e isSequentialStub]) do: [:anInstance | anInstance perform: setterSelector with: initialValue]. self updateAllViewersAndForceToShow: ScriptingSystem nameForInstanceVariablesCategory! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>chooseUserSlot (in category 'slots-user') ----- chooseUserSlot | names result | + (names := self slotNames) size = 1 - (names := self slotNames) size == 1 ifTrue: [^ names first]. result := UIManager default chooseFrom: names values: names title: 'Please choose a variable'. result isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^ nil]. ^ result! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>newTextualScriptorFor: (in category 'scripts-kernel') ----- newTextualScriptorFor: aSelector "Sprout a scriptor for aSelector, opening up in textual mode. Rather special-purpose, consult my lone sender" | aMethodWithInterface aScriptEditor | (self class includesSelector: aSelector) ifTrue: [self error: 'selector already exists']. aMethodWithInterface := self class permanentUserScriptFor: aSelector player: self. aScriptEditor := aMethodWithInterface instantiatedScriptEditorForPlayer: self. aScriptEditor install. aScriptEditor showSourceInScriptor. + aMethodWithInterface selector numArgs = 0 ifTrue: - aMethodWithInterface selector numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [self class allSubInstancesDo: [:anInst | anInst scriptInstantiationForSelector: aMethodWithInterface selector]]. "The above assures the presence of a ScriptInstantiation for the new selector in all siblings" self updateAllViewersAndForceToShow: #scripts. ^ aScriptEditor! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>offerAlternateViewerMenuFor:event: (in category 'misc') ----- offerAlternateViewerMenuFor: aViewer event: evt "Put up an alternate Viewer menu on behalf of the receiver." | aMenu aWorld | aWorld := aViewer world. aMenu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self. costumes ifNotNil: + [(costumes size > 1 or: [costumes size = 1 and: [costumes first ~~ costume renderedMorph]]) - [(costumes size > 1 or: [costumes size == 1 and: [costumes first ~~ costume renderedMorph]]) ifTrue: [aMenu add: 'forget other costumes' translated target: self selector: #forgetOtherCostumes]]. aMenu add: 'expunge empty scripts' translated target: self action: #expungeEmptyScripts. aMenu addLine. aMenu add: 'choose vocabulary...' translated target: aViewer action: #chooseVocabulary. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'Choose a different vocabulary for this Viewer.' translated. aMenu add: 'choose limit class...' translated target: aViewer action: #chooseLimitClass. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'Specify what the limitClass should be for this Viewer -- i.e., the most generic class whose methods and categories should be considered here.' translated. aMenu add: 'open standard lexicon' translated target: aViewer action: #openLexicon. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'open a window that shows the code for this object in traditional programmer format' translated. aMenu add: 'open lexicon with search pane' translated target: aViewer action: #openSearchingProtocolBrowser. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'open a lexicon that has a type-in pane for search (not recommended!!)' translated. aMenu addLine. aMenu add: 'inspect morph' translated target: costume selector: #inspect. aMenu add: 'inspect player' translated target: self selector: #inspect. self belongsToUniClass ifTrue: [aMenu add: 'browse class' translated target: self action: #browsePlayerClass. aMenu add: 'inspect class' translated target: self class action: #inspect]. aMenu add: 'inspect this Viewer' translated target: aViewer selector: #inspect. aMenu add: 'inspect this Vocabulary' translated target: aViewer currentVocabulary selector: #inspect. aMenu addLine. aMenu add: 'relaunch this Viewer' translated target: aViewer action: #relaunchViewer. aMenu add: 'attempt repairs' translated target: ActiveWorld action: #attemptCleanup. aMenu add: 'view morph directly' translated target: aViewer action: #viewMorphDirectly. aMenu balloonTextForLastItem: 'opens a Viewer directly on the rendered morph.' translated. (costume renderedMorph isSketchMorph) ifTrue: [aMenu addLine. aMenu add: 'impart scripts to...' translated target: self action: #impartSketchScripts]. aMenu popUpEvent: evt in: aWorld! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>renameScript:newSelector: (in category 'scripts-kernel') ----- renameScript: oldSelector newSelector: newSelector "Rename the given script to have the new selector" | aUserScript anInstantiation | oldSelector = newSelector ifTrue: [^ self]. + oldSelector numArgs = 0 - oldSelector numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [self class allSubInstancesDo: [:aPlayer | | itsCostume aDict | anInstantiation := aPlayer scriptInstantiationForSelector: oldSelector. anInstantiation ifNotNil: [ + newSelector numArgs = 0 - newSelector numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [anInstantiation changeSelectorTo: newSelector]. aDict := aPlayer costume actorState instantiatedUserScriptsDictionary. itsCostume := aPlayer costume renderedMorph. itsCostume renameScriptActionsFor: aPlayer from: oldSelector to: newSelector. self currentWorld renameScriptActionsFor: aPlayer from: oldSelector to: newSelector. aDict removeKey: oldSelector. + newSelector numArgs = 0 ifTrue: - newSelector numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [aDict at: newSelector put: anInstantiation. anInstantiation assureEventHandlerRepresentsStatus]]]] ifFalse: + [newSelector numArgs = 0 ifTrue: - [newSelector numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [self class allSubInstancesDo: [:aPlayer | anInstantiation := aPlayer scriptInstantiationForSelector: newSelector. anInstantiation ifNotNil: [anInstantiation assureEventHandlerRepresentsStatus]]]]. aUserScript := self class userScriptForPlayer: self selector: oldSelector. aUserScript renameScript: newSelector fromPlayer: self. "updates all script editors, and inserts the new script in my scripts directory" self class removeScriptNamed: oldSelector. ((self existingScriptInstantiationForSelector: newSelector) notNil and: [newSelector numArgs > 0]) ifTrue: [self error: 'ouch']. self updateAllViewersAndForceToShow: 'scripts'! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>setPrecisionFor: (in category 'slots-user') ----- setPrecisionFor: slotName "Set the precision for the given slot name" | aList reply aGetter places | aGetter := Utilities getterSelectorFor: slotName. places := Utilities decimalPlacesForFloatPrecision: (self defaultFloatPrecisionFor: aGetter). aList := #('0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6'). reply := UIManager default chooseFrom: aList values: (aList collect: [:m | m asNumber]) title: ('How many decimal places? (currently {1})' translated format: {places}). reply ifNotNil: [(self slotInfo includesKey: slotName) ifTrue: ["it's a user slot" (self slotInfoAt: slotName) floatPrecision: (Utilities floatPrecisionForDecimalPlaces: reply). self class allInstancesDo: [:anInst | | val | + reply = 0 - reply == 0 ifFalse: [((val := anInst instVarNamed: slotName asString) isInteger) ifTrue: [anInst instVarNamed: slotName asString put: val asFloat]]. anInst updateAllViewers]] ifFalse: ["it's specifying a preference for precision on a system-defined numeric slot" self noteDecimalPlaces: reply forGetter: aGetter. self updateAllViewers]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>tilesToCall: (in category 'scripts-kernel') ----- tilesToCall: aMethodInterface "Answer a phrase for the non-typed command represented by aMethodInterface." | resultType cmd argType argTile selfTile aPhrase balloonTextSelector aDocString universal | self class namedTileScriptSelectors. resultType := aMethodInterface resultType. cmd := aMethodInterface selector. (universal := self isUniversalTiles) ifTrue: [aPhrase := self universalTilesForInterface: aMethodInterface] + ifFalse: [cmd numArgs = 0 - ifFalse: [cmd numArgs == 0 ifTrue: [aPhrase := PhraseTileMorph new setOperator: cmd type: resultType rcvrType: #Player] ifFalse: ["only one arg supported in classic tiles, so if this is fed with a selector with > 1 arg, results will be very strange" argType := aMethodInterface typeForArgumentNumber: 1. aPhrase := PhraseTileMorph new setOperator: cmd type: resultType rcvrType: #Player argType: argType. argTile := ScriptingSystem tileForArgType: argType. argTile position: aPhrase lastSubmorph position. aPhrase lastSubmorph addMorph: argTile]]. (self slotInfo includesKey: cmd) ifTrue: [balloonTextSelector := #userSlot]. (self belongsToUniClass and: [self class includesSelector: cmd]) ifTrue: [aDocString := (self class userScriptForPlayer: self selector: cmd) documentation. aDocString ifNotNil: [aPhrase submorphs second setBalloonText: aDocString] ifNil: [balloonTextSelector := #userScript]]. (universal ifTrue: [aPhrase submorphs second] ifFalse: [aPhrase operatorTile]) balloonTextSelector: (balloonTextSelector ifNil: [cmd]). universal ifFalse: [selfTile := self tileToRefer. selfTile position: aPhrase firstSubmorph position. aPhrase firstSubmorph addMorph: selfTile. aPhrase makeAllTilesGreen. aPhrase justGrabbedFromViewer: false]. ^ aPhrase! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>updateStatus (in category 'buttons') ----- updateStatus "Update that status in the receiver's header. " + (self topEditor == self and: [firstTileRow ~= 1]) ifTrue: + [(submorphs size = 0 or: [(self firstSubmorph findA: ScriptStatusControl) isNil]) - (self topEditor == self and: [firstTileRow ~~ 1]) ifTrue: - [(submorphs size == 0 or: [(self firstSubmorph findA: ScriptStatusControl) isNil]) ifTrue: [self replaceRow1]. self updateStatusMorph: (self firstSubmorph findA: ScriptStatusControl)]! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackMorph>>insertCardOfBackground (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- insertCardOfBackground "Prompt the user for choice of a background, and insert a new card of that background" | bgs aBackground | + (bgs := self backgrounds) size = 1 ifTrue: - (bgs := self backgrounds) size == 1 ifTrue: [self inform: 'At this time, there IS only one kind of background in this stack, so that''s what you''ll get' translated. ^ self insertCard]. aBackground := UIManager default chooseFrom: (bgs collect: [:bg | bg externalName]) values: bgs. aBackground ifNotNil: [self insertCardOfBackground: aBackground]! Item was changed: ----- Method: UniclassScript>>instantiatedScriptEditorForPlayer: (in category 'script editor') ----- instantiatedScriptEditorForPlayer: aPlayer "Return the current script editor, creating it if necessary" currentScriptEditor ifNil: [currentScriptEditor := (self playerClass includesSelector: selector) ifTrue: [Preferences universalTiles ifFalse: [self error: 'duplicate selector']. ScriptEditorMorph new fromExistingMethod: selector forPlayer: aPlayer] ifFalse: [ScriptEditorMorph new setMorph: aPlayer costume scriptName: selector]. + (defaultStatus == #ticking and: [selector numArgs = 0]) ifTrue: - (defaultStatus == #ticking and: [selector numArgs == 0]) ifTrue: [aPlayer costume arrangeToStartStepping]]. ^ currentScriptEditor! Item was changed: ----- Method: UniclassScript>>revertScriptVersionFrom: (in category 'versions') ----- revertScriptVersionFrom: anEditor "Let user choose which prior tile version to revert to, and revert to it" | chosenStampAndTileList | formerScriptingTiles isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^Beeper beep]. + chosenStampAndTileList := formerScriptingTiles size = 1 - chosenStampAndTileList := formerScriptingTiles size == 1 ifTrue: [ formerScriptingTiles first] ifFalse: [UIManager default chooseFrom: (formerScriptingTiles collect: [:e | e first]) values: formerScriptingTiles]. chosenStampAndTileList ifNotNil: [anEditor reinsertSavedTiles: chosenStampAndTileList second. isTextuallyCoded := false]! Item was changed: ----- Method: UserScript>>revertScriptVersionFrom: (in category 'versions') ----- revertScriptVersionFrom: anEditor "Let user choose which prior tile version to revert to, and revert to it" | result | formerScriptEditors isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^Beeper beep]. + result := formerScriptEditors size = 1 - result := formerScriptEditors size == 1 ifTrue: [formerScriptEditors first] ifFalse: [UIManager default chooseFrom: (formerScriptEditors collect: [:e | e timeStamp]) values: formerScriptEditors]. result ifNotNil: [self revertScriptVersionFrom: anEditor installing: result]! |
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