The Trunk: Environments-cwp.41.mcz

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The Trunk: Environments-cwp.41.mcz

Colin Putney uploaded a new version of Environments to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Environments-cwp.41
Author: cwp
Time: 1 January 2014, 1:10:00.935 pm
UUID: 773b58d5-3b62-45ef-9176-c6e5b6a5dddb
Ancestors: Environments-ul.40

Rewrite import/export to be eager, rather than lazy. (step 1 of 3)

=============== Diff against Environments-ul.40 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Binding>>source (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ source
+ ^ self!

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #BindingPolicy
+ instanceVariableNames: 'namespace policy next environment addSelector removeSelector'
- instanceVariableNames: 'namespace policy next'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Environments-Policies'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BindingPolicy class>>environment:policy:addSelector:removeSelector: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ environment: anEnvironment policy: aNamePolicy addSelector: addSelector removeSelector: removeSelector
+ ^ self basicNew
+ initializeWithEnvironment: anEnvironment
+ policy: aNamePolicy
+ addSelector: addSelector
+ removeSelector: removeSelector!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BindingPolicy>>binding:addedTo:notify: (in category 'events') -----
+ binding: aBinding addedTo: anEnvironment notify: anObject
+ environment == anEnvironment ifTrue:
+ [policy name: aBinding key do:
+ [:name || binding |
+ binding := aBinding asBinding: name.
+ anObject perform: addSelector with: binding]].
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BindingPolicy>>binding:removedFrom:notify: (in category 'events') -----
+ binding: aBinding removedFrom: anEnvironment notify: anObject
+ environment == anEnvironment ifTrue:
+ [policy name: aBinding key do:
+ [:name || binding |
+ binding := aBinding asBinding: name.
+ anObject perform: removeSelector with: binding]].
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BindingPolicy>>initializeWithEnvironment:policy:addSelector:removeSelector: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ initializeWithEnvironment: anEnvironment
+ policy: aNamePolicy
+ addSelector: aSelector
+ removeSelector: rSelector
+ self initialize.
+ environment := anEnvironment.
+ policy := aNamePolicy.
+ addSelector := aSelector.
+ removeSelector := rSelector!

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #Environment
+ instanceVariableNames: 'info imports exports declarations references public undeclared bindings policies observers'
- instanceVariableNames: 'info imports exports declarations references public undeclared'
  classVariableNames: 'Default Instances'
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Environments-Core'!
  !Environment commentStamp: 'cmm 12/20/2013 14:10' prior: 0!
  I am a context for compiling methods. I maintain the namespace of classes and global variables that are visible to the methods compiled within me.
  I have the following instance variables:
  info <EnvironmentInfo>
  Metadata about me and the code I contain.
  imports <Import>
  Rules for importing globals from other environments.
  exports <Export>
  Rules for exposing globals to other environments.
  declarations <IdentityDictionary>
  Bindings for globals that have been declared inside me.
  references      <IdentityDictionary>
  Bindings for globals that are used by methods compiled inside me.
  public <IdentityDictionary>
  Bindings for classes that have been declared inside me, and which satisfy the export rules contain in 'exports'.
  undeclared      <Dictionary>
  Bindings for globals that are used by methods compiled inside me, but which aren't present in 'references' and couldn't be found via the rules in 'imports'.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>addAllBindings (in category 'updating') -----
+ addAllBindings
+ declarations associationsDo:
+ [:ea | self binding: ea addedTo: self]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>addObserver: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ addObserver: anObject
+ observers add: anObject!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>bind:to: (in category 'binding') -----
+ bind: aSymbol to: anObject
+ | binding newBinding |
+ newBinding := aSymbol => anObject.
+ binding := declarations associationAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [nil].
+ binding ifNotNil:
+ [binding class == newBinding class
+ ifTrue: [binding value: anObject]
+ ifFalse: [binding becomeForward: newBinding].
+ ^anObject].
+ binding := undeclared associationAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [nil].
+ binding
+        ifNil: [binding := newBinding]
+        ifNotNil:
+ [undeclared removeKey: aSymbol.
+ binding class == newBinding class
+ ifTrue: [binding value: anObject]
+ ifFalse: [binding becomeForward: newBinding]].
+ declarations add: binding.
+ self binding: binding addedTo: self.
+ ^anObject
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>binding:addedTo: (in category 'updating') -----
+ binding: aBinding addedTo: anEnvironment
+ policies do:
+ [:ea | ea binding: aBinding addedTo: anEnvironment notify: self]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>binding:removedFrom: (in category 'updating') -----
+ binding: aBinding removedFrom: anEnvironment
+ policies do:
+ [:ea | ea binding: aBinding removedFrom: anEnvironment notify: self]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>declarationOf: (in category 'binding') -----
+ declarationOf: aSymbol
+ ^ declarations bindingOf: aSymbol!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>hideBinding: (in category 'binding') -----
+ hideBinding: aBinding
+ bindings removeKey: aBinding key!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Environment>>migrate (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ | newDeclarations source dest index policy |
+ bindings := IdentityDictionary new.
+ newDeclarations := IdentityDictionary new.
+ source := Array new: declarations size.
+ dest := Array new: declarations size.
+ index := 1.
+ declarations associationsDo:
+ [:ea || binding |
+ binding := ea key => ea value.
+ source at: index put: ea.
+ dest at: index put: binding.
+ newDeclarations add: binding.
+ bindings add: binding.
+ index := index + 1].
+ declarations := newDeclarations.
+ source elementsForwardIdentityTo: dest.
+ policy := BindingPolicy
+ environment: self
+ policy: AllNamePolicy new
+ addSelector: #showBinding:
+ removeSelector: #hideBinding:.
+ policies := Array with: policy.
+ observers := IdentitySet new..
+ !
- declarations := declarations.
- references := references.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>notifyObserversOfBindingAdded: (in category 'updating') -----
+ notifyObserversOfBindingAdded: aBinding
+ observers do: [:ea | ea binding: aBinding addedTo: self]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>notifyObserversOfBindingRemoved: (in category 'updating') -----
+ notifyObserversOfBindingRemoved: aBinding
+ observers do: [:ea | ea binding: aBinding removedFrom: self]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>purgeUndeclared (in category 'binding') -----
+ purgeUndeclared
+ undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>removeObserver: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ removeObserver: anObject
+ observers remove: anObject!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>showBinding: (in category 'binding') -----
+ showBinding: aBinding
+ | binding |
+ binding := undeclared associationAt: aBinding key ifAbsent: [nil].
+ binding ifNotNil:
+ [undeclared removeKey: binding key.
+ binding becomeForward: aBinding].
+ binding := bindings associationAt: aBinding key ifAbsent: [nil].
+ binding ifNotNil:
+ [bindings removeKey: binding key].
+ bindings add: aBinding.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>undeclare: (in category 'binding') -----
+ undeclare: aSymbol
+ ^ undeclared add: aSymbol => nil!

Item was changed:
  (PackageInfo named: 'Environments') postscript: '"below, add code to be run after the loading of this package"
+ Smalltalk globals migrate.
- | allAliases toBeRecompiled undesirableAliases |
- "Collect the CompiledMethods pointing to an Alias"
- allAliases := Alias allInstances.
- toBeRecompiled := CompiledMethod allInstances select: [:c | c isInstalled and: [allAliases anySatisfy: [:a | c pointsTo: a]]].
- "Collect the Aliases pointing to some class binding in the same Environment with same name"
- undesirableAliases := (Smalltalk globals instVarNamed: ''references'') associations select: [:e |
- e class = Alias and: [e key = e source key
- and: [(Smalltalk globals instVarNamed: ''declarations'') associations includes: e source]]].
- "Replace the undesirable Aliases with their source binding"
- undesirableAliases do: [:a | a becomeForward: a source].
- "Rehash the references because they pointed to those Aliases - hope there''s nothing else to rehash"
- (Smalltalk globals instVarNamed: ''references'') rehash.
- "Recompile the CompiledMethod that used to point to an Alias, because the bytecodes do change"
- Symbol rehash.
- toBeRecompiled do: [:c | c methodClass recompile: c selector].
- allAliases := toBeRecompiled := undesirableAliases := nil.
- Smalltalk garbageCollect.
- Alias allInstances size.

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Re: The Trunk: Environments-cwp.41.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
On 3 January 2014 20:25,  <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Colin Putney uploaded a new version of Environments to project The Trunk:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: Environments-cwp.41
> Author: cwp
> Time: 1 January 2014, 1:10:00.935 pm
> UUID: 773b58d5-3b62-45ef-9176-c6e5b6a5dddb
> Ancestors: Environments-ul.40
> Rewrite import/export to be eager, rather than lazy. (step 1 of 3)
> =============== Diff against Environments-ul.40 ===============

My image hasn't spontaneously combusted yet!


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Re: The Trunk: Environments-cwp.41.mcz

Colin Putney-3

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
My image hasn't spontaneously combusted yet!


I think I got the sequence of configurations right. The latest TrunkImage.image is able to update all the way through to cwp.43. 

None of the issues raised here on the list affect the migration to the new environments implementation so I pushed it to trunk. Next I'll push tweaks.


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Re: The Trunk: Environments-cwp.41.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
On 3 January 2014 21:50, Colin Putney <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
>> My image hasn't spontaneously combusted yet!
> Good!
> I think I got the sequence of configurations right. The latest
> TrunkImage.image is able to update all the way through to cwp.43.

Yes. One cautionary note is that from build 725 onwards the tests are
taking more than 20 minutes (on the Interpreter VM) to run and so the
process is getting killed. Annoyingly, that ends up with a _green
light_ for the build, which is obviously bonkers. I've split the
image-tests-on-Interpreter stuff completely, so SqueakTrunk runs on a
Cog (and only on a Cog), while SqueakTrunkOnInterpreter does the same
on an Interpreter VM. This'll take effect from build 730 on

> None of the issues raised here on the list affect the migration to the new
> environments implementation so I pushed it to trunk. Next I'll push tweaks.

