The Trunk: Files-eem.132.mcz

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The Trunk: Files-eem.132.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Files to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Files-eem.132
Author: eem
Time: 21 April 2014, 3:07:09.85 pm
UUID: 4ae7fd40-36ae-4c78-9481-eede8bd586cd
Ancestors: Files-cmm.131

Fix FileDirectory on: asnd FileDirectory class on: for "..", and
hence fix the VMMakerTool for paths such as '../platforms'.

=============== Diff against Files-cmm.131 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileDirectory class>>on: (in category 'instance creation') -----
  on: pathString
  "Return a new file directory for the given path, of the appropriate FileDirectory subclass for the current OS platform."
  | pathName |
  DirectoryClass ifNil: [self setDefaultDirectoryClass].
  "If path ends with a delimiter (: or /) then remove it"
+ pathName := pathString.
+ (pathName at: pathName size ifAbsent: nil) = self pathNameDelimiter ifTrue:
+ [pathName := pathName allButLast].
+ DirectoryClass parentDirectoryNickname ifNotNil:
+ [:parentName|
+ (pathName beginsWith: parentName) ifTrue:
+ [pathName = parentName ifTrue:
+ [^self default containingDirectory].
+ (pathName at: parentName size + 1 ifAbsent: nil) = self pathNameDelimiter ifTrue:
+ [^self default containingDirectory on: (pathName allButFirst: parentName size + 1)]]].
+ ^DirectoryClass new setPathName: pathName!
- ((pathName := pathString) endsWith: self pathNameDelimiter asString) ifTrue: [
- pathName := pathName copyFrom: 1 to: pathName size - 1].
- ^ DirectoryClass new setPathName: pathName
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileDirectory>>on: (in category 'path access') -----
+ on: path
- on: fullPath
  "Return another instance"
+ ^ self class on: ((path at: 1 ifAbsent: nil) = self pathNameDelimiter
+ ifTrue: [path]
+ ifFalse: [pathName asString, (String with: self pathNameDelimiter), path])!
- ^ self class on: fullPath!