Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Files to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Files-nice.73 Author: nice Time: 15 March 2010, 9:08:50.767 pm UUID: 8fbca3e6-5426-f548-bc7c-c076635533ab Ancestors: Files-nice.72 Let #readInto:startingAt:count: handle the buffer and answer number of byte reads and always avoid a copy, and #next:into:startingAt: use it and eventually use a copy if number of bytes read less than requested count. =============== Diff against Files-nice.72 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: StandardFileStream>>readInto:startingAt:count: (in category 'read, write, position') ----- readInto: byteArray startingAt: startIndex count: count "Read into the given array as specified, and return the count actually transferred. index and count are in units of bytes or longs depending on whether the array is Bitmap, String or ByteArray" + | nRead newN newStartIndex | + collection + ifNil: [ + newN := count. + newStartIndex := startIndex ] + ifNotNil: [ + byteArray class isBytes + ifFalse: [ + position < readLimit ifTrue: [ self flushReadBuffer ]. + newN := count. + newStartIndex := startIndex ] + ifTrue: [ + | available | + (available := readLimit - position) > 0 + ifFalse: [ available := 0 ] + ifTrue: [ + | bufferedCount | + bufferedCount := count min: available. + byteArray + replaceFrom: startIndex + to: startIndex + bufferedCount - 1 + with: collection + startingAt: position + 1. + position := position + bufferedCount. + bufferedCount = count ifTrue: [ ^count ] ]. + newN := count - available. + newStartIndex := startIndex + available ] ]. + nRead := self primRead: fileID into: byteArray startingAt: newStartIndex count: newN. + ^nRead + (count - newN)! - ^(self next: count into: byteArray startingAt: startIndex) size - startIndex + 1 min: count - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: StandardFileStream>>next:into:startingAt: (in category 'read, write, position') ----- next: n into: aString startingAt: startIndex "Read n bytes into the given string. Return aString or a partial copy if less than n elements have been read." + | count | + count := self readInto: aString startingAt: startIndex count: n. + count = n - | count newN newStartIndex | - collection - ifNil: [ - newN := n. - newStartIndex := startIndex ] - ifNotNil: [ - aString class isBytes - ifFalse: [ - position < readLimit ifTrue: [ self flushReadBuffer ]. - newN := n. - newStartIndex := startIndex ] - ifTrue: [ - | available | - (available := readLimit - position) > 0 - ifFalse: [ available := 0 ] - ifTrue: [ - | bufferedCount | - bufferedCount := n min: available. - aString - replaceFrom: startIndex - to: startIndex + bufferedCount - 1 - with: collection - startingAt: position + 1. - position := position + bufferedCount. - bufferedCount = n ifTrue: [ ^aString ] ]. - newN := n - available. - newStartIndex := startIndex + available ] ]. - count := self primRead: fileID into: aString - startingAt: newStartIndex count: newN. - count = newN ifTrue:[ ^aString ] + ifFalse:[ ^aString copyFrom: 1 to: startIndex + count - 1 ]! - ifFalse:[ ^aString copyFrom: 1 to: newStartIndex + count - 1 ]! |
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