Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of Files to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Files-tfel.162.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Files-tfel.162
Author: tfel
Time: 2 August 2016, 9:58:45.471368 am
UUID: 24364428-4ff5-ee49-931d-e71b61a634a4
Ancestors: Files-cmm.161, Files-Richo.2
merge from Squeakland Etoys image
=============== Diff against Files-cmm.161 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: FileStream class>>serviceFileIn (in category 'file reader services') -----
"Answer a service for filing in an entire file"
^ SimpleServiceEntry
provider: self
+ label: 'fileIn entire file' translatedNoop
- label: 'fileIn entire file'
selector: #fileIn:
+ description: 'file in the entire contents of the file, which is expected to contain Smalltalk code in fileout ("chunk") format' translatedNoop
+ buttonLabel: 'filein' translatedNoop!
- description: 'file in the entire contents of the file, which is expected to contain Smalltalk code in fileout ("chunk") format'
- buttonLabel: 'filein'!
Item was changed:
----- Method: FileStream class>>serviceRemoveLineFeeds (in category 'file reader services') -----
"Answer a service for removing linefeeds from a file"
^ FileModifyingSimpleServiceEntry
provider: self
+ label: 'remove line feeds' translatedNoop
- label: 'remove line feeds'
selector: #removeLineFeeds:
+ description: 'remove line feeds in file' translatedNoop
+ buttonLabel: 'remove lfs' translatedNoop!
- description: 'remove line feeds in file'
- buttonLabel: 'remove lfs'!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MacFileDirectory class>>maxFileNameLength (in category 'platform specific') -----
+ ^ 32-1!
- ^31!
Item was changed:
----- Method: RemoteString>>string:onFileNumber: (in category 'private') -----
string: aString onFileNumber: fileNumber
"Store this as my string if source files exist."
| theFile |
(SourceFiles at: fileNumber) == nil ifFalse:
+ [theFile _ SourceFiles at: fileNumber.
+ theFile isReadOnly ifTrue: [^ nil].
- [theFile := SourceFiles at: fileNumber.
theFile setToEnd; cr.
self string: aString onFileNumber: fileNumber toFile: theFile]!