Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of FlexibleVocabularies to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: FlexibleVocabularies-nice.9
Author: nice
Time: 21 October 2009, 12:39:17 pm
UUID: 3c1f3031-2c7e-4ddc-9f8a-dfc60b73c466
Ancestors: FlexibleVocabularies-nice.8
forgot an #asArray sort
=============== Diff against FlexibleVocabularies-nice.8 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Morph class>>unfilteredCategoriesForViewer (in category '*flexibleVocabularies-flexiblevocabularies-scripting') -----
"Answer a list of symbols representing the categories to offer in the viewer for one of my instances, in order of:
- masterOrderingOfCategorySymbols first
- others last in order by translated wording"
Morph unfilteredCategoriesForViewer
| aClass additions masterOrder |
aClass := self.
additions := OrderedCollection new.
[aClass == Morph superclass ] whileFalse: [
+ additions addAll: (aClass allAdditionsToViewerCategories keys asArray
- additions addAll: (aClass allAdditionsToViewerCategories keys
sort: [ :a :b | a translated < b translated ]).
aClass := aClass superclass ].
masterOrder := EToyVocabulary masterOrderingOfCategorySymbols.
^(masterOrder intersection: additions), (additions difference: masterOrder).!