The Trunk: GetText-edc.18.mcz

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The Trunk: GetText-edc.18.mcz

Edgar J. De Cleene uploaded a new version of GetText to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: GetText-edc.18
Author: edc
Time: 15 March 2012, 6:29:37.486 pm
UUID: 43d88f85-6e87-41fb-8dd1-883feaf3d297
Ancestors: GetText-edc.17

'_' s replaced by ':='

=============== Diff against GetText-edc.17 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>appendStringReceivers:into: (in category 'private') -----
  appendStringReceivers: aSymbol into: domains
  | literals references domainName methodReference keywords found |
  found := TranslatedReceiverFinder new stringReceiversWithContext: aSymbol.
  found do: [ :assoc |
  methodReference := assoc key.
  keywords := assoc value.
  domainName := (PackageOrganizer default packageOfMethod: methodReference ifNone: [nil]).
  domainName := domainName isNil ifTrue: [TextDomainManager defaultDomain] ifFalse: [domainName name].
+ literals := domains at: domainName ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new].
- literals _ domains at: domainName ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new].
  keywords do: [ :literal |
+ references := literals at: literal ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
- references _ literals at: literal ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
  references add: methodReference.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>appendVocabularies: (in category 'private') -----
  appendVocabularies: domains
  | literalsForDomain references domainName methodReference |
  EToyVocabulary allPhrasesWithContextToTranslate do: [ :r |
  methodReference :=  (MethodReference new setStandardClass: (r second) methodSymbol: (r third)).
+ "domainName := self getTextDomainForPackage: (PackageOrganizer default packageOfMethod: methodReference)".
- "domainName _ self getTextDomainForPackage: (PackageOrganizer default packageOfMethod: methodReference)".
  domainName := 'Etoys-Tiles'.
+ literalsForDomain := domains at: domainName ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new].
- literalsForDomain _ domains at: domainName ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new].
  r fourth do: [ :literal |
+ references := literalsForDomain at: literal ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
- references _ literalsForDomain at: literal ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
  references add: methodReference.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>dirNameCategory:translator: (in category 'exporting') -----
  dirNameCategory: category translator: translator
  "Answer a file name for the category. Make one if it is not exist yet.
  Make template file name if translator is nil"
  "self new dirNameCategory: 'Morphic-Scripting Support' translator:
  NaturalLanguageTranslator current"
  "self new dirNameCategory: 'Morphic-Scripting Support' translator: nil"
  | safeCategory fileName dirName pathName |
+ safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: ':='.
- safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'.
  fileName := translator
  ifNil: [safeCategory , '.pot']
  ifNotNil: [translator localeID posixName , '.po'].
  dirName := (safeCategory findTokens: '-')
  inject: 'po'
  into: [:aString :next | aString , FileDirectory slash , next].
  pathName := dirName , FileDirectory slash , fileName.
  (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: dirName) assureExistence.
  ^ pathName!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>dirNameDomain:translator: (in category 'exporting') -----
  dirNameDomain: domain translator: translator
  "Answer a file name for the domain. Make one if it is not exist yet.
  Make template file name if translator is nil"
  "self new dirNameDomain: 'etoys' translator:
  NaturalLanguageTranslator current"
  "self new dirNameDomain: 'etoys' translator: nil"
  | fileName dirName pathName |
+ "safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: ':='."
- "safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'."
  fileName := domain,
  ifNil: ['.pot']
  ifNotNil: ['.po']).
  dirName := 'po', FileDirectory slash,
  ifNil: ['templates']
  ifNotNil: [translator localeID posixName]).
  pathName := dirName , FileDirectory slash , fileName.
  (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: dirName) assureExistence.
  ^ pathName!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>exportBody:translator: (in category 'file out') -----
  exportBody: literals translator: translator
  "Export a gettext file body. literals is a dictionary of keyword ->
  #(MethodReference...) in the textDomain."
  "Build {sortKey. comment. msgid } to optimize sorting (getting category is
  too slow).
  If there are two or more methods for a mgsid, only first method
  (alphabetical) is used for sorting."
  | sorted msgid sortedMethods category sortKey comment triplets commentUnderLined |
  triplets := literals associations
  collect: [:assoc |
  msgid := assoc key.
  sortedMethods := assoc value asArray sort.
  category := (Smalltalk at: sortedMethods first classSymbol) category asString.
  sortKey := category , ',' , sortedMethods first printString , ',' , msgid.
  comment := (sortedMethods
  collect: [:each | each actualClass asString , '>>' , each methodSymbol asString])
  inject: category
  into: [:result :methodName | result , ',' , methodName].
+ "Replace white spaces to := because gettext tool might
- "Replace white spaces to _ because gettext tool might
  replace a space to a new line some times, and it makes
  difficult to take a diff."
+ commentUnderLined := comment copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: ':='.
- commentUnderLined := comment copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'.
  with: sortKey
  with: commentUnderLined
  with: msgid].
  "Sort and output the words"
  sorted := triplets
  sort: [:a :b | a first <= b first].
  do: [:triplet |
  comment := triplet second.
  msgid := triplet third.
  self exportRecordHeader: comment.
  exportPhrase: msgid
  translation: (self translationFor: msgid in: translator)]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>exportPhrase:translation: (in category 'private') -----
  exportPhrase: phraseString translation: translationString
  | normalizedTrans tmp transStartsWithCR transEndsWithCR|
  phraseString isEmpty
  ifTrue: [^ self].
  self exportTag: 'msgid' msg: phraseString.
  translationString size = 0 ifTrue: [
+ normalizedTrans := ''
- normalizedTrans _ ''
  ] ifFalse: [
+ transEndsWithCR := translationString last = (Character cr).
- transEndsWithCR _ translationString last = (Character cr).
  phraseString last = (Character cr) ifTrue: [
  transEndsWithCR ifTrue: [
+ normalizedTrans := translationString
- normalizedTrans _ translationString
  ] ifFalse: [
+ normalizedTrans :=  translationString , String cr
- normalizedTrans _  translationString , String cr
  ] ifFalse: [
  transEndsWithCR ifTrue: [
+ normalizedTrans := translationString allButLast
- normalizedTrans _ translationString allButLast
  ] ifFalse: [
+ normalizedTrans := translationString
- normalizedTrans _ translationString
+ transStartsWithCR := normalizedTrans first = (Character cr).
- transStartsWithCR _ normalizedTrans first = (Character cr).
  phraseString first = (Character cr) ifTrue: [
  transStartsWithCR ifFalse: [
+ tmp := (Character cr asString) , normalizedTrans.
+ normalizedTrans := tmp.
- tmp _ (Character cr asString) , normalizedTrans.
- normalizedTrans _ tmp.
  ] ifFalse: [
  transStartsWithCR ifTrue: [
+ normalizedTrans := normalizedTrans allButFirst
- normalizedTrans _ normalizedTrans allButFirst
  self exportTag: 'msgstr' msg: normalizedTrans.
  stream cr!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter2>>appendStringReceivers:into: (in category 'private') -----
  appendStringReceivers: aSymbol into: domains
  | literals references domainName methodReference keywords found |
  found := TranslatedReceiverFinder new stringReceiversWithContext: aSymbol.
  found do: [ :assoc |
  methodReference := assoc key.
  keywords := assoc value.
+ domainName := self getTextDomainForPackage:
- domainName _ self getTextDomainForPackage:
  (PackageOrganizer default packageOfMethod: methodReference ifNone: [TextDomainManager defaultDomain]).
+ literals := domains at: domainName ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new].
- literals _ domains at: domainName ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new].
  keywords do: [ :literal |
+ references := literals at: literal ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
- references _ literals at: literal ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
  references add: methodReference.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter2>>appendVocabularies: (in category 'private') -----
  appendVocabularies: domains
  | literalsForDomain references domainName methodReference |
  EToyVocabulary allPhrasesWithContextToTranslate do: [ :r |
  methodReference :=  (MethodReference new setStandardClass: (r second) methodSymbol: (r third)).
+ "domainName := self getTextDomainForPackage: (PackageOrganizer default packageOfMethod: methodReference)".
- "domainName _ self getTextDomainForPackage: (PackageOrganizer default packageOfMethod: methodReference)".
  domainName := 'Etoys-Tiles'.
+ literalsForDomain := domains at: domainName ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new].
- literalsForDomain _ domains at: domainName ifAbsentPut: [Dictionary new].
  r fourth do: [ :literal |
+ references := literalsForDomain at: literal ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
- references _ literalsForDomain at: literal ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new].
  references add: methodReference.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter2>>dirNameCategory:translator: (in category 'exporting') -----
  dirNameCategory: category translator: translator
  "Answer a file name for the category. Make one if it is not exist yet.
  Make template file name if translator is nil"
  "self new dirNameCategory: 'Morphic-Scripting Support' translator:
  NaturalLanguageTranslator current"
  "self new dirNameCategory: 'Morphic-Scripting Support' translator: nil"
  | safeCategory fileName dirName pathName |
+ safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: ':='.
- safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'.
  fileName := translator
  ifNil: [safeCategory , '.pot']
  ifNotNil: [translator localeID posixName , '.po'].
  dirName := (safeCategory findTokens: '-')
  inject: 'po'
  into: [:aString :next | aString , FileDirectory slash , next].
  pathName := dirName , FileDirectory slash , fileName.
  (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: dirName) assureExistence.
  ^ pathName!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter2>>dirNameDomain:translator: (in category 'exporting') -----
  dirNameDomain: domain translator: translator
  "Answer a file name for the domain. Make one if it is not exist yet.
  Make template file name if translator is nil"
  "self new dirNameDomain: 'etoys' translator:
  NaturalLanguageTranslator current"
  "self new dirNameDomain: 'etoys' translator: nil"
  | fileName dirName pathName |
+ "safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: ':='."
- "safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'."
  fileName := translator
  ifNil: [domain , '.pot']
  ifNotNil: [translator localeID posixName , '.po'].
  dirName := 'po', FileDirectory slash, domain.
  pathName := dirName , FileDirectory slash , fileName.
  (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: dirName) assureExistence.
  ^ pathName!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter2>>exportBody:translator: (in category 'file out') -----
  exportBody: literals translator: translator
  "Export a gettext file body. literals is a dictionary of keyword ->
  #(MethodReference...) in the textDomain."
  "Build {sortKey. comment. msgid } to optimize sorting (getting category is
  too slow).
  If there are two or more methods for a mgsid, only first method
  (alphabetical) is used for sorting."
  | sorted msgid sortedMethods category sortKey comment triplets commentUnderLined |
  triplets := literals associations
  collect: [:assoc |
  msgid := assoc key.
  sortedMethods := assoc value asArray sort.
  category := (Smalltalk at: sortedMethods first classSymbol) category asString.
  sortKey := category , ',' , sortedMethods first printString , ',' , msgid.
  comment := (sortedMethods
  collect: [:each | each actualClass asString , '>>' , each methodSymbol asString])
  inject: category
  into: [:result :methodName | result , ',' , methodName].
+ "Replace white spaces to := because gettext tool might
- "Replace white spaces to _ because gettext tool might
  replace a space to a new line some times, and it makes
  difficult to take a diff."
+ commentUnderLined := comment copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: ':='.
- commentUnderLined := comment copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'.
  with: sortKey
  with: commentUnderLined
  with: msgid].
  "Sort and output the words"
  sorted := triplets
  sort: [:a :b | a first <= b first].
  do: [:triplet |
  comment := triplet second.
  msgid := triplet third.
  self exportRecordHeader: comment.
  exportPhrase: msgid
  translation: (self translationFor: msgid in: translator)]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter2>>exportPhrase:translation: (in category 'private') -----
  exportPhrase: phraseString translation: translationString
  | normalizedTrans tmp transStartsWithCR transEndsWithCR|
  phraseString isEmpty
  ifTrue: [^ self].
  self exportTag: 'msgid' msg: phraseString.
  translationString size = 0 ifTrue: [
+ normalizedTrans := ''
- normalizedTrans _ ''
  ] ifFalse: [
+ transEndsWithCR := translationString last = (Character cr).
- transEndsWithCR _ translationString last = (Character cr).
  phraseString last = (Character cr) ifTrue: [
  transEndsWithCR ifTrue: [
+ normalizedTrans := translationString
- normalizedTrans _ translationString
  ] ifFalse: [
+ normalizedTrans :=  translationString , String cr
- normalizedTrans _  translationString , String cr
  ] ifFalse: [
  transEndsWithCR ifTrue: [
+ normalizedTrans := translationString allButLast
- normalizedTrans _ translationString allButLast
  ] ifFalse: [
+ normalizedTrans := translationString
- normalizedTrans _ translationString
+ transStartsWithCR := normalizedTrans first = (Character cr).
- transStartsWithCR _ normalizedTrans first = (Character cr).
  phraseString first = (Character cr) ifTrue: [
  transStartsWithCR ifFalse: [
+ tmp := (Character cr asString) , normalizedTrans.
+ normalizedTrans := tmp.
- tmp _ (Character cr asString) , normalizedTrans.
- normalizedTrans _ tmp.
  ] ifFalse: [
  transStartsWithCR ifTrue: [
+ normalizedTrans := normalizedTrans allButFirst
- normalizedTrans _ normalizedTrans allButFirst
  self exportTag: 'msgstr' msg: normalizedTrans.
  stream cr!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextInterchange>>language: (in category 'accessing') -----
  language: translator
+ language := translator!
- language _ translator!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextInterchange>>stream: (in category 'accessing') -----
  stream: aStream
+ stream := aStream!
- stream _ aStream!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator class>>defaultLocaleDirs (in category 'translation data layout') -----
  | dirs |
+ dirs := OrderedCollection new.
- dirs _ OrderedCollection new.
  UserDefaultLocaleDirs ifNotNil: [dirs addAll: UserDefaultLocaleDirs].
  dirs addAll: self systemDefaultLocaleDirs.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator class>>findMOForLocaleID:domain: (in category 'private') -----
  findMOForLocaleID: id domain: aDomainName
  | sepa langSubDir path |
+ sepa := FileDirectory slash.
+ langSubDir := self langDirNameForLocaleID: id.
- sepa _ FileDirectory slash.
- langSubDir _ self langDirNameForLocaleID: id.
  (self localeDirsForDomain: aDomainName)
  do: [:each |
+ path := each , sepa , langSubDir, sepa , (self moNameForDomain: aDomainName).
- path _ each , sepa , langSubDir, sepa , (self moNameForDomain: aDomainName).
  [(FileDirectory default fileExists: path)
  ifTrue: [^path]] on: InvalidDirectoryError do: [:e | ^nil]].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
+ SystemDefaultLocaleDirs := OrderedCollection new.
+ UserDefaultLocaleDirs := OrderedCollection new.
+ LocaleDirsForDomain := Dictionary new.!
- SystemDefaultLocaleDirs _ OrderedCollection new.
- UserDefaultLocaleDirs _ OrderedCollection new.
- LocaleDirsForDomain _ Dictionary new.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator class>>localeDirsForDomain (in category 'private') -----
+ ^LocaleDirsForDomain ifNil: [LocaleDirsForDomain := Dictionary new]!
- ^LocaleDirsForDomain ifNil: [LocaleDirsForDomain _ Dictionary new]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator class>>localeDirsForDomain: (in category 'translation data layout') -----
  localeDirsForDomain: aDomainName
  "returns collection of locale directories for text domain.  
  This includes user defined one for the domain, user defaults and system defaults"
  | dirs dir |
+ dirs := OrderedCollection new.
+ dir := self localeDirForDomain: aDomainName.
- dirs _ OrderedCollection new.
- dir _ self localeDirForDomain: aDomainName.
  dir ifNotNil: [dirs add: dir].
  dirs addAll:  self defaultLocaleDirs.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ moFiles := Dictionary new.!
- moFiles _ Dictionary new.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator>>isDomainLoaded: (in category 'accessing') -----
  isDomainLoaded: aDomainName
  | mo |
+ mo := moFiles at: aDomainName ifAbsent: [nil].
- mo _ moFiles at: aDomainName ifAbsent: [nil].
  ^mo isNil not.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator>>loadMOFileForDomain: (in category 'private') -----
  loadMOFileForDomain: aDomainName
  | moName |
+ moName := self class findMOForLocaleID: self localeID
- moName _ self class findMOForLocaleID: self localeID
  domain: aDomainName.
  moName notNil
  ifTrue: [^MOFile new load: moName
  localeID: self localeID]
  ifFalse: [^nil]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator>>reloadMOFiles (in category 'accessing') -----
+ moFiles := Dictionary new.
- moFiles _ Dictionary new.
  self loadMOFiles.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextTranslator>>translate:inDomain: (in category 'translation') -----
  translate: aString inDomain: aDomainName
  | mo |
+ mo := self moFileForDomain: aDomainName.
- mo _ self moFileForDomain: aDomainName.
  ^mo isNil
  ifTrue: [aString]
  ifFalse: [mo translationFor: aString]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ISOLanguageDefinition class>>iso3166Codes (in category 'private') -----
(excessive size, no diff calculated)

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LanguageEditor>>checkSpanishPhrase:translation: (in category 'private') -----
  checkSpanishPhrase: phraseString translation: translationString
  "check the translation and aswer a string with a comment or a
  nil meaning no-comments"
  | superResult |
  superResult := self checkPhrase: phraseString translation: translationString.
  superResult isNil
  ifFalse: [^ superResult].
  "For some reason, MCInstaller couldn't read Spanish character. "
  "((translationString includes: $?)
+ and: [(translationString includes: $ø) not])
+ ifTrue: [^ 'øOlvidÛ el signo de pregunta?'].
- and: [(translationString includes: $¿) not])
- ifTrue: [^ '¿Olvidó el signo de pregunta?'].
  ((translationString includes: $!!)
+ and: [(translationString includes: $°) not])
+ ifTrue: [^ 'øOlvidÛ el signo de admiraciÛn?'].
- and: [(translationString includes: $¡) not])
- ifTrue: [^ '¿Olvidó el signo de admiración?'].
  ^ nil

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LanguageEditor>>codeSelectedTranslationAsMimeString (in category 'gui methods') -----
  | keys code tmpStream s2 gzs cont |
  keys := selectedTranslations
  collect: [:key | self translations at: key].
  code := String
  streamContents: [:aStream | self translator fileOutOn: aStream keys: keys withBOM: false].
+ tmpStream := MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream on: ''.
- tmpStream _ MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream on: ''.
  tmpStream converter: UTF8TextConverter new.
  tmpStream nextPutAll: code.
+ s2 := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: ''.
- s2 _ RWBinaryOrTextStream on: ''.
  gzs := GZipWriteStream on: s2.
  tmpStream reset.
  gzs nextPutAll: (tmpStream binary contentsOfEntireFile asString) contents.
  gzs close.
  s2 reset.
+ cont := String streamContents: [:strm |
- cont _ String streamContents: [:strm |
  strm nextPutAll: '"Gzip+Base64 encoded translation for;'; cr.
  strm nextPutAll: '#('.
  keys do: [:each | strm  nextPutAll: '''', each, ''' '.].
  strm nextPutAll: ')"'; cr; cr.
  strm nextPutAll: 'NaturalLanguageTranslator loadForLocaleIsoString: '.
  strm nextPut: $'.
  strm nextPutAll: translator localeID isoString.
  strm nextPut: $'.
  strm nextPutAll: ' fromGzippedMimeLiteral: '.
  strm nextPut: $'.
  strm nextPutAll: (Base64MimeConverter mimeEncode: s2) contents.
  strm nextPutAll: '''.'.
  strm cr.
  (StringHolder new contents: cont)
  openLabel: 'exported codes in Gzip+Base64 encoding' translated!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LanguageEditor>>filterTranslations: (in category 'gui methods') -----
  filterTranslations: aString
  | filter |
  filter := aString ifNil:[''].
+ translationsFilter := filter.
- translationsFilter _ filter.
  self refreshTranslations.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LanguageEditor>>initializeNewerKeys (in category 'initialization') -----
+ newerKeys := Set new.
- newerKeys _ Set new.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LanguageEditor>>selectNewerKeys (in category 'gui methods') -----
  | index |
  self deselectAllTranslation.
  newerKeys do: [:k |
+ index := self translations indexOf: k ifAbsent: [0].
- index _ self translations indexOf: k ifAbsent: [0].
  index > 0 ifTrue: [
  self selectedTranslationsAt: index put: true

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LanguageEditor>>translation: (in category 'accessing') -----
  translation: aStringOrText
  "change the translation for the selected phrase"
  | phrase |
  self selectedTranslation isZero
  ifTrue: [^ self].
+ phrase := self translations at: self selectedTranslation.
- phrase _ self translations at: self selectedTranslation.
  phrase: phrase
  translation: aStringOrText asString.
  newerKeys add: phrase.
  ^ true!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LanguageEditor>>translations (in category 'accessing') -----
  "answet the translator's translations"
  | allTranslations filterString |
  translations ifNotNil: [^translations].
  allTranslations := self translator translations keys.
  filterString := self translationsFilter.
  filterString isEmpty
  ifFalse: [allTranslations := allTranslations
  select: [:each | ""
  ('*' , filterString , '*' match: each)
  or: ['*' , filterString , '*'
  match: (self translator translate: each)]]].
+ ^ translations := allTranslations asSortedCollection asArray!
- ^ translations _ allTranslations asSortedCollection asArray!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LanguageEditor>>untranslated (in category 'accessing') -----
  "answer the translator's untranslated phrases"
  | all filterString |
  untranslated ifNotNil: [^ untranslated].
  all := self translator untranslated.
  filterString := self untranslatedFilter.
  filterString isEmpty
  ifFalse: [all := all
  select: [:each | ""
  ('*' , filterString , '*' match: each)
  or: ['*' , filterString , '*'
  match: (self translator translate: each)]]].
+ ^ untranslated := all asSortedCollection asArray!
- ^ untranslated _ all asSortedCollection asArray!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Locale class>>localeChangedListeners (in category 'notification') -----
+ ^LocaleChangeListeners ifNil: [LocaleChangeListeners := OrderedCollection new]!
- ^LocaleChangeListeners ifNil: [LocaleChangeListeners _ OrderedCollection new]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Locale class>>migrateSystem (in category 'private') -----
  "Locale migrateSystem"
  "Do all the necessary operations to switch to the new Locale environment."
+ LocaleChangeListeners := nil.
- LocaleChangeListeners _ nil.
  addLocalChangedListener: HandMorph;
  addLocalChangedListener: Clipboard;
  addLocalChangedListener: Vocabulary;
  addLocalChangedListener: PartsBin;
  addLocalChangedListener: Project;
  addLocalChangedListener: PaintBoxMorph;

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Locale class>>switchTo:gently: (in category 'accessing') -----
  switchTo: locale gently: gentlyFlag
  "Locale switchTo: (Locale isoLanguage: 'de')"
  | availableID |
  availableID := (NaturalLanguageTranslator availableForLocaleID: locale localeID) localeID.
  Current localeID = availableID
+ ifFalse: [Previous := Current.
- ifFalse: [Previous _ Current.
  CurrentPlatform := Current := Locale localeID: availableID.
  NaturalLanguageTranslator localeChanged.
  gentlyFlag ifTrue: [self localeChangedGently] ifFalse: [self localeChanged]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LocaleID class>>posixName: (in category 'instance creation') -----
  posixName: aString
  ^ self
+ isoString: (aString copyReplaceAll: ':=' with: '-')!
- isoString: (aString copyReplaceAll: '_' with: '-')!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LocaleID>>posixName (in category 'printing') -----
  "(LocaleID isoString: 'es-MX') posixName"
  "(LocaleID isoString: 'es') posixName"
  ^ self isoCountry
  ifNil: [self isoLanguage]
+ ifNotNil: [self isoLanguage , ':=' , self isoCountry]!
- ifNotNil: [self isoLanguage , '_' , self isoCountry]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>fileName: (in category 'public') -----
  fileName: path
+ fileName := path!
- fileName _ path!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>hashPjw: (in category 'experimental') -----
  hashPjw: aString
  "So called `hashpjw' function by P.J. Weinberger
      [see Aho/Sethi/Ullman, COMPILERS: Principles, Techniques and Tools,
      1986, 1987 Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.] "
  | stringSize hash g |
+ stringSize := aString size.
+ hash := 0.
- stringSize _ aString size.
- hash _ 0.
  1 to: stringSize do: [:pos |
+ hash := hash bitShift: 4.
+ hash := hash + ((aString at: pos) asInteger).
+ g := hash bitAnd: 16rF0000000.
- hash _ hash bitShift: 4.
- hash _ hash + ((aString at: pos) asInteger).
- g _ hash bitAnd: 16rF0000000.
  g = 0 ifFalse: [
+ hash := hash  bitXor: (g bitShift: -24).
+ hash := hash bitXor: g.
- hash _ hash  bitXor: (g bitShift: -24).
- hash _ hash bitXor: g.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>load1:localeID: (in category 'experimental') -----
  load1: aFileName localeID: id
  all of strings are loaded.
  translation strings are converted to Squeak format on load time.
  original-string/index pairs are registerd to Dictionary on load time.
  hash search can't be used"
  | strm originalTable translatedTable |
+ localeID := id.
- localeID _ id.
  strm_ FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aFileName.
+ fileName := aFileName.
- fileName _ aFileName.
  self loadHeader: strm.
+ originalTable := self loadStringPointers: strm
- originalTable _ self loadStringPointers: strm
  offset: originalTableOffset.
+ originalStrings := self loadStrings: strm
- originalStrings _ self loadStrings: strm
  pointers: originalTable.
+ translatedTable := self loadStringPointers: strm
- translatedTable _ self loadStringPointers: strm
  offset: translatedTableOffset.
+ translatedStrings := self loadStrings: strm
- translatedStrings _ self loadStrings: strm
  pointers: translatedTable
  encoding: 'utf8'
  languageEnvironment: (Locale localeID: localeID) languageEnvironment .
+ translations := Dictionary new.
- translations _ Dictionary new.
  1 to: nStrings do: [:index |
  | key |
+ key := originalStrings at: index.
- key _ originalStrings at: index.
  translations at: key put: index.
+ originalTable := nil.
- originalTable _ nil.
  ] ensure: [strm close].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>load4:localeID: (in category 'experimental') -----
  load4: aFileName localeID: id
  all of strings are loaded.
  loading and conversion of translation strings to Squeak format is executed on initialization time.
  only hash search can be used"
  | strm originalTable translatedTable |
+ localeID := id.
- localeID _ id.
  strm_ FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aFileName.
+ fileName := aFileName.
- fileName _ aFileName.
  self loadHeader: strm.
  self loadHashTable: strm.
+ originalTable := self loadStringPointers: strm
- originalTable _ self loadStringPointers: strm
  offset: originalTableOffset.
+ originalStrings := self loadStrings: strm
- originalStrings _ self loadStrings: strm
  pointers: originalTable.
+ translatedTable := self loadStringPointers: strm
- translatedTable _ self loadStringPointers: strm
  offset: translatedTableOffset.
+ translatedStrings := self loadStrings: strm
- translatedStrings _ self loadStrings: strm
  pointers: translatedTable
  encoding: 'utf-8'
  languageEnvironment: (Locale localeID: localeID) languageEnvironment .
  ] ensure: [strm close].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>load:localeID: (in category 'public') -----
  load: aFileName localeID: id
  "all of original/translated strings are loaded.
  but conversion of translation string (in utf-8 bytestring) to Squeak format will be defered.
  original-string/index pairs are registerd to Dictionary on load time.
  hash search can't be used"
  | strm originalTable translatedTable |
+ localeID := id.
- localeID _ id.
  strm_ FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aFileName.
+ fileName := aFileName.
- fileName _ aFileName.
  self loadHeader: strm.
+ originalTable := self loadStringPointers: strm
- originalTable _ self loadStringPointers: strm
  offset: originalTableOffset.
+ originalStrings := self loadStrings: strm
- originalStrings _ self loadStrings: strm
  pointers: originalTable.
+ translatedTable := self loadStringPointers: strm
- translatedTable _ self loadStringPointers: strm
  offset: translatedTableOffset.
+ translatedStrings := self loadStrings: strm
- translatedStrings _ self loadStrings: strm
  pointers: translatedTable.
+ translations := Dictionary new: nStrings * 2.  "make too enough room to avoid #grow"
- translations _ Dictionary new: nStrings * 2.  "make too enough room to avoid #grow"
  1 to: nStrings do: [:index |
  | key |
+ key := originalStrings at: index.
- key _ originalStrings at: index.
  translations at: key put: index.
+ originalStrings := nil.
- originalStrings _ nil.
  ] ensure: [strm close].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>loadHashTable: (in category 'experimental') -----
  loadHashTable: strm
  | entry |
+ hashTable := IntegerArray  ofSize: hashTableSize.
- hashTable _ IntegerArray  ofSize: hashTableSize.
  strm binary.
  strm position: hashTableOffset.
  1 to: hashTableSize do: [:index |
+ entry := self nextInt32From: strm.
- entry _ self nextInt32From: strm.
  hashTable at:  index put: entry.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>loadHeader: (in category 'private') -----
  loadHeader: strm
  strm binary.
+ magic :=  strm uint32.
- magic _  strm uint32.
  magic = 16rDE120495
+ ifTrue: [isLittleEndian := true]
- ifTrue: [isLittleEndian _ true]
  ifFalse: [
  magic = 16r950412DE
+ ifTrue: [isLittleEndian := false]
- ifTrue: [isLittleEndian _ false]
  ifFalse: [ self error: 'invalid MO']
+ revision := self nextInt32From: strm.
+ nStrings := self nextInt32From: strm.
+ originalTableOffset := self nextInt32From: strm.
+ translatedTableOffset := self nextInt32From: strm.
+ hashTableSize := self nextInt32From: strm.
+ hashTableOffset := self nextInt32From: strm.
- revision _ self nextInt32From: strm.
- nStrings _ self nextInt32From: strm.
- originalTableOffset _ self nextInt32From: strm.
- translatedTableOffset _ self nextInt32From: strm.
- hashTableSize _ self nextInt32From: strm.
- hashTableOffset _ self nextInt32From: strm.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>loadString:pointer:length: (in category 'private') -----
  loadString: strm pointer: top  length: len
  | str |
+ str := ByteString new: len.
- str _ ByteString new: len.
  strm position:  top.
  strm nextInto: str.
  ^str replaceAll: Lf with: Cr.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>loadStringPointers:offset: (in category 'private') -----
  loadStringPointers: strm offset: tableOffset
  "returns tupple {arrayOfOffsetToString  arrayOfLengthOfString}"
  | offsetTable lenTable len offset tupple |
+ offsetTable := IntegerArray new: nStrings.
+ lenTable := IntegerArray new: nStrings.
- offsetTable _ IntegerArray new: nStrings.
- lenTable _ IntegerArray new: nStrings.
  strm binary.
  strm position: tableOffset.
  1 to: nStrings do: [:index |
+ len := self nextInt32From: strm.
+ offset := self nextInt32From: strm.
- len _ self nextInt32From: strm.
- offset _ self nextInt32From: strm.
  offsetTable at: index put: offset.
  lenTable at: index put: len.
+ tupple := Array new: 2.
- tupple _ Array new: 2.
  tupple at: 1 put: offsetTable.
  tupple at: 2 put:  lenTable.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>loadStrings:pointers:encoding:languageEnvironment: (in category 'private') -----
  loadStrings: strm pointers: tupple encoding: encodingName languageEnvironment: env
  | strings rawStr str offsetTable lenTable |
+ offsetTable :=  tupple first.
+ lenTable := tupple second.
+ strings := Array new: nStrings.
- offsetTable _  tupple first.
- lenTable _ tupple second.
- strings _ Array new: nStrings.
  1 to: nStrings do: [:index |
+ rawStr := self loadString: strm
- rawStr _ self loadString: strm
  pointer:  (offsetTable at: index)
  length: (lenTable at: index).
+ str := encodingName isNil ifTrue: [rawStr]
- str _ encodingName isNil ifTrue: [rawStr]
  ifFalse: [ encodingName = 'utf8'
  ifTrue: [rawStr utf8ToSqueak applyLanguageInfomation: env]
  ifFalse: [self error: 'this encoding isn''t supported']
  strings at: index put: str.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>searchByDictionary: (in category 'public') -----
  searchByDictionary: aString
  | index |
+ index := translations at: aString ifAbsent: [^nil].
- index _ translations at: aString ifAbsent: [^nil].
  ^self translatedString: index

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>searchByHash: (in category 'experimental') -----
  searchByHash: aString
  | hashValue nstr index incr key |
+ hashValue :=  self hashPjw: aString.
+ incr := 1 + (hashValue \\ (hashTableSize -2)).
+ index := (hashValue \\ hashTableSize) .
+ [ nstr := (hashTable at: index +1 ).
- hashValue _  self hashPjw: aString.
- incr _ 1 + (hashValue \\ (hashTableSize -2)).
- index _ (hashValue \\ hashTableSize) .
- [ nstr _ (hashTable at: index +1 ).
  nstr = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
+ key := self originalString: nstr.
- key _ self originalString: nstr.
  key = aString ifTrue: [^self translatedString: nstr].
  index >= (hashTableSize - incr)
+ ifTrue: [index := index - (hashTableSize - incr)  ]
+ ifFalse:[index := index + incr].
- ifTrue: [index _ index - (hashTableSize - incr)  ]
- ifFalse:[index _ index + incr].
  ] doWhileTrue: true.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>translateByHash: (in category 'experimental') -----
  translateByHash: aString
  | trans |
+ trans := self searchByHash: aString.
- trans _ self searchByHash: aString.
  trans isNil ifTrue: [^aString]
  ifFalse: [^trans].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MOFile>>translatedString: (in category 'private') -----
  translatedString: index
  "KNOWN PROBLEM: conversion is executed everytimes this method called"
  | str |
+ str := translatedStrings at: index.
- str _ translatedStrings at: index.
  ^str utf8ToSqueak applyLanguageInfomation: (Locale localeID: localeID) languageEnvironment.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NaturalLanguageFormTranslator class>>loadFormsFrom: (in category 'i/o') -----
  loadFormsFrom: aStream
  | rr pair inst |
+ rr := ReferenceStream on: aStream.
+ pair := rr next.
+ inst := self localeID: (LocaleID isoString: pair first).
- rr _ ReferenceStream on: aStream.
- pair _ rr next.
- inst _ self localeID: (LocaleID isoString: pair first).
  pair second associationsDo: [:assoc |
  inst name: assoc key form: assoc value.
  ^ inst.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NaturalLanguageFormTranslator>>saveFormsOn: (in category 'i/o') -----
  saveFormsOn: aStream
  | rr |
+ rr := ReferenceStream on: aStream.
- rr _ ReferenceStream on: aStream.
  rr nextPut: {id isoString. generics}.
  rr close.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: NaturalLanguageTranslator class>>translateWithoutLoading:toLocaleID:inDomain: (in category 'translation') -----
  translateWithoutLoading: aString toLocaleID: localeID inDomain: aDomainName
  "try to translate with small footprint:
  if GetTextTranslator hasn't loaded MO, try to use InternalTranslator.
  if InternalTranslator isn't available, then actually load MO and use it"
  | translator |
+ translator := self availableForLocaleID: localeID.
- translator _ self availableForLocaleID: localeID.
  (translator isDomainLoaded: aDomainName) ifFalse: [
  (InternalTranslator availableLanguageLocaleIDs includes: localeID)
+ ifTrue:  [translator := InternalTranslator localeID: localeID].
- ifTrue:  [translator _ InternalTranslator localeID: localeID].
  ^translator translate: aString inDomain: aDomainName!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: String>>translatedIfCorresponds (in category '*gettext') -----
  "answer the receiver translated to the default language only if
+ the receiver begins and ends with an underscore (:=)"
+ ^ (':=*:=' match: self)
- the receiver begins and ends with an underscore (_)"
- ^ ('_*_' match: self)
  ifTrue: [(self copyFrom: 2 to: self size - 1) translated]
  ifFalse: [self]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TranslatedReceiverFinder>>stringReceiversWithContext (in category 'accessing') -----
  | mrs results rr cls mn t o |
+ mrs := SystemNavigation default allCallsOn: #translated.
+ results := OrderedCollection new.
- mrs _ SystemNavigation default allCallsOn: #translated.
- results _ OrderedCollection new.
  mrs do: [:mr |
+ rr := OrderedCollection new.
+ cls := Smalltalk at: mr classSymbol.
- rr _ OrderedCollection new.
- cls _ Smalltalk at: mr classSymbol.
  rr add: cls category.
  rr add: mr classSymbol.
  rr add: mr methodSymbol.
  mr classIsMeta ifTrue: [
+ mn :=  cls class decompile: mr methodSymbol.
- mn _  cls class decompile: mr methodSymbol.
  ] ifFalse: [
+ mn := cls decompile: mr methodSymbol.
- mn _ cls decompile: mr methodSymbol.
+ o := OrderedCollection new.
+ t := Set new.
- o _ OrderedCollection new.
- t _ Set new.
  self searchMessageNode: mn addTo: t.
  t do: [ :te |
  (te receiver isMemberOf: LiteralNode) ifTrue: [
     o add: te receiver key.
  o ifNotEmpty: [
  rr add: o.
  results add: rr.
  ^ results.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TranslatedReceiverFinder>>stringReceiversWithContext: (in category 'accessing') -----
  stringReceiversWithContext: aSymbol
  "Find string receivers for a symbol.
  Answer a collection of aMethodReference -> {keyword. keyword...}"
  "self new stringReceiversWithContext: #translated"
  | keywords methodReferences |
+ methodReferences := SystemNavigation default allCallsOn: aSymbol.
- methodReferences _ SystemNavigation default allCallsOn: aSymbol.
  ^ methodReferences inject: OrderedCollection new into: [:list :next |
  keywords := self findWordsWith: aSymbol in: next.
  ifNotEmpty: [list add: next -> keywords].