Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of GetText to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: GetText-nice.36
Author: nice
Time: 1 May 2015, 1:40:18.364 am
UUID: 4b76e586-b5fb-4611-a82a-56ac5461f57d
Ancestors: GetText-kfr.35
Though it can't really be tested in current trunk image state (InternalTranslator is not initialized) , modernize the way to utf8+gzip+base64 encode...
This how how simpler the world could be without those Multi RW Binary or Text things, no need to send those reset/ascii/binary incantations.
=============== Diff against GetText-kfr.35 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: LanguageEditor>>codeSelectedTranslationAsMimeString (in category 'gui methods') -----
+ | keys code cont |
- | keys code tmpStream s2 gzs cont |
keys := selectedTranslations
collect: [:key | self translations at: key].
code := String
streamContents: [:aStream | self translator fileOutOn: aStream keys: keys withBOM: false].
- tmpStream := MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream on: ''.
- tmpStream converter: UTF8TextConverter new.
- tmpStream nextPutAll: code.
- s2 := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: ''.
- gzs := GZipWriteStream on: s2.
- tmpStream reset.
- gzs nextPutAll: (tmpStream binary contentsOfEntireFile asString) contents.
- gzs close.
- s2 reset.
cont := String streamContents: [:strm |
+ strm nextPutAll: '"UTF8+Gzip+Base64 encoded translation for;'; cr.
- strm nextPutAll: '"Gzip+Base64 encoded translation for;'; cr.
strm nextPutAll: '#('.
keys do: [:each | strm nextPutAll: '''', each, ''' '.].
strm nextPutAll: ')"'; cr; cr.
strm nextPutAll: 'NaturalLanguageTranslator loadForLocaleIsoString: '.
strm nextPut: $'.
strm nextPutAll: translator localeID isoString.
strm nextPut: $'.
strm nextPutAll: ' fromGzippedMimeLiteral: '.
strm nextPut: $'.
+ strm nextPutAll: code squeakToUtf8 asByteArray zipped base64Encoded.
- strm nextPutAll: (Base64MimeConverter mimeEncode: s2) contents.
strm nextPutAll: '''.'.
strm cr.
(StringHolder new contents: cont)
+ openLabel: 'exported codes in UTF8+Gzip+Base64 encoding' translated!
- openLabel: 'exported codes in Gzip+Base64 encoding' translated!