tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of GetText to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/GetText-tpr.46.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: GetText-tpr.46
Author: tpr
Time: 7 March 2018, 11:11:46.625662 am
UUID: 8f641159-afe3-4ccb-bfc5-cd080361d30a
Ancestors: GetText-mt.45
Convert usage of nasty old StandardFileMenu to gleaming new file dialogues
=============== Diff against GetText-mt.45 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: LanguageEditor>>getTextImportAFile (in category 'gui methods') -----
+ | fileName |
+ fileName := FileChooserDialog openOnSuffixList: { 'po' } label: 'Select a File:' translated.
+ fileName ifNil: [^self].
- | result |
- result := (StandardFileMenu new pattern: '*.po';
- oldFileFrom: (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: 'po')) startUpWithCaption: 'Select a File:' translated.
- result
- ifNil: [^ self].
withUnboundModelDo: [:trans | Cursor wait
showWhile: [GetTextImporter new
import: trans
+ fileNamed: fileName]]!
- fileNamed: (result directory fullNameFor: result name)]]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: LanguageEditor>>selectTranslationFileName (in category 'gui methods') -----
"answer a file with a translation"
+ | fileName |
+ fileName :=FileChooserDialog openOnSuffixList: { 'translation' } label: 'Select the file...' translated.
+ ^ fileName isNil
+ ifFalse: [fileName]!
- | file |
- file := (StandardFileMenu oldFileMenu: FileDirectory default withPattern: '*.translation')
- startUpWithCaption: 'Select the file...' translated.
- ^ file isNil
- ifFalse: [file directory fullNameFor: file name]!