The Trunk: GetText-ul.38.mcz

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The Trunk: GetText-ul.38.mcz

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of GetText to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: GetText-ul.38
Author: ul
Time: 28 July 2016, 6:04:51.67039 pm
UUID: 391f6add-8779-418e-aca7-8b3f282fd463
Ancestors: GetText-mt.37

- fixed two erroneous underscore conversions

=============== Diff against GetText-mt.37 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>dirNameCategory:translator: (in category 'exporting') -----
  dirNameCategory: category translator: translator
  "Answer a file name for the category. Make one if it is not exist yet.
  Make template file name if translator is nil"
  "self new dirNameCategory: 'Morphic-Scripting Support' translator:
  NaturalLanguageTranslator current"
  "self new dirNameCategory: 'Morphic-Scripting Support' translator: nil"
  | safeCategory fileName dirName pathName |
+ safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'.
- safeCategory := category copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: ':='.
  fileName := translator
  ifNil: [safeCategory , '.pot']
  ifNotNil: [translator localeID posixName , '.po'].
  dirName := (safeCategory findTokens: '-')
  inject: 'po'
  into: [:aString :next | aString , FileDirectory slash , next].
  pathName := dirName , FileDirectory slash , fileName.
  (FileDirectory default directoryNamed: dirName) assureExistence.
  ^ pathName!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: GetTextExporter>>exportBody:translator: (in category 'file out') -----
  exportBody: literals translator: translator
  "Export a gettext file body. literals is a dictionary of keyword ->
  #(MethodReference...) in the textDomain."
  "Build {sortKey. comment. msgid } to optimize sorting (getting category is
  too slow).
  If there are two or more methods for a mgsid, only first method
  (alphabetical) is used for sorting."
  | sorted msgid sortedMethods category sortKey comment triplets commentUnderLined |
  triplets := literals associations
  collect: [:assoc |
  msgid := assoc key.
  sortedMethods := assoc value asArray sort.
  category := (Smalltalk at: sortedMethods first classSymbol) category asString.
  sortKey := category , ',' , sortedMethods first printString , ',' , msgid.
  comment := (sortedMethods
  collect: [:each | each actualClass asString , '>>' , each methodSymbol asString])
  inject: category
  into: [:result :methodName | result , ',' , methodName].
+ "Replace white spaces to _ because gettext tool might
- "Replace white spaces to := because gettext tool might
  replace a space to a new line some times, and it makes
  difficult to take a diff."
+ commentUnderLined := comment copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '_'.
- commentUnderLined := comment copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: ':='.
  with: sortKey
  with: commentUnderLined
  with: msgid].
  "Sort and output the words"
  sorted := triplets
  sort: [:a :b | a first <= b first].
  do: [:triplet |
  comment := triplet second.
  msgid := triplet third.
  self exportRecordHeader: comment.
  exportPhrase: msgid
  translation: (self translationFor: msgid in: translator)]!